10 DAYS MAASAI MARA /LAKE NAKURU/SWEETWATERS TENTED/MOUNTAIN LODGE/AMBOSELI /TSAVO WEST SPECIAL OFFER . DAY 1, NAIROBI -MAASAI MARA NATIONAL RESERVE Depart Nairobi in the nairobi in the morning for maasai mara passing through the dramatic Great Rift valley stopping at the view point ,Acend the western rim of the valley crossing the loita plains(maasai land)see red -clad maasai warriors tend their Multi-coloured herds amongst plain game viewing enroute to lodge for lunch .Afternoon game drive is seen including the Big Five .Dinner and overnight ar Mara sopa lodge /simmilar DAY 2&3 MAASAI MARA NATIONAL RESERVE Morning and afternoon game drive viewing inside the park .search for wild game black lion for which mara is famous for cheetah ,buffalo ,wildebeast zebra ,leopard ,grant gazelle are quite common even the rare Rhino might come out of the thicket for you,hyenas, are plentiful Extend you drive to the hippo point where schools of hippo submerge on the approach of vehicles only to surface seconds later to shot and gamble ,the optional visit to the maasai village for an insight to the culture if clients so wish ,meals and overnight at mara sopa lodge /similar ,optional balloon ride . DAY 4 MAASAI - LAKE NAKURU NATIONAL PARK Early morining before breakfast game viewing drive at maasai mara in search of any wild game you might have missed previously .Return to lodge for breakfast and afterwards depart for lake Nakuru is refered as pink lake for its thousand of pink flamingo and other birds,its a birds watchers paradise ,its has a surprisingly number of animals ,its is a rhino sanctuary and Big Five except the elephant can be seen .here afternoon game drive ,dinner and overnight at Lake nakuru /sarova lion hill lodge . DAY 5 SWEETWATERS GAME RESERVE AND CHIMPANZEE SANCTUARY . Breakfast at the lodge and depart for sweetwaters game reserve arriving in time for lunch .sweetwaters is in the slopes of MT .KENYA and overlooks a floodlit waterhole offering visitors an unforgetable opportunity to view and shoot pictures of animals in their habitat .optional waking safari escorted by knowledgeable Ranger .Birds -walks ,camel safari ,chimpanzee observe from a boot on the Ewaso nyiro backed jackals ,ostrich ,Rhino among others .Dinner and overnight at sweetwaters tented camp. DAY 6 MOUNTAIN LODGE Breakfast and depart in the morning for mount kenya arriving at mountain lodges for lunch , afternoon at leisure enjoying optional nature walks ,dinner and overnight at serena mountain lodge . DAY 7 AMBOSELI NATIONAL PARK After breakfast and drive to amboseli at the foot of the imressive snow capped Mt .kilimanjaro africa highest peak .arrive in time for lunch with game viewing to the lodge .Afternoon game drive in the park .dinner and overnight at Amboseli Serena /OItukai lodge . DAY 8 AMBOSELI Full day to explore the beauty of this park searching for elephant ,buffalo, lion cheetah ,wildbeest ,the hyena ,jackal ,zebra and the maasai giraffe ,meals and overnight at Amboseli serena /OItukai lodge . DAY 9 TSAVO WEST NATIONAL PARK After breakfast depart for tsavo west via chyulu hills and shaitani lava flows and mzima springs where from an underwater observation tank you can see submerged hippo walking the floor of the spring Tsavo West hosts the Big Five and plenty of other wild game . Day 10 TSAVO WEST NATIONAL PARK Eary Morning game drive .Return to lodge for breakfast and depart for Nairobi arriving late afternoon .Safari ends . PRICE PER-PERSON SHARING $ 2980 For more enquire contact Simon MUNGAI EMAIL,giantottersafa­­ris@gmail cell+254719521764 Nakuru kenya
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 19:02:09 +0000

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