100 years ago today war was declared with Germany and my - TopicsExpress


100 years ago today war was declared with Germany and my grandfather Ralph Lowe, volunteered to fight for King and country. Six weeks on he was sent to The Western Front in France. He waved goodbye to his heavily pregnant wife and two small children. On October the 13th 1914 he was killed on the battlefield close to Bethune. The telegram arrived 10 days later and my grandmother went into labour with the shock and my father, William, came into the world on the 21st October. My gran Lowe brought up her boys single handed, she never remarried, when WW2 came along her three sons all enlisted. My father joined the Army and his brothers the Royal Navy. My gran faced another tragedy when she received another telegram, this time telling her that her son Harrys ship had been torpedoed and he had perished. I had the privilege of taking my father to see the memorial to his brother in Portsmouth and then to see his fathers grave in the War Memorial Cemetery in Bethune France. He wrote in the book of memorial dad, I have finally found you, I promised my mam I would. I will carry the pride of my family to my dying day and pass on to my children and theirs. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them...
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 19:03:51 +0000

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