11/11/2013 = 10 which is a powerful number.The essence of this - TopicsExpress


11/11/2013 = 10 which is a powerful number.The essence of this number is to remind us of the cycles of birth, life, death and re-birth and of Transmutation. It reminds us of the importance of letting go of the old and making room to embrace new energies coming in. Eleven is a Master energy number. NUMBER ELEVEN. In numerology the number 11 is considered a Master number and has a higher vibrational energy than the numbers 1 to 9. Traditionally it is the number of the intuition and when present in a chart this number often brings psychic abilities. At the very least there will be a strong sense of Intuition. It is a deeply spiritual number not overly concerned with the material world. The energy of the number eleven can be quite difficult to work with. It is a high energy number which almost demands perfection and so elevens are rarely satisfied with anything they do. As a Master energy Number this number reminds us of our spiritual purpose, that journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment that is unique to each individual. It is the number of spiritual inheritance, the number of the “light bearer. Eleven brings an understanding and awareness of Universal relationships. Our spiritual journey is unique as we each learn to love and accept the self. True wisdom comes from within. That essential spark of divinity that resides inside each of us is as unique as a finger print and we need to learn to embrace it. When we finally understand that god is within and that heaven is what we make of our life here and now, then we become truly spiritual beings . When this happens, when we embrace our individuality our light begins to shine. We become “Shining Ones. As we follow our own unique path and work in the way we were born to work then we become healthier, happier human beings. Instead of being materialistic and believing our successes to be acknowledged by how much we have and what we own we need to become more caring and more community oriented. It is not what we have that is important but who we are and how we relate to others. The life lesson that eleven brings is to let go and so the energy of the number eleven enables us to let go and move forward in a different way. The energy of this number provides the opportunity to “let go “ of that which is no longer for our higher good. These are testing times and we will have to keep faith in ourselves if we are to survive. We have to evolve and that evolution is spiritual and mental. It begins with our thought processes. Our thoughts really do shape our reality and now more than ever we need to be truly aware of how our actions and thoughts affect others. We all share a beautiful home, the Planet Earth. There is only one race The Human Race. We are all equally responsible for the upkeep and care of this home world.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:30:57 +0000

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