--- The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth --- The Spiritual - TopicsExpress


--- The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth --- The Spiritual Hierarchy serving the Earth is made up of Cosmic Beings, Angels, and Ascended Masters. Ascended Masters are individuals who have attained the Victory of the Ascension and are in Heaven (the upper Divine Octaves). The Brotherhood of Light, is made up of These Beings of Light, as well as Their unascended disciples (chelas) and adepts in the lower octaves (lower planes of matter). Divine Beings (Individualizations of God - THE ONE) have assisted the Earth since Archangel Michael led the coming of the First Root Race of the Sons and Daughters of God into Incarnation. This was a much more distant time before the fall of man and the later efforts by the Holy Kumaras in the founding of The Brotherhood of Light with the goal of awakening every person to the Divinity within themselves. Sanat Kumara and the other 6 Holy Kumaras established the headquarters of The Brotherhood of Light on the Earth millions of years ago at Shamballa, an island in the Gobi Sea (now the Gobi Desert). Various world religions were sponsored in different cultures and eras to focus the attention of the people of earth upon some aspect of Divine Reality. Branches of The Brotherhood of Light were established throughout the world under the old occult law for the furtherance of the Divine Plan in the various cultures and Root Races. Secret Societies or Mystery Schools had to be formed throughout history in order to convey higher Spiritual Teachings, which, if made public, could result in persecution or execution for going against established superstitions, doctrines, or dogmas. Although in previous eras, there had been a need for secrecy, this is no longer the case today. The setting aside of the occult law (which required secrecy, Secret Societies, and Mystery Schools) at the beginning of the 1930s was a world-wide action by The Spiritual Hierarchy responsible for the progress of the humanity upon this Earth. In the milestone book Unveiled Mysteries, there is a quote by Mighty Victory announcing a New Dispensation which set aside the occult law on December 31, 1930: ...Beloved children of Earth, you stand upon the Threshold of the Ages. Its door is being held open by the Great Ones of Love who ever invite you to walk consciously by their side in the — Light. No matter what the activities in the world without, walk with the Light and in the Light — regardless of appearances. Then, will you find a Master of the Light, who has trod this self same path before you, ever watches and stands by your side revealing the True Way. The Cycle changes and we enter a New Dispensation that brings with it a safer, more powerful, and yet rapid means by which the one climbing the Path to Attainment is enabled to hold Permanent Contact with the Great Cosmic Light. The establishment and expansion of the I AM Activity by Ascended Master Saint Germain through Guy and Edna Ballard in the 1930s led to the release in great detail of a number of Teachings that were believed to have not previously been known in such clarity and precision outside of the Masters Retreats and Temples or in secret societies and Mystery Schools sponsored by The Brotherhood of Light. In other words, occult law ended and this Spiritual Wisdom was now made freely available to all who cared to learn the True Nature of every man, woman, and child as Individualizations of the Most High Living God that have Incarnated into the lower matter planes, with the purpose of bringing forth the Perfection of God into these lower realms of matter, and eventually returning Permanently to God Victoriously in the Ascension. The Brotherhood of Light is composed of those Ascended Masters who have Arisen from our Earth into Immortality, and yet have said: We are not going on into Cosmic Heights and leaving our brothers and sisters on Earth behind. We will stay and assist. At this moment in Cosmic History, the Door is wide open. The Brotherhood of Light has been sponsoring the Release of the Spoken Word through conclaves, seminars, writings, books, and through personal discipleship and training. They are releasing the full Teachings that the Dispensations of Cosmic Law allows at the dawning of the Great Golden Age of Saint Germain. At this point, the Ascended Masters have had embodied Messengers