--------------TRAVEL LOG OF ROTA. DAY 2-------------- Today was - TopicsExpress


--------------TRAVEL LOG OF ROTA. DAY 2-------------- Today was mixed for me. It started out with waking up in the rest area of the Poke’center, Glick and Fleet already up and chatting with each other, other people, and their poke’mon. They were like a buddy cop movie, with Fleet asserting himself, and Glick cleaning up his messes a bit. Eventually, they found me awake, and we chatted for a bit…as much as people and poke’mon can at least. A lot of yes and no questions, mostly. We opted to continue on our journey, and it became awkward fast. Through all of our battles one route 4, it was clear that Noma was still in our thoughts. Fleet kept things light by picking up odds and ends, and being an odd duck, but it was clear he was only half in it. I forgot to mention, I was stopped by the big sister of the gym leader, and she gave me an experience share. I haven’t used it yet, but it is something to consider for the future. I fought all the trainers I could, and was stopped before the heart of Kalos, Lumiose City. Some flunkies of Professor Sycamore wanted to lead me to him, since he had some things he wanted to talk about. I agreed, and the city was HUGE. From the cobblestone roads, to the massive buildings, it all read a sort of class that I wasn’t used to. I followed one of the toadies to the lab, and took an elevator to the office of Sycamore. He had this air about him that commanded your attention, and he used it to be kind and thoughtful. We talked a bit about why he chose me to be one of the people to go on this journey, and it was apparently because of my mom. He heard she was moving here, and thought of how sad it was that the son of the Ryhorn racer would be away from all he knew. This journey is as much about me as it is about Dexter. He assed Dexter, saying I was off to a good start, and that’s when Serena and Shauna arrived. Sycamore then challenged me to a battle on the spot. This caught me and everyone else off guard, but I accepted. He pulled a surprise on me though. I sent Fleet out first, and his poke’mon was a Bulbasaur. I pressed on, Fleet doing his best against the Kanto starter, and he won. The next poke’mon he sent out was a Squirtle. I kept Fleet in for a little while, chipping it down, before switching to Glick. The Old V. New. It was a back and forth battle, neither really doing much, but Glick came out on top. He had one last poke’mon, and all but the people truly out of the know could say it with me. He sent out Charmander. I kept Glick in to take advantage of typing, and the poor little guy didn’t even last a round. After I won like Sycamore expected, he allowed the three of us to pick one of them for ourselves! Two starters in one region was unprecedented. It took little thought to pick Charmander as another member to my team. I named Him Veritas, for that has been my favorite name for any dragon-like creature for some time now. Veritas was a lonely sort, but strong willed. The gentle Glick welcomed him with open arms, minding his tail. Sycamore also gave me an object called ‘Charizardite Y’. Apparently, it is an item linked to a recent study of Mega Evolutions. He told us to go to Camphrier Town if we wanted to learn more. His last words to all five of us were that we should keep an open mind to others’ philosophies, and find our own definition of ‘Best Trainer” Weither that was finding the best dance moves, completeing the Poke’dex, or becoming the Elite Four Champion. I left before Shauna and Serena picked their poke’mon, picking up a TM and some Luxury balls from a scientist before I descended to the first floor. There was an odd-looking man there in a fancy suit, wanting to speak with what he called ‘the chosen ones’. He spoke to me, and his name was Lysandre. He mused on the fact that I had a Holo-Caster, a Technology that he developed himself, and stated to me that his purpose was to see the world become more Beautiful. A Nobel pursuit, I thought. After leaving the lab, Serena had me meet her at a café’ and we saw Lysandre again speaking to a movie star. His outlook on beauty took a dark turn when he said that he would rather wipe out the world than allow that beauty to fade. Once he was gone, Serena officially announced a competition between us, making us rivals. Tierno also called me out to route 5, where apparently poke’mon swarms were being seen. I didn’t see any, but Tierno wanted to fight. He had one poke’mon, a Corphish. I sent Fleet out to wreck him, sincethis was not Fleet’s first rodeo against a Corphish, and Tierno was an admittedly bad trainer. Tierno seemed to be particularly viscious that day, though, as he came at me with all his gusto. Despite Fleet’s best efforts, he was doing significant damage, and I considered switching out to Glick, but Fleet was having none of it. I had given hm the move ‘Return’ and he wanted to prove it was justified. Unfortunately, I now have one less human Friend, for what kind of friend makes your poke’mon…faint. Glick got revenge, but the damage was done. We travelled back to route 2 to release Fleet to the wild. On our way back, on route 3, a Fletchling crashed into me, and impulsively, I used a Net Ball to catch it. And it worked. I named the Female Fletchling Galria(Gale-ria) to highlight her speed, and tenacity. She was a Hasty sort, who loved to thrash around. Very high energy. It was little solace though. She couldn’t have picked a worse time to join. We travelled back to route 5, beating trianers, when I looked over in the Purple Flowers and saw something rustling. A Pancham burst out of the growth, and attacked us. I liked the little guys spunk, so I caught him with a Luxury Ball. This seemed to calm him down a lot, since Dexter told me he was a Docile nature. He did apparently have a quick temper, though, so that would explain a little bit.I named him Dove, after a favorite book character that I loved when I was younger. Dove was a Yanki(Yawn-key) who tried to use his power and gang for good, rather than greed. We trained more, myself vowing that no one on my team would suffer like that again, and we had some evolutions. Veritas evolved into Charmeleon, learning Dragon Rage in the process, Glick evolved into Frogadier, learning Water Pulse, and Galria evolved into Fletchinder, a Fire Flying type! She learned Ember with it, but the typing was interesting to me for a poke’mon that looked like an ordinary little bird. We all went to Camphrier town, nothing about Mega Evolutions to be had, but the PC system was run by a guy named Cassius there, and one of his workers gave me the Thief TM. I left town with Shauna, and there was evidently a sleeping Snorlax on a bridge outside of town. They sent us for the Poke’Flute on route 6 in a place called Parfum Palace. I went there, battling meager battles along the way, when I felt something call out to me. I wandered into tall grass bigger than myself, and found a Female Honedge. I felt compelled to reach out my hand, and it slammed its hilt into my palm, and wrapped its sash around my arm, attempting to stel my life force. I didn’t allow this to happen, and used pure force of will to overpower the Honedge. The Honedge respected this, and dug in my bag and found a Great ball, and captured itself. I named it Selena, for some reason.She is a Timid blade, but highly curious. After that encounter, we all trained more, and I went back to the hotel in Camphrier town to rest, and dictate this to Dexter for any future generation to enjoy. Tomorrow, we handle the Snorlax, and whatever comes after. Rota “The Gentleman” out. ------TRANSMISSION CEASED------
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:37:11 +0000

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