#11: Confessions Of A Xhosa Girl 2 We got to the apartment, the - TopicsExpress


#11: Confessions Of A Xhosa Girl 2 We got to the apartment, the time was around 3am. Sihle and Puleng went to sleep. Vanessa showed me the money she stacked on her purse. Lets count it, she whispered. We counted the money. R4770...R4780...R4790...R5000. Wow, its R5000, said Vanessa. It was a lot of money. Are you sure you dont want at least 10% of the money? She asked again. I didnt want her money because I didnt know where it came from. No, Im fine, I said. Are you going to work tomorrow? She asked. How could she even ask me that question? Of course, I responded. I have to sleep, I dont want to be late for work, I said. Okay, good night, Vanessa put the money back in her purse. Good night, I went to sleep. My eyes were really heavy, I needed to sleep. The next morning, I got ready for work. Sihle was applying make-up in the bedroom. Do you think its a good idea for me to invite Vixen to live with us today? I asked her. Sihle nodded her head and replied, What you doing is great, but you only met this girl once. How do you know shes not trouble? You girls also welcomed me into your apartment the very same day I met you guys. You trusted me, just like I trust Vixen. She wont screw me over, I said. If you say so, she shrugged. Will you accompany me there Where? Where shes currently living Yoliswa you cant be serious Please Sihle Im scared Its not a dangerous place. Okay, we wont get in, well just stand outside and wait for her or call her Did you tell Vanessa and Puleng? Where are they now? Come on Yoliswa. So you didnt tell them? I thought you promised to - I didnt get the right chance. We were drinking and dancing the whole evening I dont know Yoliswa Please Sihle, Im begging you Uhm - Please Sihle Eish, I dont know. I - I will return the favour. Please Yoliswa - Do you want me to go down on my knees? Because I can You dont have to do it. Okay, okay, okay. Just promise we will stand outside, not go in and stuff I promise. Thank you very much Sihle You will call me, okay? We can meet at the place you work in, maybe have lunch first That sounds great Okay. Let me love and leave you. I dont wanna be late for my lecture Okay, see you later Later! I took a taxi to work. Luckily, I wasnt late. I didnt have a good nights sleep, I slept late and woke up early. We had thirty minutes until the opening of the restaurant. Vicky was wiping the counter, I went to apologise and ask her about my mother. Good morning, I greeted. Good morning, she carried on wiping the counter. Im sorry for breaking the rules and Id like to apologise on behalf of Vanessa too, I said. I forgave you long time ago but you dont have to apologise for her. It was only a matter of time before she left this place. Shes used to doing this, she said. Im also sorry for the way I reacted when you told me about my mother. Im truly grateful for the information, Ill look for her Its satisfying to hear that Thank you Youre welcome. As long as you stick to the rules I will, Ive learnt my lesson Good It was nice having a chat with Vicky, it was much needed. I had to fix my relationship with Nosipho, as much as she says its okay I know its not okay. She just spoke on the phone, she was glowing after that phone call. Hey Nos, I smiled. Yoliswa, hey, she said. How are you? I asked. Im good and you Im great. Its good to see you glowing Glowing? Stop being silly Was that your boyfriend? Boyfriend? No, that was my cousin brother Who are you fooling? Its been a while since we spoke and hes really funny Oh, is it him? Who? The one you were dating? The girls told me Yeah, I dont want to talk about my relationship with Thando I respect that. I just wanted to clear things between us - If youre talking about that Raymond thing, dont waste your time. Believe me when I say, Im over him. I know he did that to make me jealous, he was just being a big toddler. I dont give a damn about him. What books were you two talking about? We share a passion for books - Wait, what? Raymond hates books. He doesnt like reading Really? He even bought me books. No wonder he didnt start reading his books Hes lying to you. He wants to get close to you, I think he likes you Likes me? Duh! Cant you see? He cant like me because Hakeem likes me. Well, although hes getting to know another girl, I know he likes me Do you like him? Hes a good guy Huh-ah, lets try again. Do you like him? Kinda Ill take that as a yes I have this silly crush on him Does he know? Im not crazy! Yoliswa, you should let him know before he gets into a relationship with this girl Im not ready for a relationship Maybe you are but youre afraid Maybe Hakeem is a sweetheart, Raymond is a bad boy Last night Hakeem, Raymond and Rashidi were pricking fun at Kwame, it was really funny. Kwame was pissed No, poor Kwame I wish you were there It sounds like lots of fun but I dont want to be around Vanessa. She makes me sick! The way she embarrassed herself in the restaurant just the other day. She likes attention I hope you get to know her even better, shes cool Cool? Vanessa? Wow, not at all. Whatever, lets not talk about that girl. She makes me sick The restaurant finally opened, customers came in bit by bit. In no time, the restaurant was packed as usual. That Tyler guy entered the restaurant with his infamous briefcase and newspaper. He sat down, I went to take his order. This time, he wanted a vegetable salad and soda water. I was surprised. Care to explain the sudden change in your facial expression? He asked me. I thought you were going to order your favourite meal, I said. Who said Ground Round Steak with salad, potatoes and a diet Coke was my favourite? He asked. I guessed since you always - Thats the problem, you guess. Yolanda, Yo something, whatever you name is, how long have you worked here? Im Yoliswa not Yolanda or Yo something. Ive been working here for a while That doesnt sound like a long time to me. Look, please get me my food, Im hungry Why are you so rude?! Excuse me? You come in here, with your fancy suit, briefcase and newspaper - Some of us have real jobs here Wow, so what am I doing? Youre backchatting, or is that what you do around here? Im tired of your shade. I wish you could shut that hole so bullshit doesnt fall out Do you want me to get up, go to the kitchen and get my food? You need to get a bag over that personality. Ill get your food I was angry at this rude Tyler guy. He was rude, I disliked him. He dampened my mood. I went to get his food, I placed it on the table. I didnt even say a word. He didnt even say thank you. What an asshole! Hours went by, my shift ended. I gave Sihle a call, she said she was on her way. I really hoped we could find Vixen. She finally arrived. Hey girlfriend, she took a seat. Is this place always packed? She asked. Yes, I replied. Im starving, can we take an order now? She asked. Of course, I replied. We ordered something to eat. Last night you and Vanessa disappeared, where were you? She asked. Uhm, we...we...we just went to the bathroom, to refresh, I said. Oh, okay. So how was seeing Hakeem again? Sihle! What? Come on, theres chemistry between you guys, theres no denying First Nosipho, now you What? Was it good seeing him again? It was good, yeah. Hes getting to know some girl, so... So what? So youre gonna let him go just like that? Arg! He likes you and you like him. Theres no need for us to do the maths here I cant be with him Why? Because I dont want to be in a relationship. I told him that too and look where his heart is at now You pushed him away No I didnt. It got to a point where we stopped communicating. I dont know what went wrong, he says Im not the girl he first me. Did I change? I wouldnt say youve changed because when you first came to Jozi, I didnt know you. To me, you havent changed. Maybe he didnt think you were a party animal Is there something wrong with being a party animal because he parties too? Maybe thats the problem. I dont know, you should give him a call maybe I will, when I get the chance After we were done with lunch, we walked to where Metaphor lived. Sihle was really scared but I loved the fact that she accompanied me. Shes such a great friend. I hope we find Vixen.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:37:34 +0000

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