giving forth Their Light, Radiation and direct Teachings for almost 100 years, and this continues to this very day for all who wish to study at the feet of These Great and Glorious Beings of Light and Wisdom. This Brotherhood of Light, or Sisterhood of Light, is a Spiritual Order of Hierarchy and an organization of Ascended Masters, Angels, and Cosmic Beings united for the Highest Service to God in all of Life. This Brotherhood and Sisterhood also includes Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Mother Teresa, and many Ascended Teachers of mankind, Members of the Heavenly Host such as Archangel Michael, and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the Spiritual Progress of our world, as well as certain unascended Students of the Light. The Brotherhood of Light is composed of Western Saints, Eastern adepts, and Ascended individuals from EVERY CULTURE AND RACE, who have reunited with the Spirit of the Living God and who comprise the Heavenly Hosts. They have transcended the cycles of karma and rebirth and Ascended (Accelerated and Arisen) into that Higher Reality which is the Eternal Abode of our Individual Divine Identity, our MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE. The Ascended Masters of The Brotherhood of Light, united for the highest purposes of the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God, have arisen in every age from EVERY RELIGION to inspire creative achievement in education, the arts and sciences, God-government and the abundant Life through the economies of the nations. Beloved Jesus described this Heavenly Order of Saints as being robed in white to his beloved disciple John in Revelation. --- The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth --- BELOVED SANAT KUMARA - Regent Lord of The World - Freedom and Mercy (Violet Flame) - Divine Love (Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Freedom, Love, Perfection - Retreat: Shamballa, the etheric retreat of Gautama Buddha is the ancient home of Sanat Kumara. The retreat, once physical on an island of the Gobi Sea, is now anchored in the etheric plane over the Gobi Desert. BELOVED LORD GAUTAMA BUDDHA - Lord of The World - Freedom and Mercy (Violet Flame) - Divine Illumination (Golden Yellow) - Divine Qualities: Freedom, Wisdom, Illumination - Retreat: Hierarch of Shamballa, the retreat of the Lord of the World and the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Light on earth. BELOVED LORD MAITREYA - Planetary Buddha - Cosmic Christ Illumination Flame (Golden Yellow) - Divine Love (Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Wisdom, Illumination, Divine Love, Service, Ministration - Retreat: Focus of Illumination in the Himalayan Mountains. THE BELOVED MAHA CHOHAN - Representative of the Holy Spirit Comfort Flame (White tinged with Pink) - Chohan of the Seven Rays - Divine Qualities: Power, Wisdom, Love, Purity, Healing, Service, Freedom - Retreat: Temple of Cosmic Comfort, an etheric retreat with a physical focus in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). BELOVED OURANOS - The Maha Elohim - Hierarch of the Elohim of the Seven Outer Rays & the Five Secret Rays - Divine Qualities: Power, Wisdom, Love, Purity, Healing, Service, Freedom, Responsibility, Authority, Sacrifice, Necessity, Constancy - Retreat: Domain of Eternal Life (The Kingdom of Heaven) - - - THE GREAT KARMIC BOARD - - - BELOVED GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR - Manu of the Seventh Root Race - Represents the First Ray on the Karmic Board - Divine Qualities: Divine Direction, God-Power - Retreat: The Cave of Light in the Himalayan Mountains in India and the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, Romania. BELOVED GODDESS OF LIBERTY - Spokesperson for the Karmic Board - Represents the Second Ray on the Karmic Board - Divine Qualities: Liberty, Freedom, Illumination - Retreat: Temple of the Sun, Manhattan Island, New York BELOVED NADA - Chohan of the Sixth Ray - Represents the Third Ray on the Karmic Board - Divine Qualities: Love, Peace, Ministration, Service - Retreat: Arabian Retreat in the Arabian Desert (northeast of the Red Sea). BELOVED PALLAS ATHENA - The Goddess of Truth - Represents the Fourth Ray on the Karmic Board - Serving directly under Vesta, She focuses the God Consciousness of Truth to the Earth. - Twin Flame of The Maha Chohan, the Representative of The Holy Spirit - Retreat: Pallas