講完中文,我地又睇下英文, - TopicsExpress


講完中文,我地又睇下英文, 所謂的1800美元事件。 New York Time OCT. 20, 2014 ‘Mr. Leung said that if “you look at the meaning of the words ‘broadly representative,’ it’s not numeric representation.” “You have to take care of all the sectors in Hong Kong as much as you can,” he said, “and if it’s entirely a numbers game and numeric representation, then obviously you would be talking to half of the people in Hong Kong who earn less than $1,800 a month.” “Then you would end up with that kind of politics and policies,” he continued.’ My read of this statement is that Leung said that the “broadly representative” is not purely numeric representation. It is different from the simple “majority rules” kind of democracy. Which is in fact is similar to the US Senate election, where each state has two seats regardless of population size. What Mr. Leung said is that “if” it’s entirely a numbers game and numeric representation, then ”obviously you would be talking to half of the people in Hong Kong who earn less than $1,800 a month“ (only). I do not see him as excluding these people but rather stating the government should not ONLY deal with the interest of these people. And I surely think any sensible politician will agree with the fact that a government should not be dealing with the interest of only the majority. The whole moral ground of democracy is on equality and the fundamental attribute of equality is mutual respect. So democracy is not just a “majority rules” but rather a system that satisfied the majorities views but at the same time protect the interest of the minority. Otherwise it becomes the “tyranny of the majority”. So what Leung is saying is that by having “broadly representative” in the nomination committee the CE need to consider the interest of ALL parties, including the business, religion, education etc and not just a simple majority. 不過我也覺得梁振英今次的回答差強人意。其實佢可以講的一喺再簡單啲,唔舉1800美金的例子,一喺講多的,徹底解釋清楚”廣泛代表性“。而家咁樣容易俾人誤會或者借題發揮。 但喺海偉同喜華又唔使暴跳如雷啊。發爛渣呢啲嘢留俾張超雄做啦。梁振英冇講過唔俾窮人選舉,只喺話不能夠政策過分傾斜,而要均衡參與,定喺我英文差呢?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:02:04 +0000

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