10/30/2013 6:26 AM Youre our enemy, say you Ashley. Girl, - TopicsExpress


10/30/2013 6:26 AM Youre our enemy, say you Ashley. Girl, you really were destined to be an idiot werent you? Lets see, these are the newer possibilities of our disintegrating relationship, just within the last 24 hours since you were on the air: 1. I sided with Ms. Hough, instead of not lambasting her for the lame costume? 2. I was cordial and nice to Ms.Danielle, who was a black woman and an editor of the magazine who wrote an amusing piece on blacks and whites playing each other in costume? (You only pretend to be human, but are really KKK Nazis without the white sheet). 3. I was candid and upright with Ms. Gaga? I am usually that way with anyone who is a tortured soul looking for answers in a world that has few for starters. Especially those who are in entertainment, and who many times are confined to a very small portion of the world. Perhaps of their choosing, lifestyle, fear, insecurity, lack of security or any of the combinations listed. (Ashley, she is an Italian, and I feel a slight kinship and responsibility; you are just an idiot with no connection.) 4. I gave Ms. Gaga the VERY SAME ADVICE, using analogous expression no less than100 times to YOU and your people over the past 6 years? 5. I called AJ on our $10,000 bet about Ms. Sara Evans Barker, which he lost; and should have paid by now? 6. You are still having a problem with the word character and quality which are both foreign concepts to your world and thesaurus, mishandling it whether in season or not? 7. I acknowledged to be perfectly placed as it denotes my mental, emotional and spiritual placement in the world? Considering you have tried to drive me crazy, and that did not work. 8. Because I was civil to Ms. Gaga realizing she is a real talent with more in her little finger than a good many in your field lack considerably? People like her come around once in 20-30 years, your girl Miley is more common than the daily newspaper on your porch. 9. I won’t give you the credit only you think to deserve? 10. I rebuked your boss and business partner, Beelzebub, over that of Jesus? I am at a loss for anything further Ashley. We are enemies sounds so childish, but that is what I have come to expect with your people. A limited vocabulary, lack of common sense, and people who cant get a clue if it was delivered on a 18K gold plated, diamond encrusted platter. Your strategy of drawing people into your fray, disguised as a friendship, only for them to get royally bufued is a cheaters low life game. It is morally and ethically wrong, and holds no semblance of humanity in any link. Saint, Angel or animal. Much along the lines of what your boss does. Knowing full well those he has chosen to ride with him, will be discarded. However, he will still ride without you, leaving you in a pile of mush alongside most roadways. Using and abusing a person, more than a 350 lb. offensive lineman with a plate full of chicken and ribs in front of him at the post game meal. As I have stated previously, you people are as useless as teats on a bull. Akin to the rampaging bull in a house filled with crystal, or a line of morons anticipating the Prom Queen to make, dance, and mate with them, one right after another. So what is the relationship between the bull and the line of morons? You have heard the expression, crap for brains? One eliminates what the other uses for brains is the relationship. ---------------- On a side note, that call with Tony this morning went real well. I am not sorry that you heard what he had to say to: you evil *@#$%^&*()(^@#%^&*)_(*%_)(*&^%$#@#, but that we had to hear what he said. At the end when he gave you a little taste of your medicine was something else. And to think you must have thought you wore everyones allegiance? Guess again. Well this is Hell. Only in your world AJ. To the rest of us, it is the United States of America and planet Earth. This is our home, until it is not, and we better start taking care of it, if we expect her to love us back. I told you eventually people would start turning on you. And if guys like Tony get their way, your stay may be shorter than you think. ----------------- AJ and Ash, there is still one very important matter than people continually fail to remember. When Lucifer fell, two of his sub-ordinates were given primary responsibility: • to keep an eye on his activities, • keep his efforts in check, • thwarting when called for, • and allowance at other times. Those two men, and Angels, are Michael and Gabriel. The final conflict will come, only God knows when. Until then they are still vying for the vacated seat of Lucifer. Whether one or the other, and maybe both fills that position, is still undecided. However, what it means is that when one or both officially leave their spots, there are others putting out their best efforts. Why? Because there will be either one or two very important positions to fill. Those with the longest tenure and seniority probably have the inside track. However, if they ask Johnny Angel to consider it in the future, I would. Because that is right up my alley. Being able to teach, practice and conduct with anonymity; and yet protocol to follow without disruption or fail. Additionally, there still has to be up to 33% more Angels selected (Men AND Women) from the human ranks, because of the fallen. And that has not occurred as of this typing. However, this time the qualifications will be more stringent with two key parametric measures: Can you guess what they are? Character and Quality. This should only make the Angels team stronger AND better in the future. That way the Saints will think twice before they ever decide to undertake an overthrow again. It was the Saints who were causing ALL the problems, not the Angels.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:13:35 +0000

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