Athena ministers to mankind from the Temple of Truth above the Island of Crete. BELOVED CYCLOPEA - Elohim of the Fifth Ray - Represents the Fifth Ray on the Karmic Board - Divine Qualities: Truth, Healing, Science - Retreat: The retreat of Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia is in the Altai Range where China, Siberia, and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo. BELOVED KWAN YIN - The Goddess of Mercy - The Goddess of Compassion - Represents the Sixth Ray on the Karmic Board - Divine Qualities: Mercy, Forgiveness, Compassion - Kwan Yin held the Office of Chohan of the Seventh Ray for two thousand years until Saint Germain assumed that office in the late 1700s. - Retreat: Beloved Kwan Yins retreat, The Temple of Mercy is located in the etheric plane over Beijing (Peking), China. BELOVED PORTIA - The Goddess of Justice - The Goddess of Opportunity - Represents the Seventh Ray on the Karmic Board - Maintains the Flame of Cosmic Justice - Twin Flame of Beloved Saint Germain - Retreat: Portia and Saint Germain have a retreat over Ghana, Africa. This is an important focus, where Portia focuses the Flame of Divine Justice. - - - THE WORLD TEACHERS - - - BELOVED JESUS - World Teacher - Cosmic Christ Sixth Ray (Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Wisdom, Illumination, Divine Love -Retreat: Arabian Retreat in the Arabian Desert (northeast of the Red Sea). BELOVED KUTHUMI - World Teacher - Second Ray (Golden Yellow Ray) - Divine Qualities: Wisdom, Illumination, Divine Love - Retreat: Hierarch of the Temple of Wisdom, Kashmir, India. This retreat is also called the Temple of Illumination and the Cathedral of Nature. It is located in the etheric realm over the hills of Kashmir. - - - THE MANUS OF THE ROOT RACES - - - BELOVED LORD HIMALAYA - Manu of the Fourth Root Race - Holds the focus of the Masculine Ray of God to Earth - Retreat: The Temple of the Blue Lotus in the Himalayan Mountains BELOVED VAIVASVATA - Manu of the Fifth Root Race - Retreat: Located in the Himalayan Mountains BELOVED GOD MERU - Manu of the Sixth Root Race - Holds the Focus of the Feminine Ray of God to Earth - Retreat: Lake Titicaca, in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia BELOVED GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR - Manu of the Seventh Root Race - Represents the First Ray on the Karmic Board - Divine Qualities: Divine Direction, God-Power - Retreat: The Cave of Light in the Himalayan Mountains in India and the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, Romania. - - - THE CHOHANS OF THE RAYS - - - A Chohan is an Ascended Master that focuses the Christ Consciousness of one of the Twelve Rays of Gods Manifestation, becoming the Law of the Ray and governing Its use in man. A Lord or Master; a high Adept; an Initiate who has taken more Initiations than the five major Initiations, which make man a Master of the Wisdom. In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky described the Chohans as Seven Mighty Beings who, having passed the Sixth Initiation, have the Power to focus within Themselves the Ray-Streams or Attributes of Logoic Consciousness The Twelve Chohans of the Rays are Ascended Masters representing the Attributes of the Solar Logos and the God Qualities of each Ray to Earths evolutions. Their Hierarch is The Maha Chohan (The Great Lord) who also is entrusted with the distribution to all of Nature of the Electronic Force of the Outpouring of Life in the Five Secret Rays (also known as the Five Pranas, Breaths, Elements). BELOVED EL MORYA - Chohan of the First Ray (Blue Ray) - Divine Qualities: Faith, Protection, Gods Will - Retreat: Retreat of Gods Will in Darjeeling, India. BELOVED LORD LANTO - Chohan of the Second Ray (Golden Yellow Ray) - Divine Qualities: Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy - Retreat: Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton Mountains, U.S.A. BELOVED PAUL THE VENETIAN - Chohan of the Third Ray (Pink Ray - Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Love, Adoration, Gratitude - Retreat: Château de Liberté in southern France. BELOVED SERAPIS BEY - Chohan of the Fourth Ray (White Ray - Ascension Flame) - Divine Qualities: Purity, Harmony, Poise - Retreat: Retreat and Temple of the Ascension in Luxor, Egypt. BELOVED HILARION - Chohan of the Fifth Ray (Green Ray) - Divine Qualities: Truth, Healing, Science - Retreat: Temple of Truth