10 vents to let off some steam. 1. The Malaysian plane is not - TopicsExpress


10 vents to let off some steam. 1. The Malaysian plane is not missing...it is just trying to sign up for Ocare and has a glitch 2. Ellen degenerate thanked O for Ocare because she is such a sincere honest person...just ask her girlfriends if she can be trusted. 3. The most hated group of people in America by the press are white Christians middle class....they deserve nothing and get nothing ...they actually work for what they have and this is not acceptialbe. 4. Nothing is easier than reading cue cards or teleprompters written by other people...yet news anchors are so smart and clever when all they really are is good looking radical readers of any leftist propaganda put in front of their eyes. 5. There are more good people than bad by 10-1...but you will never know that by reading the news or watching TV...they only report on the bad or the worst in society. 6. The old martial arts masters are not tougher or better athletes than the young men and women of today....they just trained harder...worked harder...and had to try harder to succeed. There were only a few coaches, books, no videos. You worked for every thing...nothing was given to you. 7. Making fun of older people is like punching yourself in the face and laughing because it doesnt hurt...at least not right now. 8. Its never too late for a new beginning...but it is getting too late to change the end. 9. The country has never been more divided...racially, economically, politically, religiously...and things will only get worse until we vote the bums out. 10. The Cowboys will never win another Super Bowl or even a playoff game as long as JJ is in charge...and that is a stone cold undeniable fact.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:25:54 +0000

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