10 things about me: 1. I have sensitive eyes. I dont go anywhere - TopicsExpress


10 things about me: 1. I have sensitive eyes. I dont go anywhere without sunglasses. Even if its a cloudy day. If I cant find a pair, Ill go to the dollar store. Most pictures taken of me there are sunglasses there somewhere, day or night. 2) I still have one baby tooth, I have no wisdom teeth, and Ive never had a cavity. 3) I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. My immune system attacks my joints and destroys them, and large sections of my skin feel burned, but theres no rash. Most days I hurt, but I never show it or complain. 4) My grandpa meant the world to me. Hes been gone a while now, but I still think about him all the time. Sometimes I can swear he still hangs around. I wish he could see all his babies and grand babies and great grand babies. Hed sure be proud. 5) When I moved to ky I lost contact with most of my friends up here. When I moved up here, my girls from ky still bring me in like I never left. I cant thank you enough for that, and you have no idea how much it means to me. :) 6) Im a licensed insurance agent, but I chose not to sell insurance. I really enjoy helping our customers more. I could make more money, but money isnt everything. Ive been debating a different kind of sales with a more tangible product, but Im not sure yet. 7) I love my car. It has a personality and a life of its own. I dont look at it as a car, but a scrapbook of memories and adventures. Its a vw rabbit and its name is roger. I think thats why I still have the old del sol in the garage, lots of memories in that thing too! 8) Im terrible at explaining anything. And I usually use the wrong words. Especially if its something conceptual, which is probably why I didnt enjoy selling insurance. Lol 9) I was accepted to coastal Carolina university, university of Florida, university of Dayton, and nku. I chose nku. I dropped after the first year. I went to Uc for half a quarter too. An insurance license was way easier. Lol 10) I was adopted when I was 6 weeks old. I have a half brother and sister somewhere in this world. But, by the grace of god (or who ever or whatever force you believe in) I got put right where I needed to be with the best parents, that have the best families, grew up in the right place, made the right choices, made the right journeys, and have been so lucky. I know I wouldnt change a thing Ive done. Its lead me to meet the great people in my life, the wonderful friends that Ive have , and pushed me to do the exciting things ahead of me. I cant wait to find out the new parts of my story every day. :)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:11:02 +0000

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