-- CALLING ALL DREAMERS AND CRAZY ONES! -- Interested to know your - TopicsExpress


-- CALLING ALL DREAMERS AND CRAZY ONES! -- Interested to know your thoughts on this! Several friends posted #nomakeupselfies and also nominated me to take up the baton. I took the photo but then felt weird about posting it. In fact I felt weird about the whole thing and it took me a while to realize WHY. I realized that by posting nomakeupselfies its like saying look how brave we are to show ourselves NAKED with no makeup. If you look at the comments underneath the selflies they illustrate this. Many people write things like Dont worry you look great without make up!. Ive even done this TOO. Until I realised that by saying that its like saying wow you look great EVEN THOUGH you dont have make up. Hence it being brave for us to post them in the first place. I know its to raise awareness of breast cancer but if you look at WHY no-make up selfies stand out, youll understand what I mean. **** Ie. in a world where women were celebrated for their looks - with or without makeup- posting a no make up selfie would be a total NON-EVENT!!! **** Right? It would be like oh you just posted a picture of yourself!. A regular selfie. In fact some of my friends specifically said Im not posting a picture because I dont wear make up anyhow!. It creates all kind of weird situations where you see a friend post a no make up selfie and then you want to support them but you dont want to imply they look great despite having no make-up! I caught myself writing you look GREAT! on friends walls and then thought to myself well of course they do!!!!. Its like we want to support a friend, ........but actually it reinforces an unspoken idea…that women need some kind of adornment to look normal. So if they dont have the adornment we expect them to be uglier. I used to campaign against the objectification of women in the media and when you look IN DEPTH at this topic, its totally shocking how magazines, media, agencies manipulate images to perfectify them. We *think* were looking at reality... ......but were so not. Imagine living in a world where women ARE CELEBRATED for their looks, make up or no makeup? ❤ And dont feel the pressure to wear it, without even knowing why? I myself began wearing make-up as soon as I could… and loved reading about it, shopping for it etc etc until I spent a year living in Canada. Attitudes to women (particularly where I was - Quebec) were SO different. Most of my Canadian friends never wore make up and dressed in such a different way to what I was used to in London, UK. In fact when my flatmate and I went out guys would ask us where we were from, before we even spoke to them. Wed say How did you know were not Canadian and theyd know by our shoes and make up!! On one occasion I was chatted up by a guy whilst wearing hiking gear and NO MAKE UP at all - and I remember crystal clear even ten years later how shocked I was. I was shocked that a guy had found me attractive WITHOUT make up. ** Isnt that a bit warped and crazy when you think about it? ** I KNOW some people say we should be able to wear make up if we want its fun and I get it - I still wear make up too sometimes. But what I AM saying is I KNOW we can create a world where theres more acceptance of women who DONT. Where its actually pretty normal NOT to wear make up. Thats the kind of world Id like to bring MY daughter into if I have one ❤ Advertising and media images have a truly massive role in this. Which is why Im NOT posting a no-make up selfie …but I DID donate money to British charities working with families going through cancer (the link is here if youre a Brit and want to donate too: uk.virginmoneygiving/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=DoSomethingDoNakedDONATE&isTeam=true Because dont get me wrong, Im not saying the initiative wasnt a good idea - its raised MILLIONS for charity - I just wish theyd found a slightly different angle through which to do it. The friend of mine who created that Virgin Giving Initiative, Dickon Johnstone, posted a naked photo of himself with a placard saying Do Something, Do Naked, Donate in front of his bits!!! now THATs creative! ;-) Theres MILLIONS of ways to raise awareness... // I *know* were capable of ways that contribute to a Kinder World for Women and EVERYONE in it! // We are ALL Beautiful! ❤❤❤
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 19:39:21 +0000

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