12,August 2014 The question could also be WHY DO OUR PEOPLE - TopicsExpress


12,August 2014 The question could also be WHY DO OUR PEOPLE SUFFER? In one word DECEPTION is SWEET but suffering also expiates sins. This is not a trivial question or to make the answer like Christians do by saying because their lullaby plastic Jesus suffered therefore we too must suffer. The only problem is Yahushua Ha Notzri was on the tree for only three hours. Yes a total of three hours so if you want to count that suffering then compare with the, flailing of the skin of our people as torture much more painful then being on a tree for three hours, pogroms of the Y’sra’elites, houses burnt, people hung and killed on trees. Suffering the scourge of slavery for 400 years, being beaten, brutalised, raped, left to starve to death, whipped., dragged in chains, ripped in pieces by pulling in two opposite directions by horses, being used as bait for alligators. These were just some of the atrocities the gentiles committed those who today call themselves the good Christian people. Does this sound like it is a lesser suffering than the suffering of the Messiah for three hours? Any sane and intelligent man will tell you No, this is a far greater suffering than any man on the planet. It almost eclipses the suffering of the Messiah and it appears as if not that the Messiah died for the sins of the House of Y’sra’el but that Y’s’ra’el died for their own sins of their forefathers (Deut 28). Any other conclusion is just psychological deception that the gentile Christians have weaved. This is why I said DECEPTION is SWEET. Do you want me to lie to you or tell you the blunt TRUTH? Can you handle what I had to handle sixteen years ago? Truth unleashed, but can you really really handle it! Mishle (Pro) 1:22 How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?[1] I had to come to terms with Islam many years ago and accepted that I was born in the House of Bondage and slavery and that the only way out was believe it or not was to grab hold of the Messiah’s fringes in other words the TORAH and not some plastic Christian Jesus where you just go to Church on Sundays for 1 hour. This is not my understanding of serving the God of Israel. Christians are deeply deceived and cannot see the reality given to us no matter how much you argue with them they just cannot see it. Try it and see. They are also very caustic when it comes to disagreeing with them. They will instantly cut you off and slander you and call you demon possessed. This is Christianity 101, welcome to foolish churchy Christianity. How many of our Y’sra’elites have been shunned and thrown out of Churches for disagreeing with Christian dogma that has no room in the Torah. Even when the Master spoke to me he did not tell me to follow in the doctrines and traditions of Christians. He told me to obey the Torah. I did not know how I would do it but I said the same thing that our forefathers had said millennia earlier, Weh, Nay’Asah, Weh Nishma. (We will do we will hear), no matter what. Our people continue to suffer because of their own ignorant attitudes. While chosen as the plateau of all people many still refuse to reach out to Elohim by grabbing on his Torah instructions and following them. This is why they suffer. Many of our leaders continue to teach incorrect and divisive teachings like how to pronounce the name while failing to act in the spirit of the Torah to act in the likeness of Elohim. Kindness is miles away from their hearts, they are still stubborn and stiff-necked. You want to see proof go to the streets of Chicago or New York. The sheer hatred in our people’s hearts is overwhelming and will deter many away from them. Most of these Y’sra’elite whine about this, that and the other, what the white man did while how many seek after the right-ruling ways of the Most High? Ask them do you keep the Torah? They will say yes but when quizzed about Torah they don’t even know what it means! I know as I have observed. Ask them what prayers do you recite before you eat your food. What prayers do you recite when you get up in the morning. These people are clueless. They spend hours in front of their computers playing trivial games. They are only seeking first place in the game and not first place in the Kingdom. They stand in public squares arguing with gentiles while they spend very little time studying and obeying the Torah. Shouldn’t we be obeying Torah? Isn’t that why we are in the nations to be a light on to them? Does the Torah say “Thou shall argue with your neighbour”? Or does it say Thou shall observe the Commandments…? Think about this as the following paragraph sums up my thoughts. If Elohim wanted you to be a light on to the nations that plan has not changed contrary to the