「歐開合唱團O-KAI SINGERS」 - TopicsExpress


「歐開合唱團O-KAI SINGERS」 第24屆金曲獎【評審團獎】【最佳演唱組合獎】【最佳原住民語專輯獎】 中華音樂人交流協會2012【年度十大專輯】 美國A Cappella界的葛萊美獎CARA 2012【最佳爵士專輯】 華語金曲獎2012【年度最佳組合】【年度最佳世界/民族音樂藝人】【年度封套設計】提名 簡介 「歐開合唱團」成軍兩個月即以黑馬之姿榮獲臺灣重唱大賽冠軍,之後更創下臺灣A Cappella界的紀錄 : 共獲臺灣及國際共23項大獎 (獲獎最多);多次受邀與The Swingle Singers、The Real Group、The Idea of North等世界最頂級的A Cappella天團同台演出;與多位葛萊美獎大師合作錄製首張專輯,榮獲美國A Cappella界的葛萊美獎 CARA【最佳爵士專輯】(臺灣首例) 及「中華音樂人交流協會」【年度十大專輯】;並打破金曲獎紀錄,首次發片即入圍金曲獎6項獎項【評審團獎】【最佳演唱組合獎】【最佳原住民語專輯獎】【最佳新人獎】【最佳專輯製作人獎】【最佳編曲人獎】,並榮獲第24屆金曲獎【評審團獎】【最佳演唱組合獎】【最佳原住民語專輯獎】三項大獎肯定 (評審團獎頒發七屆,四屆從缺,首次發片獲此獎更是史無前例)。 除了演唱之外,歐開更涉足跨界音樂的製作與編曲。為文建會作曲、編曲、製作、演唱的「咱的囝仔咱的歌」親子歌曲200多首,頗受好評。 在教學領域,歐開也沒有缺席,組團以來不斷受邀至各地校園巡演及教學,促成許多青年學子紛紛組團,進而獲國內外大獎。在一次大學音樂系的示範演出與講學後,團員旋即受邀至該校任教,開設臺灣第一個 A Cappella 專業學分課程,並常受邀擔任國際 A Cappella 大賽評審,如 : 臺灣現代阿卡貝拉大賽、臺灣國際重唱大賽、深圳衛視 The Sing-off 清唱團、香港無伴奏合唱比賽、中國首屆阿卡貝拉大賽、上海師大 A Cappella比賽...。 歐開的故事還沒寫完,現正積極籌備第二張專輯。 歐開合唱團得獎及演出紀錄: 2013年 與多位葛萊美獎大師合作錄製首張專輯,由角頭唱片公司發行。此專輯榮獲美國CARA(阿卡佩拉界的葛萊美獎)《最佳爵士專輯》及「中華音樂人交流協會」〈年度十大專輯〉。並獲第24屆金曲獎【評審團獎】【最佳演唱組合獎】【最佳原住民語專輯獎】及【最佳新人獎】 【最佳專輯製作人獎】 【最佳編曲人獎】提名。 --評審講評:『本年度「評審團獎」經過激烈討論,由歐開合唱團獲選,歐開合唱團展現聲線美學中,融合原民語言和A Cappella動人的合聲編寫與嶄新的律動旋律,為流行文化和演唱技巧開拓新的音樂語彙,精緻細膩的錄音不但深具流行與時代感,既讓人聲的情感更具穿透力,同時傳達原民文化傳承的寓意,是一張音樂內涵豐富、風格手法新穎,為臺灣流行樂界和風氣漸盛的阿卡貝拉樂界,賦予形式開創與革新典範。』 2012年 受邀於北京草莓音樂節、上海大劇院、上海文化廣場、深圳衛視 Sing-off 、臺北國家音樂廳、新加坡、加拿大、香港巡迴演出。 受邀與 A Cappella 始祖天團 The Swingle Singers 於臺北國家音樂廳同台演出。 2011年 與世界頂尖團體The Real Group於苗栗巨蛋體育館聯演。 2010年 受邀於上海大劇院、東莞玉蘭大劇院、無錫、常州...共6場巡迴演出與交流。 2009年 應僑委會之邀至北美巡迴演出16場。 受邀於上海東方藝術中心、上海音樂廳、上海師大、北京中國音樂學院、莆田、深圳、香港...共10場巡迴演出與交流。 2008年 參加ORTV合唱比賽,於全國131支隊伍中榮獲冠軍。 與世界頂尖團體The Idea Of North於國家音樂廳聯演。 與臺南藝術大學教授群於台北當代藝術館演出『南方樂浪2』《隱性時空》。 2007年 赴奧地利參加“Ward Swingle Award” 國際A Cappella大賽, 獲銀牌獎,並於Jazz組9支國際隊伍中榮獲季軍。 受著名的Guenther Theuring維也納大師班之邀擔任示範團隊。 受邀於上海東方藝術中心、交大EMBA、中歐EMBA、復旦大學…及多場巡迴演出。 2006年 參加臺灣國際重唱大賽,榮獲國內賽冠軍及最佳主唱、最佳中文演唱、最佳爵士演唱、最佳舞台呈現獎等多項大獎,並於國際賽10支隊伍中榮獲亞軍。 與胡乃元等名家合作,演出史唯亮、史擷詠父子採集、編曲之原住民史詩。 8月及11月受邀於國家音樂廳演出。 2005年 赴奧地利參加“Ward Swingle Award” 國際A Cappella大賽,榮獲銀牌獎及Gospel組季軍。 2004年 榮獲臺灣重唱大賽人聲樂團組冠軍,並獲最佳主唱、最佳舞台呈現獎及漢聲獎。 榮獲國家盃現代A Cappella歌唱大賽冠軍,並獲最佳主唱獎。 於荷蘭的合唱藝術節中演出。 Introduction of O-Kai Singers O-Kai Singers is an Aboriginal Taiwanese vocal group whose outstanding vocal ability has brought them immediate success. Only two months after its establishment they managed to take home first place in national category at the Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival. Since then, they have shattered records in the Taiwan a cappella scene, winning more than 20 different awards including category of “Best Jazz Album” with their first album for Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARAs), 3 awards for Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, 4 national champions, runners up at an international competition, and scoring third place twice in international competitions in Europe. While sharing the stage with top international groups including The Swingle Singers, The Real Group, and The Idea of North, they pushed the total number of performances to more than 600 within eight years. O-Kai Singers has astounded many musical professionals including the founder of Vienna Youth Choir, Günther Theuring, who said “even in professional groups coming from Vienna, we rarely can hear such perfect harmonies. O-Kai Singers was also invited by Vocal Jazz master, Phil Mattson, to perform at Carnegie Hall after watching their impressive performance. Aside from singing, O-Kai Singers also arranged and produced music in different genres. The Childrens songs albums from the Council of Cultural Affairs of Taiwan featured over 200 songs written, arranged, sung by O-Kai Singers. These albums have also been nominated for the Golden Melody Awards, the best-known music awards in Taiwan. O-Kai Singers has been active in the music education area as well. They held several workshops and tutorials nationally and internationally, inspiring