10 Alkaline Foods to help you Shed Winter Fat 1. Extra Virgin Raw - TopicsExpress


10 Alkaline Foods to help you Shed Winter Fat 1. Extra Virgin Raw Organic Coconut Oil contains medium chain fatty acids, which help stimulate your bodys metabolism, promoting weight loss. Try replacing some other oils around your house (like vegetable oil) for raw, expeller pressed coconut oil. Long chain fatty acids mostly get stored as fat while medium chain fatty acids get used as energy. Use it for cooking, or simply eat a spoonful raw. Studies have also shown that coconut oil increases thyroid activity and since adrenal fatigue or burnout contributes to belly fat, using coconut oil could help correct a large part of the adrenal problem. 2. Garlic is a natural fat burner containing alicin, which, helps flush away fat. Garlic is also a powerful antioxidant, a natural antibiotic and it strengthens the immune system. Eat it raw or use it in as many meals as possible. 3. Quinoa (organic) is a perfect compete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids that are the building block for muscles. Quinoa is also packed with fiber, and is high in alkalizing minerals such as manganese, magnesium and copper. Eat for breakfast with some cinnamon and almond oil, or simply add to salads. Quinoa also makes for a great burger. 4. Chia seeds (Raw Organic). These powerful seeds are an amazing source of protein, omega 3 fatty acids and important minerals. Most people get way too much omega 6 fatty acid compared to omega 3 fatty acids in their diets and this is not a good thing. Chia seeds give a nice dose or omega 3╒s without the excessive less desired omega 6╒s. Omegas 3 fatty acids have been shown to improve blood sugar levels, lower insulin levels, block fat storage, increase metabolic rate and suppress the production of cortisol (released during stress). Chia seeds can be added to smoothies or sprinkled on yogurt, granola or even a salad. 5. Lentils are one of the highest alkaline protein sources and since our bodies use more energy to digest protein, we tend to burn more fat when we consume them. Lentils are also an excellent source of fiber, keeping your metabolism revved and appetite satisfied for long periods of time. They make a delicious tasting soup or an easy side dish. 6. Blueberries. Not only are these berries loaded with antioxidants and fiber but also they also increase insulin sensitivity and ultimately help to balance blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar levels are stabilized, your body is less inclined to store belly fat. 7. Apples are excellent fat burners due to their high fiber content. They also carry few calories, are rich in nutrients and contain pectin, which reduces cholesterol and regulates blood sugar levels. Similar low calorie, alkaline fruits that help you burn fat are: tangerines, peaches, lemons, limes and melons. 8. Grapefruit is not only low in calories and high in fiber but it also helps dissolve fat and cholesterol because it contains 15 grams of pectin. Eat it alone, or add it to salads or shakes. 9. Leafy Greens. These alkaline staples are jam packed with nutrients and antioxidants. They are also filled with chlorophyll and tons of vitamins and minerals and they are very low in calories. Most people who are overweight are acidic. This happens because when buffer reserves are depleted, the body begin storing acids in tissues and fat cells. The strong alkaline nature of dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, collards and dandelion greens help to keep your body out of the acidic state by producing a very alkaline ash and providing alkaline minerals to help buffer excess acids in the body. You can also try using a green powder such as Sun Warrior Ormus Greens to get a similar effect. 10. Green tea contains flavanoids called catechins, which are believed to boost metabolism, inhibit fat absorption and reduce appetite. Green tea is also very alkalizing and a great substitution for acidic morning coffee. You can also take a green tea supplement such as Gaia Herbs Green Tea Leaf. All of the foods listed above are not just fat burning, but they are alkalizing. Combine them with other alkalizing foods to create wonderful meals and recipes or simply enjoy them on their own. Incorporate some alkalizing exercises into your routine and you are well on your way to shedding that winter fat! What are some of your favorite fat burning alkaline foods?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:25:59 +0000

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