••-------------------- DANGERS IN THE HOME - TopicsExpress


••-------------------- DANGERS IN THE HOME ---------------------•• by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid EVIL THINGS IN THE HOME Advice No. 3: •Beware of the dangers of having (male) drivers and (female) servants in the home.• Striving to ward off evil is a religious duty, and closing the doors of evil and fitnah (temptation) is one of the priorities of sharee’ah. A lot of fitnah and sin has come to us through servants and drivers, but many people do not pay attention to this, and if they do notice it, they do not take it seriously. A person may be stung repeatedly from the same place, but he does not feel the pain, or he may hear of a disaster that happened near his own home, but he does not learn from it. This stems from weak faith and the failure to feel that Allaah is near, failings that affect the hearts of many people in the modern age. We will briefly explain the bad effects of having servants and drivers in the home, so that it will be a reminder to the one who has the eyes to see or who wants to follow the right path in his own home. Having female servants in the home presents men, especially young ones, with fitnah and temptation, through their adornment and being alone with them. We hear so many stories, one after another, of some youth being led astray, and the reason for this is that the servant entered upon a young man, or a young man took advantage of the fact that no one else was home and entered upon the servant. Some young men have told their families frankly about what happened, and the families did not respond; in other cases the family may have discovered something, but their response was bereft of any sense of honour or jealousy. “O Yoosuf! Turn away from this! (O woman!) Ask forgiveness for your sin. Verily, you were of the sinful.” [Yoosuf 12:29 – interpretation of the meaning]. So the fire remains close to the fuel, and the situation is left as it is, with no changes being made. It has also happened that servants have taught misbehaviour to the daughters of the household. - The lady of the house neglects her duties and forgets her responsibilities, and becomes accustomed to being lazy, then when the servants travels things are very hard indeed for her. - The children receive a bad upbringing, represented by the following examples: The children learn the beliefs of kufr from kaafir servants, Christians and Buddhists.There have been children who make the sign of the cross on their heads and two sides of their chests, as they have seen a Christian woman doing when she prays, and she tells them, “This is something sweet from Christ.” Or a child may see a servant praying to a statue of Buddha, or another celebrating her people’s festivals and conveying to our children her feelings of joy, so they get used to taking part in festivals of kufr. The children are deprived of their mother’s love and care, which is an essential part of their upbringing and psychological stability. A servant cannot make up this lack for a child who is not hers. The child’s Arabic will be corrupted because it is mixed with foreign words, so he grows up lacking something, which will have an adverse effect on his education in school. Some heads of households feel the financial strain of paying salaries for drivers and servants. Then there are the family disputes that arise over who should pay these salaries, especially in cases where the wife is employed. If the wife would stay at home instead of working outside the home, she would spare herself a lot of trouble. The fact of the matter is that in many cases we create trouble for ourselves, then we demand a solution, and often the solution we come up with is far from decisive. Getting used to having servants has created dependency and negative character traits. Some women may include having a servant as a condition in their marriage contract; others may plan on bringing their family’s servant with them when they get married. Thus our daughters have lost the ability to deal independently with anything in the home, no matter how small it is. When women brought servants into their homes, they started to have a lot of free timeand did not know what to do with it. So some women began to sleep a lot, and some are never home because they are always going to gatherings where they gossip and backbite and waste their time. The result will be regret on the Day of Resurrection. - Harm comes to the members of the family in different ways, for example: 1- Witchcraft and magic, which can cause the separation of husband and wife, or cause physical harm. 2- Harm to the possessions of family members because of theft. 3- Damage to the family’s reputation. How many decent homes have been turned into dens of immorality and corruption in the absence of their owners. You must surely have heard of female servants who receive men when the homeowners are absent. More to be continued, Insha Allah!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 03:20:00 +0000

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