親愛的朋友: - TopicsExpress


親愛的朋友: 日前接受北一女傑出校友專訪,實在是令我受寵若驚,北一女中人才濟濟,無論在國內或國際上,校友們都有相當卓越的成就與貢獻,能被重視,我想自己應該還是沾了“音樂”之光。 人與人之間,有一份連結,就有一份溫暖,盼望日後多能「以樂會校友」,讓音樂的正能量滋養人心。 今天正逢北一女建校111年校慶,衷心祝福母校:生日快樂 ! Dear Friends: Interviewed recently by the alumnae magazine as an outstanding alumna,I feel truly flattered. Within and without Taiwan, Taipei First Girls High School has groomed so many alumnae to contribute to the societies wherever they are. As for me, I think the luck of being interviewed benefits greatly from my association with music. Between people, friendships often and simply come from contacts and links. I sincerely hope to meet more of my fellow alumnae through music of which the positive energy would further nurture humanity. Today is the 111th birthday of Taipei First Girls High School. I say to the beloved alma mater Happy Birthday!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:49:45 +0000

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