1. I have to apologise for saying another artist’s work was - TopicsExpress


1. I have to apologise for saying another artist’s work was crap, it’s not, in fact it’s pretty good just not the type I like. I have removed the post as I also said I’d like to hit his wife with a cider bottle, a rash comment which was uncalled for. 2. Thank you for all the kind comments and messages, they were very much appreciated.. 3. Both the artist and his wife were right, which is what really hurt my feelings. My artwork doesn’t have a realness, nor a soul to it as they are simply photos copied into art form. If I’m honest, an artist has flair, individuality as well as technical ability. I only have the last as I use someone else’s photos, and never my imagination. My ability to copy is pretty good but there are many who can do that, and yes I do lack that something special as I do not create my own ideas. I also think I got above my station, not thinking I’m better than anyone else but thinking I could conquer where others have failed in the art market, even though in reality my work is similar to thousands of other artists, it really isn’t unique at all. I’m not going to give up though, your comments have encouraged me to continue, just not where I was aiming, which was too high for the standard of work I produce. There really isn’t anything wrong with selling artwork like mine, it just isn’t going to win competitions as anyone can copy a photo. So I need to find a market which will suit, pet portraits are ideal as they require accurate photo copying, so that will continue but I shall now carry on with my miniatures to improve my technique further but as for the big ideas I’ve had, I’ll leave them to one side until I feel my art is up there at the top, if ever. Therefore, you will all see more updates!!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 15:21:03 +0000

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