1: What are you wearing? White lacy top (urgh so girly), black - TopicsExpress


1: What are you wearing? White lacy top (urgh so girly), black sweatpants and flip flops aka I DONT CARE ABOUT WORK 8D 2: Ever been in love? Yes. 3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Nope 4: How tall are you? 52 and a half 5: How much do you weigh? Fat 6: Any tattoos? Nope 7: Any piercings? A lobe piercing in each ear and 1 cartilage piercing in my left 8: OTP? Mage m!hawke x anders 9: Favorite show? Um um PASS 10: Favorite bands? in no particular order: lamb of god, killswitch engage, as i lay dying, amon amarth, cerebral bore, the gazette 11: Something you miss? Real english chips and gravy 12: Favorite song? This is so hard D: 13: How old are you? 27 14: Zodiac sign? Sagittarius 15: Quality you look for in a partner? Mature, be able to make me laugh, be able to take my teasing and jokes (i can be twisted and mean sometimes BUT ITS PART OF MY LOVE), understanding 16: Favorite Quote? 曾經有一份至真既愛情擺係我面前,但係我冇去珍惜,到冇左既時候先至後悔莫及,塵世間最痛苦莫過於此。如果個天可以俾機會我番轉頭既話,我會同個女仔講我愛佢,如果係都要係呢份愛加上一個期限,我希望係,一萬年。 ~ Stephen Chow, A Chinese Odyssey: Cinderella (西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣) ROUGH UGLY TRANSLATION: once, my true love was right in front of me, but i didnt appreciate it. When i lost her, it was too late and i regretted it. What else in this world can be as painful? If the heavens can give me one more chance, i would tell the girl that i love her. If there must be a time limit on this love, i hope itll be 10,000 years. 17: Favorite actor? Konishi katsuyuki ♡♡♡ suwabe junichi (I LOVE YOU, ARCHER) and ono daisuke (sebastian♡) and paku romi 18: Favorite color? Black 19: Loud music or soft? Loud 20: Where do you go when you’re sad? The deepest, darkest corner of absolute emo-ness 21: How long does it take you to shower? About 10-15 mins. Double that if i have to shave muh legs 22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Usually no more than 20-25 mins. More on the rare occasion i decide to wear makeup to be less ugly 23: Ever been in a physical fight? Do siblings count? **24: Turn on? Bara.....and potatoes 25: Turn off? TOO MUCH BARA 26: The reason I joined Youtube? Initially? To comment on videos i liked but that was YONKS ago. KaRei was born when i finally took the first step towards conquering a fear...singing for others 27: Fears? Bugs and creepy crawlies 28: Last thing that made you cry? When i got married 29: Last time you said you loved someone? Last night to hubby 30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name? It stems from my online alias of many years which also contains Rei. I kept it cos i identify myself with it now. The Ka derives from the chinese word for fake, which is gaa in canto. Hence my name means fake rei xD 31: Last book you read? Um...i think it was 50 shades BUT ONLY COS MY FRIEND MADE ME AND OMG I HATED IT SO MUCH MY EYES BLED WITH EVERY PAGE I READ 32: The book you’re currently reading? I dont read anymore cos work, gaming and singing D: 33: Last show you watched? I...cant remember (i barely watch anything too) 34: Last person you talked to? Hubby asking me to iron something for him. I said no (ill do it when im done with this) 35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Hubby xD 36: Favorite food? All things potato 37: Place you want to visit? Japan 38: Last place you were? The kitchen, making breakfast 39: Do you have a crush? My favourite male seiyuus listed earlier, sebastian michaelus, archer emiya, hagi, anders, alistair theirin, kaidan alenko, garrus vakarian, thane krios, talizorah vas normandy 40: Last time you kissed someone? Last night - hubby 41: Last time you were insulted? Last night...hubby again xD 42: Favorite flavor of sweet? Um...strawberry? 43: What instruments do you play?? I USED to play keyboard and clarinet. Recorder before that. 44: Favorite piece of jewelry? Watch 45: Last sport you played? Badminton 46: Last song you sang? Da vinci no kokuhaku for honig ♡ 47: Favorite chat up line? Anything said by anders 48: Have you ever used it? As quotes? OwO 49: Last time you hung out with anyone? I dont have rl friends outside of work who dont live on the other side of the world D: 50: Who should answer these questions next? (Tag 10 people to do this) Hiro Muse Shin Berkenstel Jen Honig Honeypot Alice Barasagi Aerli Yana ILL ADD THE REST WHEN IM ON COMPUTER MY PHONE IS RETARDED
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 10:34:35 +0000

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