above the Island of Crete, Greece BELOVED NADA - Chohan of the Sixth Ray (Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Love, Peace, Ministration, Service - Retreat: Arabian Retreat in the Arabian Desert (northeast of the Red Sea). BELOVED SAINT GERMAIN - Chohan of the Seventh Ray (Violet Ray) - Hierarch of the Aquarian Age - Knight Commander of The Torch Bearers of The Temple and of All Lightbearers - Divine Qualities: Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation - Retreats: Cave of Symbols in Table Mountain, Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming; and the Great Divine Directors Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, Romania. BELOVED GODDESS OF LIGHT - Chohan of the First Secret Ray (Crystal Clear Ray) - Divine Qualities: Responsibility, Victory, Royalty, Nobility - Retreat: The Shrine of Glory, in the Andes Mountains. BELOVED LANELLO - Chohan of the Second Secret Ray (Peach Ray) - Divine Qualities: Authority, Hierarchy, Capability, Obedience, Dominion - Retreat: On the inner planes at Bingen, on the Rhine River in Germany. BELOVED ROSE OF LIGHT - Chohan of the Third Secret Ray (Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Sacrifice, Self-Reliance, Fruitfulness, Giving All of Oneself BELOVED LETO - Chohan of the Fourth Secret Ray (Aquamarine Ray) - Divine Qualities: Necessity, Resourceful, Resoluteness - Retreat: Retreat of the Master of Paris. An etheric retreat located over the Île de la Cité, which is the island in the Seine in the very heart of Paris, France. BELOVED GOD TABOR - Chohan of the Fifth Secret Ray (Blue Turquoise Ray) - Divine Qualities: Constancy, Practicality, Changelessness, Rhythmic Regularity - Retreat: In the Rocky Mountains - - - THE ARCHANGELS - - - Archangels are Angels that have passed certain Initiations and gained the Attainment of this rank in the Hierarchy of the Angelic Hosts. The Attributes of the Solar Consciousness and God Consciousness of each of the Twelve Rays to the Earths evolutions are represented by an Archangel and Their Divine Complement, an Archeia. BELOVED MICHAEL and BELOVED FAITH - Archangels of the First Ray (Blue Ray) - Divine Qualities: Faith, Protection, Gods Will - Retreat: Temple of Faith and Protection, in the etheric realm over the Canadian Rockies, near Banff and Lake Louise, Canada, and extending over the border of the United States. BELOVED JOPHIEL and BELOVED CHRISTINE - Archangels of the Second Ray (Golden Yellow Ray) - Divine Qualities: Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy Retreat: In the Etheric Realm south of the Great Wall near Lanchow, north central China. BELOVED CHAMUEL and BELOVED CHARITY - Archangels of the Third Ray (Pink Ray - Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Love, Adoration, Gratitude Retreat: Temple of the Crystal Pink Flame an etheric retreat over the city of St. Louis, Missouri. BELOVED GABRIEL and BELOVED HOPE - Archangels of the Fourth Ray (White Ray - Ascension Flame) Divine Qualities: Purity, Harmony, Poise - Retreat: Etheric retreat located between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, California, U.S.A. BELOVED RAPHAEL and BELOVED MOTHER MARY - Archangels of the Fifth Ray (Green Ray) - Divine Qualities: Truth, Healing, Science - Retreat - Temple of the Sacred Heart, located in the etheric realm over Fatima, Portugal. BELOVED URIEL and BELOVED AURORA - Archangels of the Sixth Ray (Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities - Peace, Ministration, Service - Retreat - Etheric retreat over the Tatra Mountains south of Krakow, Poland. BELOVED ZADKIEL and BELOVED HOLY AMETHYST - Archangels of the Seventh Ray (Violet Ray) - Divine Qualities - Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation - Retreat: Temple of Purification in the etheric realm over Cuba. BELOVED ROIIEL - Archangel of the First Secret Ray (Crystal Clear Ray) - Divine Qualities: Responsibility, Victory, Royalty, Nobility BELOVED ADONEL - Archangel of the Second Secret Ray (Peach Ray) - Divine Qualities: Authority, Hierarchy, Capability, Obedience, Dominion BELOVED AGAPIEL - Archangel of the Third Secret Ray (Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Sacrifice, Self-Reliance, Fruitfulness, Giving all of Oneself BELOVED ANANKIEL - Archangel of the Fourth Secret Ray (Aquamarine Ray) - Divine Qualities: Necessity, Resourceful, Resoluteness BELOVED SHADDIEL - Archangel of the Fifth Secret Ray (Blue Turquoise Ray) - Divine Qualities: Constancy, Practicality, Changelessness, Rhythmic Regularity - - - THE MIGHTY ELOHIM - - - The name of God used in the first verse of the Bible. