1. Just tried my 4 month old on formula for the first time. He has - TopicsExpress


1. Just tried my 4 month old on formula for the first time. He has been EBF, and is only just gwtting used to bottles. He was spitting a fair bit out, ended up with a lot kn his xhin and around his mouth, was swallowing most, when I sat him up for a burp he was chucking up a lot more than normal. Should I persevere, should I change formulas, should I use a combination of breastmilk and formula.... What has worked for other mums making the switch. 2. A question were due to have baby no.2 soon and we are stuck on a name we are having a boy this time we want something that goes well with our girls name which is ida-rose.. any suggestions please would like something different 3. My son is 12 weeks n weighs 8kg his a big boy birth weight was 4.8kg.. My question is has any other mums found that with larger babies it takes longer for them to get good head n neck control? 4. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get my 4 month old to sleep in the pram? We have tried swaddling and blanket over to make it dark. But he is so stubborn and just screams until we take him home. This is really limiting the amount of time we can spend out of the house as we need to be home for sleeps. 5. What methods did mums try to attempt to lengthen out daytime naps? 6. Would love to know whats better? A humidifier or a vaporizer and do they work?? My son has a cold and because of his nose his sleeping is everywhere! Thanks any other tips would be nice 7. i was wondering if anyone had any tips on coping with a 5 hour train trip whilst 28 weeks pregnant with IBS-D? and then an hour in the car to get after to go to a wedding? My IBS is socially exacerbated as i suffer from anxiety.. thanks heaps.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 06:27:44 +0000

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