10 Reasons to reject Mr. Modi / BJP / NDA in TN / - TopicsExpress


10 Reasons to reject Mr. Modi / BJP / NDA in TN / India =========================================== 1. He is a compulsive liar. From his marital status to growth Nos. he has flawlessly lied everywhere. His lies, twisted historical references & expletives against opposition make me cringe in isolation. He is looking more as an imperialist Supremo than a PM candidate. Imperialism has no space in a democracy. 2. He is intimidating. His style of leadership is not about compassion, but aggression. He has functioned more like an authoritarian in Gujarat, by his own colleagues’ admission. A country like India cant be managed by fear, but by love & affection. Mr. Modis gestures never pointed towards tenderness. 3. He may not have sought an apology for riots. His supporters may throw hundreds of references of his clean chit. Yet, inside the heart of millions of minorities, backward classes and non-Hindus he strikes fear. An Indian Union without respect for its other sons & daughters is devastating & condemn-able. 4. He is very shallow. His economic ideology, growth plans for India and social understanding is very hallow. He lacks clear sense of purpose, other than capturing power. Fairy tale thinking is not strategy His rhetoric on various rallies never gave any sensible Indian a road to recovery. As one of his party men uttered in closed doors “He is not Vikaash Purush, but Vinaash Purush” 5. The supporters claim “growth” & “development” are the key thing. We agree. But the road to Growth & Development propounded by right wing ideologists, BJP Intellects and columnists lacks serious substance. The world’s economic thinking is moving away from “crony capitalism” post 2008 financial crisis, to welfare driven compassionate Capitalism. Any management thinker worth their salt in the contemporary world, will clearly denounces the economic model based on doling out land, resources, capital, energy, power into fewer hands to change a Nation. 6. His ideological reasoning is contradictory. On one end, he speaks about economic liberalization, on the other; he is mum about the rights of LGBT community. On the economic liberalization too, he is unclear. To protect the “trader” community he rejects FDI in Retail, while he wants foreign investments in others. In a globalized integrated world, these contradictions will have a heavy toll on our foreign policy & diplomacy. A modern thinker can’t have such wild gyrations on inclusive growth & governance. 7. He is not a Superman. Like every other state, Gujarat also has its pros & cons. His growth claims, development model & socio-economic delivery were debunked clearly by facts, figures & strong documental evidence. Unlike popular myth, he is not a great administrator either. His state finances, land deals, education, healthcare and human development indicators were strongly questioned by venerable institutions in India & Abroad. 8. YOU, are the company you keep. With a troubled line-up of people like Amit Shah, Maya Kodnani, Babu Bajrangi and Purushotham Solanki, as a citizen, I will question his integrity & honesty. In the run up, they were ready to take up Muthalik of Ram Sena and Sabir Ali, which eventually was cancelled due to public uproar. He and his party are ready to bed with anyone to capture power. This is a dangerous indicator, of things to come in the future, if he is vested with power. 9. Every political party has candidates from criminal back-ground. With the Association of Democratic Reforms report, BJP has the most number of criminal candidates in the lineup for Lok Sabha 2014. These criminal charges range from defrauding gullible investors, rape, threatening and murder. A party with a serious “criminal difference” and I can’t go by their clichéd “Governance” promulgation. This is a grave danger to democracy as a whole. 10. We are a country with pluralistic nature. Let me remind you, post 2002, he didn’t even listen to the then PM Mr. Vajpayee on his resignation. His supporters may certainly say that with such a tight rope walking, he can’t cause much damage to the plurality of this country. If he becomes PM, vested with uncontrollable power, I don’t think the animal instincts inside him will be silent. For a pluralistic country like ours, we need a leader who is not suspicious to any religious community or belief systems. Mr. Modi’s credentials of a “Hindu Nationalist” makes me nervous despite being a Hindu, constitutionally. This is the final nail in the coffin, that none in India can wholeheartedly trust him to be their Leader. Share. Spread. Tweet. Talk. Give. Expose this to reject Mr. Modi & BJP+ across TN & India. #NoMo
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 11:08:57 +0000

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