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The Mighty Elohim are the builders of form. They are the seven spirits of God named in Revelation 4:5 and the morning stars that sang together in the beginning, as the Lord revealed them to Job (Job 38:7). Serving directly under the Elohim are the Hierarchs of the Five Elements. BELOVED HERCULES and BELOVED AMAZONIA - Elohim of the First Ray (Blue Ray) - Divine Qualities: Faith, Protection, Gods Will - Retreat: Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A. BELOVED APOLLO and BELOVED LUMINA - Elohim of the Second Ray (Golden Yellow Ray) - Divine Qualities: Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy - Retreat: Retreat of Apollo and Lumina in Lower Saxony in southern Germany. BELOVED HEROS and BELOVED AMORA - Elohim of the Third Ray (Pink Ray - Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities - Love, Adoration, Gratitude - Retreat - Over Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. BELOVED PURITY and BELOVED ASTREA - Elohim of the Fourth Ray (White Ray) - Divine Qualities: Purity, Harmony, Poise - Retreat: Near the Gulf of Archangel, southeast arm of White Sea, Russia. BELOVED CYCLOPEA and BELOVED VIRGINIA - Elohim of the Fifth Ray (Green Ray) - Divine Qualities: Truth, Healing, Science - Retreat: In Altai Range where China, Siberia, and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo. BELOVED PEACE and BELOVED ALOHA - Elohim of the Sixth Ray (Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Peace, Ministration, Service - Retreat: Temple of Peace, located in the etheric realms over the Hawaiian Islands. BELOVED ARCTURUS and BELOVED VICTORIA - Elohim of the Seventh Ray (Violet Ray) - Divine Qualities: Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation - Retreat: Etheric retreat near Luanda, Angola, Africa. BELOVED SURYA - Elohim of the First Secret Ray (Crystal Clear Ray) - Divine Qualities: Responsibility, Victory, Royalty, Nobility - Retreat: The Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame, located in an island northeast of Viti Levu (the largest of the Fiji Islands). BELOVED HYPERION - Elohim of the Second Secret Ray (Peach Ray) - Divine Qualities: Authority, Hierarchy, Capability, Obedience, Dominion BELOVED KRONOS - Elohim of the Third Secret Ray (Ruby Ray) - Divine Qualities: Sacrifice, Self-Reliance, Fruitfulness, Giving all of Oneself BELOVED MIGHTY COSMOS - Elohim of the Fourth Secret Ray (Aquamarine Ray) - Divine Qualities: Necessity, Resourceful, Resoluteness BELOVED REGULUS - Elohim of the Fifth Secret Ray (Blue Turquoise Ray) - Divine Qualities: Constancy, Practicality, Changelessness, Rhythmic Regularity - - - THE HIERARCHS OF THE FIVE ELEMENTS - - - BELOVED ZEUS and BELOVED TARA - Hierarchs of the Element of Akasha - First Secret Ray (Crystal Clear Ray) - Divine Qualities: Responsibility, Victory, Royalty, Nobility - Vital Breath: Prana BELOVED ARIES and BELOVED THOR - Hierarchs of the Air Element - Second Secret Ray (Peach Ray) - Hierarchs of the Air Elementals: Sylphs - Divine Qualities: Authority, Hierarchy, Capability, Obedience, Dominion - Vital Breath: Vyana BELOVED OROMASIS and BELOVED DIANA - Hierarchs of the Fire Element - Third Secret Ray (Ruby Ray) - Hierarchs of the Fire Elementals: Salamanders - Divine Qualities: Sacrifice, Self-Reliance, Fruitfulness, Giving all of Oneself - Vital Breath: Samana - Retreat: Etheric retreat over an island in the Bering Sea off the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. BELOVED NEPTUNE and BELOVED LUARA - Hierarchs of the Water Element - Fourth Secret Ray (Aquamarine Ray) - Hierarchs of the Water Elementals: Undines - Divine Qualities: Striving, Stand/Face/Conquer, Resourcefulness, Resoluteness - Vital Breath: Apana BELOVED VIRGO and BELOVED PELLEUR - Hierarchs of the Earth Element - Fifth Secret Ray (Blue Turquoise Ray) - Hierarchs of the Earth Elementals: Gnomes - Divine Qualities: Practicality, Reliability, Rhythmic Regularity - Vital Breath: Udana - Retreat: The Cosmic Being Pelleurs focus is in the Center of the Earth, where there is the Sun of Even Pressure.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 07:26:52 +0000

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