1-I Would like to know, What mothers think of the flu shot - TopicsExpress


1-I Would like to know, What mothers think of the flu shot while pregnant? I have been offered on in my 3rd trimester, but I dont want to get sick. Did you get it? Was it worth it, or did you regret it? Does pregnancy make the effects of the flu shot worse or the same as when your not pregnant 2-Hi I need help, my 6month old daughter has been having solids once a day & has just changed over to stage 2 formula, I am really struggling to get her to eat enough! She isnt underweight by any standards nor loosing weight yet but only having 4 feeds about 150mls each & I feed of solids but dont know how much she actually eats now as she has taken to spitting it everywhere, anyone with any advice to help me out here I dont know wether to be concerned or not? 3-My SIL has a few healthy problems which are making it difficult for her to fall pregnant/maintain the pregnancy and has recently suffered her second miscarriage which she is understandably quite upset and disappointed about....I would really like to get her something, to show her that I am thinking about her and not to give up hope....Im after some ideas about what to get, I was thinking about something like a worry box but appropriate to her situation??? Do you think I should get her something or just leave her be? Thanks 4-Hi my son is just over 10 months and I feel like he is always getting sick, hes had bronchiolitis twice, and had about 3 colds! He does have little cousins who go to child care and always seem to have runny noses! And he does go to kinder gym every Wednesday! I make sure my boy eats lots of fruit, vegetables and healthy food! Did he just have a bad run or did anyone else experience something like this? and is it common? Thanks 5-Ds is 6.5 months currently teething and lately wont have a nap at 4:30, he will lay in his bed up to 1 hour just wriggling around whinging , he isnt sleeping threw the night yet just one feed a night some nights Im up 2-3 times just to put his dummy in , but my question is , he isnt sleeping long enough at his day sleeps though , he wakes at 6:30 so I try 9 or 9:20am for a nap but he only ever has one sleep cycle then by 12 he is tired. Ive tried naps at 12 and at 1:00 but he only sleeps for 1-1.5 hours , so being awake from 2/2:30-6:30 is just to much for him and he is a mess !! What can I do ??:confused: 6-Im a little confused on what ds should be wearing at night. He is waking at night for a feed and some nights he quite restless so Im wondering if he is hot or cold. im located in lower w.a his room usually starts at 25/24 when we go to bed then drops to 22/23 by 3ish . he is in sleeping bags should I be using a 2.5 or 1.0 tog? he wears a long sleeve and long leg jumpsuit with nothing under it, a 2.5 tog bag then I have a blanket over the top in the early morning if it drops to 21. he is small bub , he is 6.5 months old and just hit 6kg Also teething and just got his first tooth !! Any help would be highly appreciated 7-Just wondering what moisturizers people like? My 9 week old boy has dry skin. I was using Gaia baby massage oil on him from birth, but it seems to be drying his skin out. 8-Wondering what is the best machine to puree food .We are just about to start solids. Will try some BLW but want to mix this with pureeing and looking for easy solutions.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 22:28:59 +0000

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