and leading new vocal groups to win international awards. After a performance at National Tainan University of the Arts, one of the group members, Jia-Ching Lai, was invited to teach in the university, holding the first professional a cappella course in Taiwan history. Moreover, he was often invited as the judge in international competitions, such as Taiwan International A Cappella Competition, Taiwan Contemporary A Cappella Competition, The Sing-off China, Hong Kong A Cappella Competition, Shanghai A Cappella Competition, and the first A Cappella Competition in China. During the year 2012, O-Kai Singers’ album “O-Kai A Cappella” was published in collaboration with Grammy award winning musicians, such as the music director from Take 6 and the producer of Manhattan Transfer. This album was well received by the market and also, won the award of “Best Jazz album” for Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARAs). Now, O-Kai Singers is preparing for their 10th anniversary world tour and the second album for the coming year 2014. Awards and Achievements 2013 Winning in the category of “Best Jazz Album” for Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARAs)(USA). Winning 3 awards of “Best Group”, “Best Aboriginal Album”, and “Jury Award” for 24th Golden Melody Awards (Taiwan). Awarded “Ten Best Albums of 2012” by Chinese Musicians’ Association (Taiwan). Performed at Shanghai Strawberry Festival. 2012 Published first album “O-Kai A Cappella” Performed at The Beijing Strawberry Festival, Shanghai Grand Theater, and National Concert Hall in Taiwan. Performing with The Swingle Singers at the National Concert Hall in Taiwan. 2011 Performed alongside with The Real Group at the Miaoli Stadium in Taiwan. 2010 Performed at the Shanghai Grand Theater, Dongguan Yulan Theatre, WuXi, and ChangZhou on a 6-concert tour and held several workshops. 2009 Performed on a 16-concert tour in the United States held by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission of Taiwan. Invited to do a 10-concert tour in China. 2008 Won first prize out of 131 domestic groups at the ORTV choral competition. Shared the stage with The Idea of North at the National Concert Hall in Taiwan. Collaborated with professors of the National Tainan University of the Arts and performed Music Wave of the South - Invisible Times at the Taipei Contemporary Arts Center. 2007 Won third prize and Silver Diploma out of 9 international groups in the jazz category of the Ward Swingle Awards International A Cappella Competition in Austria. Invited to perform as demonstration group at the workshop of master conductor Günther Theuring of Vienna. Touring concerts at many university music departments, music director Jia-Ching Lai started working as an assistant professor at the National Tainan University of the Arts. Performed at the Eastern Arts Center in Shanghai China, ChiaoTung University EMBA, Mideast Europe University EMBA, and FuDan University. 2006 Won first prize, Best lead singer, Best Chinese Performance, Best Jazz Performance, and Best Stage Presence at the national competition of the Taiwan International A Cappella Festival, also scoring second place out of 10 international groups at the international competition. Performed twice at the National Concert Hall in Taiwan. 2005 Won third prize and Silver Diploma in the gospel category of the Ward Swingle Awards International A Cappella Competition in Austria. 2004 Won first prize, Best Lead Singer, Best Stage Presence, and Voice of Han award at the national competition of the Taiwan International A Cappella Festival. Won first prize and Best Lead Singer at the National Contemporary A Cappella Competition in Taiwan. Performed at a choral festival in Netherlands.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 06:25:28 +0000

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