10 Weight Loss Secrets From REAL People With REAL Results These - TopicsExpress


10 Weight Loss Secrets From REAL People With REAL Results These are some of the things I did when losing weight believe me they work. I lost 210 pounds in 18 months. LIKE & SHARE. Share this article and help all the real people out there with their goal to be healthy and fit. Tired of hearing weight loss tips from the fitness experts? Want relatable advice? Here are 10 tips. Keep a Food Journal While there were plenty of people who lost their weight simply by eating healthy, the vast majority of successful weight losers kept a food diary and counted calories. Journaling your food intake helps raise awareness about your eating patters. Not only does it help you mange your energy balance, it can also undercover hidden relationships you have with food. Move More, However Little It May Be Getting more active is a common success principle for just about every fit person. However, among the people who lost more than 50lbs, the addition of more movement to their lives came in just about every form you can imagine. There was strength training, walking, riding bikes to work, Zumba, dancing, and running. The ultimate emphasis was that doing something was better than nothing. Even 10 minutes of activity a day makes a difference in the long run. Drink Water If the majority of your day’s liquid intake isn’t water, you might want to reconsider that habit. Drinking water was the number 1 most submitted tip. Everyone agreed that eating your calories is much more effective than drinking them. Good old H2O does a body good. Plan Everything The difference between having a goal and accomplishing it is everything in between, and planning is what helps to successfully connect all the days together to get you to your goal. Plan your meals. Plan your workouts. Have backup plans in place in case you’re not able to cook. Being prepared helps keep you on track so that you don’t reach for convenience food when life throws you a curve ball. Love Yourself Want to lose weight because you love your body, and not because you hate it. Lose weight for you, and not for other people. Get comfortable with seeing yourself naked, and start working on your body image. These were all tips submitted by the community. Start working on loving yourself now. Changing how much you weigh is not going to change the way you feel about yourself. Work on improving your self worth from day 1. Take It One Day At a Time It might seem like there’s a long road ahead, and that’s because there is. But that’s OK. All you have to do is take things one step at a time. It’s the accumulation of many daily victories that carries you to the end of your weight loss journey. Don’t get overwhelmed. Social Support Surround yourself with people who support you. When we start a weight loss journey it’s very typical of the people close to you to question your lifestyle change. It can be discouraging to not have the support of friends and family. Find someone to share the daily challenges with. That might mean finding a workout partner, joining a weight loss club, or hanging out in online support groups like blogs and forums. These people will understand your daily struggles and will keep you motivated towards your goal. Change Your Attitude Negative thoughts lead to negative results. Make you #1. Want a better lifestyle and your behaviors and habits change too. Have patience. All of the successful weight losers agreed that your attitude plays a major role in your success. Keep a positive mindset whether you slip up on your fitness program or not. Moderation in All Things You might be surprised that the 50lb success stories included testimony after testimony of how they reached their goals without depriving themselves of the things they love. If they wanted a treat, they had one. If exercise seemed like too much, they backed off a bit. The key for them was choosing a diet and exercise program that was sustainable. They didn’t really have any foods that were off limits. Instead, portion control was the ideal that kept them free from excessive restriction. They also didn’t kill themselves with exercise – effectively using exercise to build them up instead of tear them down. Never Give Up If there’s one thing that was common amongst the weight losers, it’s that they all persevered in the face of uncertainty. They all “failed” at some point on their weight loss journey. But they didn’t let this setback turn into something bigger. They accepted the situation and understood that the past could no longer be changed. Instead, they chalked up the mishap to a learning experience and got right back on track. In the end, they were a stronger person as a result of their failure.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:13:43 +0000

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