- Is Hezbollah a terrorist?! Hezbollah is an extension of what - TopicsExpress


- Is Hezbollah a terrorist?! Hezbollah is an extension of what was known as the Islamic Jihad movement in the first half of the eighties of the twentieth century, and this movement (or party) has begun with four suicide bombings in Beirut airport in 1983 against the multinational forces in Lebanon (American, British, French and Italian) and killed hundreds of the multinational soldiers then. The second appearance of this party was when Imad Mughniyeh (military commander of HezbOllah, killed in 2008 by a mysterious explosion in Damascus) hijacked an American plane, and killed American passengers on the plane. The third appearance of the party was in an attempt of assassination the Emir of Kuwait, which was done by Mustafa Badr Al-Din (one of the four defendants in the assassination of the former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri in 2005). And the International criminal court for Lebanon has accused four elements of Hezbollah with the assassination of Hariri. Finally, the direct intervention of Hezbollah in the war in Syria, and has been accused of sectarian massacres in Rif Damascus, Homs and Rif Tartous. Of course we will not forget the bombing, which happened in Bulgaria when Israeli tourists were targeted, and the Bulgarian government has accused Hezbollah of it. Does the adding of Hezbollah to the terror list need more evidences while it admits all of its acts? or there are fears from its reactions after being added the terror list? If the fears are a reason, so why there were not fears from the reactions of the terrorist Al-Qaeda when it was added to the terror-list?!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 22:18:34 +0000

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