1- After some advise please!!! My ds is 15 months old and is a - TopicsExpress


1- After some advise please!!! My ds is 15 months old and is a picky eater. For breakfast he will eat vegemite toast and sometimes wheet bix. Tried oats ect but he hates it. Snacks is ok but he still wont eat fruit, only puréed fruit even tho I keep trying, lunch only a vegemite sandwich or sausage/chicken, and the two types of mixed veggies I use to make he now only eats on the occasion. He wont eat any veggies on there own except broccoli. I am wasting so much money, food and time trying him on new things. Made him fritters, he hates them, pasta and sauce nope not that either. The list goes on and on and I just dont know what to do anymore. Any advise would be greatly appreciated TIA 2- Hi Im currently after some ideas for lunch and dinner for an 18 month old? Hes getting bored from the same old thing all the time. Thanks 3- My 24mo son is waking between 4.30 and 6.30am screaming. He calms quickly but refuses to go back to sleep. Sometimes its due to being wet through but mostly there is no reason and I always confirm hes not cold. I dont mind 6.30 but 4.30 is bad for me and him! Ive tried changing his bedtime earlier and later, re-settling, self-settling and a sleep training clock. Any helpful ideas? 4-Im currently toilet training my 2yo DD, she is doing fantastic with #1s, no accidents anymore. However, number 2s are a different story! She just WONT tell me she needs to go and will do it in her undies. She doesnt hide to do it like most kids do, she just does it then cones and tells me. Im looking for advice on what to say to her so she understands she needs to tell me before she does it. Ive tried telling her that when her tummy feels funny & she thinks she might need to go to come and tell Mummy, but its not working. How did other mums approach this? Anything specific you said or did for success? 5- Can anyone recommend where they stayed on holidays in Fiji with a 1 year old. Did you stay on one of the islands or the mainland? Was the hotel baby friendly? How long did you stay? Also how did you find the issue of making sure bub doesnt drink the water, ie at bath time etc And did you have a portacot for bub to sleep in? Also how did you go about food/milk, did your 1 yr old mainly just eat drink what you had? How did your bub find the flight - did you book an extra seat or keep him on your lap? Sorry about all the questions, just curious as to how others managed holidaying with a LO (Ftm here) 6- My 18mo is down to 1 240ml bottle before bed of milk/formula. Its now the only bottle she gets in the day. She wakes once a night and I give her 60mls of water in a bottle and she drinks it aand goes straight back to sleep. She has a water bottle in her cot which she knows is there and drinks from it when shes wide awake. Im not sure whether to try and resettle her during the night so she doesnt have that 60ml of water or to keep giving it to her? she drinks milk out of cups other times so Im wanting to wwean her off the bbedtime bottle soon too.. she has a dummy for bedtime and I dont want to take that away until shes not having a bottle during.the night? Thoughts please. #toddlermealideas #toddlersleepproblems #toilettraining
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 05:17:55 +0000

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