10 Sep 2013, Tuesday Approx 0800: Child K and Child J3 played - TopicsExpress


10 Sep 2013, Tuesday Approx 0800: Child K and Child J3 played target practice in the front yard of Parent S’s house. No incidents reported. Word spread to other children while on the school bus. Plans made to meet at Child K’s house the next day to play with Airsoft toys. Approx 0840: Bus seen approaching, Airsoft toys put away, school items picked up and all children went to bus stop. Approx 0843: Children board school bus and are in route to school. 11 Sep 2013, Wednesday Approx 0755: Child K and Child J3 walk to Parent T and Parent B’s residence and request Child A come down to play with the Airsoft toys. Approx 0757: Child K, Child J3, and Child A commence to play with Airsoft toys in front yard. Child K and Child J3 were shooting at Child A on the side of the house. Child A did not take possession of Airsoft toy but was promised that he would get it the next day. No 911 incidences reported. Approx 0843: Bus seen approaching, Airsoft toys put away inside house, school items picked up and walked to bus stop. Approx 0845: Children board school bus and are in route to school. 12 Sep 2013, Thursday Approx 0755: Child K and Child J3 walk to Parent T and Parent B’s residence and request Child A come down to play with Airsoft toys. Approx 0815: Child J1 arrives from across the street. Child J2 is dropped off at his bus stop. Child J2’s bus stop is not the bus stop closest to the incident location. Child J2 waits until mother leaves and is out of sight and goes to Child K residence. Child R arrives; Child R’s bus stop is not the bus stop closest to incident location. Children start with immediately begin to shooting each other on the property. Since Child K was the owner, reserving one for himself, and Child J3 had possession of the Airsoft toys the previous day Child A was given possession of the second Airsoft toy. Child J3 taunts and challenges Child A stating that “You can’t shoot me”. This was portrayed as a dare rather than a statement that he didn’t want to be hit. Child A chases Child J3 down Carew. Child A stops to take aim on west side of Carew/Marvel Intersection running pass the bus stop in question. Child A was facing south. A unknown number of children present at the bus stop. However, the toy was never point or fired at the children at the stop, in fact it was never fired while off Child K’s yard. Child K yells at Child A to return to yard at the same time Child A sees car approaching on his right and does not fire, lowers Airsoft toy returns to Child K’s residence. Child J3 continued to run up Carew and turns down Campion. Upon realizing the he is no longer being chased Child J3 returns to Child K’s yard, play continues. 911 Caller #1 calls stating there are kids playing with toys gun shooting at a tree. 911 Caller #2 reports Child A chasing Child J3 down the street. Approx 0843: Bus seen approaching, Airsoft toys put away inside, school items picked up and walked to bus stop. Approx 0845: Children board school bus and are in route to school. After 0845: Police arrive at scene. Determination of which bus to what school is determined and school is notified. Approx 1200: School calls parents to inform them of the incident. School states that Child A, Child K, and Child J3 are suspended and recommended for expulsion for handing and possession of a firearm at a bus stop. It is stated that the three children were at the bus stop with BB guns shooting unsuspecting students. Statements were obtained from each students involved by Larkspur staff with no parents presents. Children called the toys “BB guns” because they thought that was what they were. School did NOT go in to a state of emergency or enact a active shooter plan. 13 Sep 2013, Friday Approx 0815: Parent S meets with Mr. Delaney, Larkspur Principal and informs him of the errors in the account that was stated to her by the school and clarifies that the children, other than Child A and Child J3 were on her property and that they were in fact Airsoft not BB guns. Approx 0845: Parent T meets with Mr. Delaney, Larkspur Principal and informs him of the errors in the account that was stated to other parent “B” by the school and clarifies that the children, other than Child A and Child J3 were on her property and that they were in fact Airsoft not BB guns. Parent T questions the schools jurisdiction on use of Airsoft on private property and actual use of Airsoft. Approx 1000: Parent T meets with Mike McGee, Office of Student Leadership to discuss and clarify the story. Mike McGee states that with the new information he will contact Lawyers to determine the Boards position and that he will call back with the outcome. 1446: Mike McGee contacts Parent T via phone and informs that they are pressing forward with expulsion hearing. 14 Sep 2013 Day 5 Letter received from school stating that they are face expulsion for possession and use of a firearm. 18 Sep 2013 Day 9 1200: Parents T and S, and Child K and A perform interview with Andy Fox with news 10. Teasers to starting airing between Friday night and Sunday night with highlight to run Monday morning and main story to run Monday night. 20 Sep 2013 Day 11 1600: Letter received in mail with hearing date and that parents are able to pick up hearing packet on 20 Sep 2013 after 1200 or 15 min prior to hearing. Hearing is set for 23 Sep 2013 at 1500. 23 Sep 2013 Day 14 Approx 1400: Parent S, T, B, M and Children A, K, and J arrive at School Board Office to review packets and attend hearing. Approx 1600: Hearing for Child A held. During hearing it was noted that Child A is an Honor student and has had some minor discipline actions and that he may have just had a run in with the “wrong crowd”. Parent T and B are informed that the ruling will be made available on 24 Sep 2013 after 1000 at the Office of Student Leadership 24 Sep 2013 Day 15 1000: Parent T and Child A arrive at Office of Student Leadership and obtain ruling. Ruling state that Child A is suspended from Larkspur and will have to attend Renaissance Academy at a minimum until 27 January 2014. Prior to that date his case will be reviewed and the Office of Student Leadership will determine if he will be allowed back to Larkspur. Child A will remain on probation until the end of the school year.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:36:44 +0000

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