答弟子問(四) Q & A Series: Section Four - TopicsExpress


答弟子問(四) Q & A Series: Section Four 1.在上班閒暇時,看法本、看佛學書或念咒,犯不犯偷盜戒? 答:不會的。看書的話,儘量多看高僧大德的傳記和前行引導文,看中觀或者因明等則未必對自相續有用。不想看書的話就多念金剛薩垛心咒或百字明。 Q 1: If I spend some spare time at work reading Buddhist books, reciting Dharma rituals or chanting mantras, does this kind of action break the vow of never stealing? A: No, it doesn’t. If you want to read, try to read biographies of eminent masters and The Words of My Perfect Teacher, as the knowledge of Mūlamadhyamakakārikā or Hetuvidya can do little help to our mind streams at the present. If you have no interest in reading, you can recite the mantra of Vajrasattva or the Hundred Syllable Mantra as more as possible. 2.有了一顆相對平靜穩定的心態後,怎麼修空性? 答:如果你先修四個外加行,修好後修五個內加行,之後再修空性的話就差不多。否則現在這樣和你說,你去修的的話是沒什麼太大的作用,一下子也說不清楚。 Q 2: How can I practice the state of emptiness if I am able to settle myself down in a rather peaceful and stable state? A: Only after you have accomplished the sequential practicing of the four external preliminaries and then the five internal preliminaries can you get the proper excess to the practice of emptiness. Otherwise, even if I can tell you the detailed information in its practice, your own practice of emptiness will make little difference, let alone the fact that emptiness is far from any possibility of a simple clarification. 3.聽說需要自己念誦40萬遍金剛薩陲心咒或10萬遍百字明去淸淨一切違犯誓言三昧耶戒,或自己念誦100萬遍阿彌陀佛聖號或40萬遍阿彌陀佛聖心咒求往生淨土。但對於一些未皈依或沒有時間的弟子丶可否恭請色登寺僧眾念誦獲得等同效果或成就? 答:不是這樣的。法王如意寶曾經說念誦阿彌陀佛名號可以往生極樂世界,這裡說的是要求自己本人念誦的而非請別人念。 Q 3: It is heard that one can purify all broken samaya through his personal recitation of the mantra of Vajrasattva for four hundred thousand times or the Hundred Syllable Mantra for ten hundred thousand times. It is also said that one can gain rebirth in the Pureland through his own chanting of the name of Buddha Amitabhva for one million times or the mantra of Buddha Amitabhva for four hundred thousand times. But as far as those people who haven’t taken refuge or enough time for the practices, can their request for the Sedeng Sangha to accomplish the recitation produce the same effects as their personal practice? A: No, it cannot be the same. The Dharmaraja His Wish-fulfilling Jewel confirmed that one can secure rebirth in the Pureland by the chanting of the name of Buddha Amitabhva, but this statement requires the chanting be accomplished by himself, rather than by others. 4.我聽到很多方法或活動非常利益眾生、但我覺得實在很多。但我想專心一項。請上師開示我應做那一項最能利益無量眾生? 答:這不是由我定的,你的根本上師是誰就由誰定。我個人認為能多念誦金剛薩垛心咒和普賢行願品,好好修持的話,臨終時可往生淨土。這僅是我個人的看法與建議,你可徵求你的根本上師的意見。 Q 4: I notice that there are many methods or actions which can bring benefits to other sentient beings, but to me they seem to be too numerous. All I want now is to focus myself simply on one item. Would you please tell me which one can enable me most capable of helping countless beings? A: This is not the matter I can decide. Please go to your root guru as you have identified. As far as I was concerned, a strenuous practice of the mantra of Vajrasattva and The Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva can assist your transference to the Pureland. But this is only my personal opinion and advice, and you can go to your root guru for guidance. 5.有個動物救助站,老鼠、蚊、螞蟻、蜘蛛、蝨子等等很多,義工都是無神論者,見蚊就打、買藥毒老鼠,怎麼才能讓這些小動物遠離,別讓大家都種上殺生的果報? 答:可以多灑壇城沙或者是加持過的米。 