11/23/14 (0205) CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD NEED TO - TopicsExpress


11/23/14 (0205) CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD NEED TO TRANSCEND AN INDIVIDUALISTIC MORALITY The pace of change is so far-reaching and rapid nowadays that no one can allow himself to close his eyes to the course of events or indifferently ignore them and wallow in the luxury of a merely individualistic morality. The best way to fulfil ones obligations of justice and love is to contribute to the common good according to ones means and the needs of others, even to the point of fostering and helping public and private organizations devoted to bettering the conditions of life. There is a kind of person who boasts of grand and noble sentiments and lives in practice as if he could not care less about the needs of society. There are many in various countries who make light of social laws and directives and are not ashamed to resort to fraud and cheating to avoid paying just taxes and fulfilling other social obligations. There are others who neglect the norms of social conduct, such as those regulating public hygiene and speed limits, forgetting that they are endangering their own lives and the lives of others by their carelessness. Let everyone consider it his sacred duty to count social obligations among mans chief duties today and observe them as such. For the more closely the world comes together, the more widely do mens obligations transcend particular groups and gradually extend to the whole world. This will be realized only if individuals and groups practice moral and social virtues and foster them in social living. Then, under the necessary help of divine grace, there will arise a generation of new men, the molders of a new humanity. VATICAN COUNCIL II, THE CONCILIAR AND POSTCONCILIAR DOCUMENTS, NEW REVISED EDITION, FLANNERY, OP, LITURGICAL PRESS
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 07:58:21 +0000

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