神賜福的十項宣告 THE TEN DECREES OF - TopicsExpress


神賜福的十項宣告 THE TEN DECREES OF BLESSING 祈安博士 DR. CHÉ AHN 神就賜福給他們,又對他們說:要生養眾多,遍滿地面,治理這地,也要 管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥,和地上各樣行動的活物。(創世記1:28) Text: Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” INTRO: Prophet Bob Hartley prophesied over me to make ten decrees over our church for 2014. He didn’t give me the ten decrees but as I prayed about this the Lord gave me the ten blessings to declare over you. First, let me share how much God wants to bless you! I. GOD DELIGHTS IN BLESSING HIS CHILDREN 神喜悅賜福祂的兒女 A. GOD BLESSED MAN AND WOMAN IN THE GARDEN 神在伊甸園中賜福亞當和夏娃 1. Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” 神就賜福給他們,又對他們說:要生養眾多,遍滿地面,治理這地, 也要管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥,和地上各樣行動的活物。(創世記 1:28) B. GOD BLESSED ABRAHAM AND SARAH 神賜福亞伯拉罕和撒拉 1. Gen 12:2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” 我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你,叫你的名為大;你也要叫別人 得福。3為你祝福的,我必賜福與他;那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他。地 上的萬族都要因你得福。(創世記12:2-3) II. THE BLESSINGS OF GOD IN THE NEW COVENANT 神在新約中的賜福 A. GOD’S BLESSING IS OUR INHERIANCE IN THE GOSPEL 神的賜福是我們在福音中的產業 1. Gal. 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), 14 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 基督既為我們受(原文是成)了咒詛,就贖出我們脫離律法的咒詛;因 為經上記著:凡掛在木頭上都是被咒詛的。這便叫亞伯拉罕的福, 因基督耶穌可以臨到外邦人,使我們因信得著所應許的聖靈。(加拉 太書3:13-14) 2. Gal 2:6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” 7 Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. 8 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” 9 So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. 正如亞伯拉罕信神,這就算為他的義。所以,你們要知道:那以信 為本的人,就是亞伯拉罕的子孫。並且聖經既然預先看明,神要叫 外邦人因信稱義,就早已傳福音給亞伯拉罕,說:萬國都必因你得 福。可見那以信為本的人和有信心的亞伯拉罕一同得福。(加拉太書 3:6-9) 3. Eph. 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ 願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父神!他在基督裡曾賜給我們天上各 樣屬靈的福氣 (以弗所書1:3) III. HOW TO RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS OF GOD 如何領受神的賜福 A. THE BLESSINGS OF GOD MUST BE RECEIVED BY FAITH. 必須憑信心領受神的賜福 B. THE BLESSINGS OF GOD SHOULD BE SPOKEN OVER YOU 必須對你說出神的賜福 1. God spoke His word, and the word created reality. 神的話語一說出,事情就成了。 2. Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 地是空虛混沌,淵面黑暗;神的靈運行在水面上。神說:要有光,就 有了光。(創 1:2-3) 3. Prov 18:21 LIFE AND DEATH IS IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE 生死在舌頭的權下 4. Mk 11:22-24 馬可福音 11:22-24 C. TEN DECREES OF BLESSING: 神賜福的十項宣告 As the spiritual father over HRC, I would like to decree God’s blessings over you today. So, receive His blessings by faith. “In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree over you and bless you with the following blessings: 1. I decree a blessing over you that God will grant you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God’s love so that you can love and worship God and love others. (Eph 1:17; 1 Jn 4:19) 我向你宣告以下的祝福:神必將那賜人智慧和啟示的靈賞給你,使你 真知道祂的愛,好讓你能夠愛神、敬拜神,也彼此相愛。(以弗所書 1:17;約翰一書 4:19)4 2. I decree a blessing over you that you will grow in the Grace by God by faith and that everything you do will be by the grace of God. 我向你宣告以下的祝福:你們因著信,必在神的恩典上有長進,凡你 所做的,都是蒙神的恩。(彼得後書 3:18; 使徒行傳 20:24) (2Pet. 3:18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. 在我們主─救主耶穌基督的恩典和知識上有長進。 (彼得後書 3:18) 我卻不以性命為念,也不看為寶貴,只要行完我的路程,成就我從主 耶穌所領受的職事,證明神恩惠的福音。(使徒行傳 20:24) 3. I decree a blessing over you that you will be full of the power of the Holy Spirit, be activated in the gifts of the Spirit and shift the spiritual atmosphere by His holy presence wherever you go. (Acts 1:8) 我向你宣告以下的祝福:你必滿有聖靈的能力,聖靈的恩賜被啟動, 不論你往哪裡去,因著 神聖潔的同在,都會轉化那地的屬靈空氣(使徒 行傳 1:8) 4. I decree a blessing over you that you will know who you are in Christ, that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, that you are holy and that you are God’s child called to reign in life. (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Jn 3:1) 我向你宣告以下的祝福:你必知道你在基督裡的身分,知道你在基督 裡面成為神的義,知道你是聖潔、是神的兒女,知道你蒙召要在生命 中作王(哥林多後書 5:17; 約翰一書 3:1) 5. I decree a blessing over you that you will be transformed from glory to glory into the image and character of Christ growing and demonstrating the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (2 Cor 3:18, Rom 8:29, Gal 5:22) 我向你宣告以下的祝福:你必更新變化,榮上加榮,效法基督的模樣 和性情,結出和顯明聖靈的果子。(哥林多後書 3:18; 羅馬書 8:29; 加拉 太書 5:22)5 6. I decree a blessing over you that you will be Kingdom minded and hearted, advance the Kingdom of God and fulfill the Great Commission with signs and wonders following. (Matt 28:18-20, Matt 6:33, Mk 16:17) 我向你宣告以下的祝福:你心裡必以神國為念,擴張神的國,完成大 使命並有神蹟奇事隨著(馬太福音 28:18-20; 馬太福音 6:33; 馬可福音 16:17) 7. I decree a blessing over you that God will heal you physically. That you will walk in divine health and personal wholeness in every area of your life (Acts 10:38, 3Jn 2) 我向你宣告以下的祝福:神必醫治你的身體。你必行在屬天的健康當 中,你生命的每一個領域都得到完全。(使徒行傳 10:38;約翰三書 2) 8. I decree a blessing over all your relationships beginning with your family and that your entire household will be saved. That God would bless your marriage, your children, your grandchildren and your friendships in His church and in the marketplace. (Acts 16:31) 我向你所有的人際關係宣告祝福,首先從你的家庭開始,我宣告:你 全家都必得救。我宣告:神必祝福你的婚姻、你的兒女、你的孫兒孫 女,神必祝福你在教會及職場中的友誼和人際關係。(Acts 16:31) 9. I decree a blessing over you to be led by His Spirit and His Word, that God will give you His wisdom so that you will know His will and His ways and that you will fulfill your prophetic destiny. (Jn 10:27) 我向你宣告以下的祝福:你必蒙神的靈和神的話語之引導,神必賜你 智慧,好讓你明白祂的旨意、祂的道路,好讓你的命定得以成就。(約 翰福音 10:27) 10. I decree a blessing over your finances, that He will give you the power to gain wealth and that you would prosper with the purpose of being generous with your finances and for you to be the head and not the tail in life. (Deut 28:11, 13, Deut 8:18) 我向你的財務宣告祝福:神必賜你得貨財的力量,神必使你昌盛亨通, 好讓你在財務上慷慨施捨,在職事上作首不作尾。(申命記 28:11, 13; 申命記 8:18)
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:28:25 +0000

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