目良 誠二郎 10時間前 · - TopicsExpress


目良 誠二郎 10時間前 · .. 共同通信などが報じているように、15日付の米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズは社説で、コイズミ元首相の原発ゼロの主張を取り上げ「日本は小泉氏の介入を歓迎し、原子力発電の将来に関する健全な議論を始めるべきだ」と論じています。 共同通信の記事に続き、ニューヨーク・タイムズの社説を冒頭の一部の拙訳を付して全文をアップします。 「米紙、小泉氏の脱原発主張を評価 『健全な論議を』」 2013/10/16 03:40 【共同通信】  【ニューヨーク共同】15日付の米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズは社説で、小泉純一郎元首相による原発ゼロの主張を取り上げ「日本は小泉氏の介入を歓迎し、原子力発電の将来に関する健全な議論を始めるべきだ」と訴えた。  東京電力福島第1原発事故後も健全な議論は行われていないと指摘。国会の事故調査委員会が「福島(の事故)は人災だったと結論づけたのに、国会での真剣な議論にはつながらなかった」と批判した。  社説はまた、小泉氏の「大胆で新しいスタンス」は、原発の再稼働や海外輸出を追求する安倍晋三首相に対する異議申し立てになると分析している。」 Editorial Fukushima Politics By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Published: October 14, 2013 “Zero nuclear plants.” With this recent call, Japan’s very popular former prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, is again in the limelight. His bold new stance challenges his protégé, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, whose policies would restart as many nuclear power plants as possible (now all shut down), and even promote the export of nuclear reactors. Mr. Koizumi deems the pursuit of nuclear power “aimless” and “irresponsible.” 「原発ゼロ」。この最近の主張で、日本の非常に人気のある元首相小泉純一郎がふたたび脚光を浴びている。小泉元首相の大胆で新たなスタンスは、弟子の安倍信三首相への異議申し立てである。安部首相は、現在すべて停止中の原発をできるだけ多く再稼働させ、さらには原発の輸出さえ促進しようとしているが、小泉氏は原子力を求め続けるのは「無駄」で「無責任」だとみなしているのだ。 Japan should welcome Mr. Koizumi’s intervention and begin a healthy debate on the future of nuclear power that has not occurred in the two and a half years since the Fukushima disaster. The Japanese Diet did conduct an independent investigation, which concluded Fukushima to be a man-made disaster. But the investigation did not lead to serious parliamentary debate. 日本は小泉氏の干渉を歓迎し、原子力の将来に関する健全な議論を始めるべきだ。そうした議論は福島の大惨事から2年半の間に生まれていない。日本の国会は独立した調査を実施し、福島の事故は人災だったという結論を下した。しかし、その調査は国会での真剣な議論にはつながらなかった。 Mr. Koizumi, whose change of views is startling, shows that there is quite a split on the issue in the political class. As a pro-growth prime minister from 2001 to 2006, he was an enthusiastic proponent of cheap and clean nuclear power. Now he declares that it is the most expensive form of energy, citing not only the many billions of dollars needed to clean up Fukushima but also the unknown cost and method of dealing with nuclear waste. He also criticizes the current government’s assumption that nuclear power is essential for economic growth. Ever the acute reader of political moods, Mr. Koizumi argues that a zero nuclear policy could be cause for a great social movement in a country still gripped by economic gloom after 15 years of deflation. In the wake of Fukushima, one would think that the Japanese government could not restart nuclear power reactors without firm public support. Not so. According to opinion polls, the majority of Japanese oppose nuclear power, even among supporters of the Abe government. A poll last week found that 76 percent of those surveyed said they did not think the Fukushima plant was “under control.” The government reckons the earthquake and tsunami that struck Fukushima is a once-in-a-thousand-year occurrence. Yet it also estimates that there is a 60 percent to 70 percent probability of a major earthquake and tsunami hitting the most densely populated coastline within the next 30 years. That coastline, dotted with nuclear power plants, reaches from Tokyo to the southern island of Kyushu. Prime Minister Abe has been stressing the need to shed the deflation mentality for Japan to lift itself out of economic stagnation. Japan can certainly do with a change in attitude. Mr. Koizumi makes a compelling argument that if the ruling Liberal Democratic Party were to announce a zero nuclear policy, “the nation could come together in the creation of a recyclable society unseen in the world,” and the public mood would rise in an instant.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:10:00 +0000

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