Q 5: In an animal shelter nearby, there are many little creatures such as mice, mosquitoes, ants, spiders and louses, who are hit and poisoned by the atheist volunteers. How can these creatures stay away from the hurt and clerks from the suffering of killing? A: It is advised to spray some mandala powder or blessed rice all over the shelter. 6.今年我開始修五加行,但由於有工作在身,下班後又要去照顧流浪狗,分不出太多的時間來修法。我想不再救助新的狗只,或者給別人養,是否可行? 答:也可以吧。如果你已經不是很樂意做了的話,再繼續,也沒什麼意義。 Q 6: I have decided to begin my practicing of the Five Internal Preliminaries, but I find myself always so occupied by work and looking after stray dogs after work that I cannot spare enough time to practice. So I want to stop my assistance for new dogs, or entrust them on others, is this arrangement permissible? A: Maybe yes. If you have lost your willingness in doing it, it makes little sense for you to struggle to carry on. 7.末學在工作中不得已收取感謝費,或者有因為幫助別人獲得額外收入,我絕大多數都是造佛像、經堂或放生。請問上師,在此事上,如何取捨因果才可確保清淨和如法? 答:首先你如果不是為了這些錢而故意這樣做的,然後如果能用這些錢放生或者佈施等等清淨地行善,那麼只會有善法的功德,不會有什麼惡業的。 Q 7: I always have to accept extra money as the token of gratitude during my work, or gain extra reward for my help, most of which I have spent rejoicing at crafting statues, building Dharma halls or relieving lives. Please tell me how I can make correct decisions about cause and effect so as to guarantee my actions pure and proper. A: If you are not intended to receive others’ money for money’s sake, and if you can use this money to carry out positive actions such as saving lives or practicing generosity, your accepting will only harvest merits owe to your positive actions, with no bad karma at all. 8. 末學因為感情、事業不順,所以把所誦經功德都回向給我累世累劫的冤親債主。有人說,在回向時如把功德回向給累世冤親債主,是擔心他們找你麻煩,然後就真的過來有找你麻煩的了。請問如何回向才能如法? 答:如果有人那樣說的話就不是佛法了,可能是外道了吧。三殊勝裡說該如何回向就如何回向。無始以來所有的眾生都曾做過我們的父母,我們都有父母親和兄弟姐妹的。有別人欠我們的,也有我們欠別人的,什麼樣的都有。 Q 8: I have an uneasy relationship and an unpromising career, so I always dedicate the merit of my practice to my past enemies and creditors accumulated in countless lives. But I was told that the reason I dedicate my merit to them is that I am so concerned with their making troubles for me that they will really come to make my life uneasy. Please tell me the proper way to dedicate the merit. A: If someone really has said such words, then they are simply not the true Dharma, but tirthakara. The Three Supreme Methods have clearly told us how to dedicate the merit. All sentient beings since the beginningless time have once been our parents, brothers and sisters, so we owe much to others, just as they owe much to us. 9. 本人持誦金剛經,某天忽然感到周圍氣場不對,有點害怕,嚇的當時立即中斷了,請問上師這是不是正常現象,還是我想多了? 答:想多了吧 Q 9: One day when I was reciting the Vajracchedika Prajna Paramita Sutra, I suddenly felt some kind of uncomfortable aura around me. I was so scared that I immediately stopped my practice. Is this a normal phenomenon, or simply I have thought too much of it? A: You may have thought too much. 10. 持誦各種經咒時,是不是只要發菩提心,不管是默念還是出聲念,效果一樣?還是有的經咒必須出聲念才能利益眾生?有人說持誦《地藏經》時必須出聲念。 答:以三殊勝攝持,念誦時每個字都念清楚的話是一樣的。 Q 10: Is it the same to chant mantras in silence or aloud, as long as the chanting is enhanced with Bodhicitta? Is there any mantras which should be recited aloud to bring benefits to others? It is said that The Kishtigarbha Sutra must be read aloud. A: All chanting should be enhanced with the Three Supreme Methods, with every syllable clearly pronounced. If you can match this standard, chanting in silence or aloud makes little difference.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 15:45:27 +0000

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