10 Reasons You May Not Have Many Friends 1. You Moan Too - TopicsExpress


10 Reasons You May Not Have Many Friends 1. You Moan Too Much If things are going bad at work or in your relationship, it is always ok to chat to friends about it. The problem comes when it is all you ever talk about. Friends start to dread picking up the phone to you because they know it will be yet another story or woe . Try to have a good balance of upbeat and happy as well as mentioning problems when they are really important. 2. You Forget Your Friends When You Meet Someone If every time you meet someone new, you stop calling your friends and never want to hang out with them when they invite you, don’t expect them to be there if it all goes wrong. You need to keep your friends in your life when you meet someone new. It is even better if you get your new partner to like your friends so you can all spend time together. 3. You Are Selfish If you only ever wish to talk about your self and your own problems, your friends will most likely start to think you are a little selfish. Try to remember your friends birthdays for example. Remember to invite friends to things you are doing to keep them in your lives. Give them a text or a call every now and then to catch up. 4. You Are A Stirrer If you are someone who regularly gossips or stirs up trouble with other people, although initially it can be interesting to get yourself involved in peoples lives, it will soon put people off you. People will share less important things with you because they think you will just go off and tell everyone else and stir up trouble. 5. You Keep Score If you are the type of person who remembers every last detail about who bought the last drink or who payed for dinner last time and constantly bring this up, it does start to get a little annoying. If you notice one of your friends is a little tight and never offers to pay for a round, just avoid buying them one next time. It is embarrassing to bring it up and will undoubtedly cause problems. 6. You Are The Jealous Type It can be difficult if one of your friends gets something you think is amazing. For example if one of your friends gets a new car bought for them by their partner or parents. When this happens you need to learn to suck it up and be happy and positive for your friend. You just need to imagine the roles reversed. If you had a nice present bought for you or got a new job, partner or whatever it may be, you would want your friends to be genuinely happy for you. 7. You Want Too Much From Your Friends If you expect your friends to always be available or always meet your needs, you’ll be disappointed. Your friends will hurt your feelings sometimes and will likely disappoint you from time to time. But that doesn’t meant they aren’t good people or that you shouldn’t remain friends with them. Practice forgiveness when your feelings get hurt. 8. You Are A Gossip Try not to talk too much about other people. Do not spread any rumours about people. Stay out of other peoples business. Basically treat people with respect. 9. You Are A Bully If you are a strong character by nature, that is ok. There is however a difference between being assertive and aggressive. Try to respect your friends feelings and not pick on them if you think it would make them uncomfortable. 10. You Don’t Get Out Enough There is always the chance that you have not met people that you get on with or wish to spend any time with. Try to make an effort to meet people at local clubs or events. Get online and join sites like meetup and alike. If you are at college, join the clubs related to your interests. Trust me, if you are hiding away at home waiting for people to come to you, you will be lonely a long time. Get positive, take action and get out there. Who knows, you may end up making some awesome friends. - See more at: strongmindbraveheart/10-reasons-may-many-friends/#sthash.H4hYwfTd.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 10:26:36 +0000

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