100 LETTERS TO THE NEW PRIME MINSTER FOR LADAKH’S CONNECTIVITY Today there was an important event of Ladakh Connectivity Campaign at the newly established Ladakh Youth Centre in Leh. Roughly 100 youth met and wrote letters to the new Prime Minister for Ladakh’s connectivity. We wanted to post an invitation to you all but… of course the internet stopped working for 24 hours just when one needed, as if to prove the genuineness of the contents of our letters to the new Prime Minister. I am also posting a sample of the letters they wrote and urge you all to do your part too. Letters from the hundreds citizens of a sensitive border region in the first few weeks of a new government can be very powerful. By the way this event also marked the beginning of activities at NLM’s Ladakh Youth Centre in Leh. So here is the short version of the letter to the PM: Sh. Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of India. Subject: We Wonder if India Cares About Ladakh? Honourable sir, First of all kindly accept my congratulations for becoming Indias new Prime Minister. I am XYZ a student from Ladakh and I am writing this letter to you with great hopes. Sir, we all know that Ladakh is geographically remote and located in physically tough terrain with steep mountains and harsh climate where winter temperatures touch minus 35 C and the region remains cut off for six months a year . On top of this harshness of nature we feel we are neglected by the nation as well. And so we have some questions and appeals to you. 1. We are remote for roads and railway but there is no reason to keep us digitally remote. We want you to compensate for our physical loneliness by providing broadband facilities in each and every region of Ladakh, right up to the last village and last citizen. 2. Air-fare for Delhi- Beijing and Delhi - London costs only Rs. 18,000 while Delhi- Leh flights cost Rs. 27,000 during winters. Why are we exploited by the air companies when àir travel is a necessity and not a luxury for us. 3. Sir, in Ladakh China Radio International plays as if the station is next door while All India Radio Leh plays as if the station is in China, even 30 Kms away. Please help Ladakh with effective media in local language. We appeal to you to kindly intervene urgently and help ensure that Ladakh has complete connectivity to the mainland and the world through affordable air travel, world class digital network and a powerful radio network I remain Yours faithfully XYZ from xyz village phone no: email address:
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:03:27 +0000

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