deception Christians and others are teaching you!!! Yesha’Yahu (Isa) 42:6 I YHWH have called you in right-ruling, and will strengthen your hand, and will guard you, and give you for a Contract/Agreement to the people, for a light to the Gentiles; Are you a light? Or are you a FIRE to the gentiles that they run when they get scathed with your fiery comments thrown to them in hatred? Just pause and think of what I am explaining to you. Is that why we are stuck in exile? Let us turn back to our forefathers ways and do what Abraham did. Open our tent doors to feed all (Teach Torah) whoever comes to us irrespective of colour, race or creed and for us to be fed by Elohim (The Torah by his appointed teachers). Unless we open our doors, (be approachable by all) the doors of the shamayim will remain shut for us because we refuse to be the light of the world ISN’T THAT OUR ORGINAL MISSION? Who is the saviour? n It’s actually a trick question. Everyone in the world is arguing that their religious prophet or god is the saviour. Muslims say it’s the prophet Muhammad and Allah. Hindus says its Krishna and the other myriads of gods they worship, the Christians say its Jesus but what does the Author of creation say? Let’s examine that shall we? Beresheeth Bara Elohim Alef-Tav ha shamayim v’et ha eretz 1:1 In the beginning Elohim/Powers[2]created the shamayim and the land. This sums up the answer that the Creator Elohim (אלהים) is where everything rests. When a computer engineer designs a computer he also designs the fault fixes as he anticipates what could go wrong. Do you seriously think that the Most High did not anticipate this? And if He did which is most certainly true then he also had the fix long before our creation. The Hebrew word Elohim means (Powers/Lights) so it encompasses the whole court of God in other words the true Heavenly Court. That is the only place where decrees and judgments can come out of. Since it is a heavenly court of Ten lights that are representative of the court then everything emanates from here including our decree to be rescued eventually both physically and spiritually. No we don’t have to beg to anyone but just turn back to the contracts there lies your RESCUE. The word Elohim is used to describe judgment and justice this is crucial to understand, while the name YHWH is used to describe the merciful side of God and Yahushua or Yasha the saving Arm but where did the saving Arm come from? So when isolated passages are provided such as Isa 43:11 or John 3:16 they do not match the criteria of the HEAVENLY COURT. Salvation/Rescue issued out of the COURT that we know as Elohim. Or put it another way the place of decrees. So who is the Saviour? Elohim (The heavenly court where judgment and justice issues forth from) As Israel was chosen and redeemed at the very beginning before even Creation therefore Elohim is the heavenly court that already picked and redeemed Israel. I am sure by now a lot of people are scratching their heads how can this be. Its elementary my dear look at what the Most High describes, the answer lies in the underlying wisdom revealed. When Adam and everything else was created it says by necessity Created Elohim (meaning He established a Court), Bara Elohim (created court or manifested itself in the open from concealment). This is where God did not reveal himself as anything but Elohim (The Court of Justice, mercy and decrees). He hid himself basically. So while everyone is trying to fit their prophet and god as the saviour Our God hid himself. He concealed himself. Adam was not shown who Elohim is. Remember Elohim is the COURT. Adam did not meet the whole court. This would be The Ten lights, Abbah, the Ruach, the Son and the Seven Rachamim (Spirits). They must all function together as THE COURT. Next Adam is revealed YHWH (Gen 2:4), then he sees YHWH walking and talking in the Garden (Gen 3:8). Beresheeth (Gen) 2:4… עשׂות יהוה אלהים Elohim YHWH Asot… Literally one can read; Elohim (COURT) announces YHWH. The Hebrew word “Asot” here can mean to BROADCAST OR ANNOUNCE. In other words Justice and Judgment which is Elohim that has revealed YHWH as a merciful judge. Why merciful? YHWH’S typological meaning is “mercy” SO wherever you see the word YHWH written in the Tanak it means the Creator is revealing his merciful side or Khesed (loving-kindness) that is on the left side of God when we look at it. Remember when we wash our hands and pour water on THEM we pour water on the right hand first 3 times. When we take our shoes off we take off left foot first. This means we are acting our Loving-kindness side or mercy to others first and judgment sides. Revelation to Abraham Beresheeth (Gen) 12:1 ויאמר יהוה אל־אברם We’Yomar YHWH El Abraham. Note now what is being revealed to Abraham. The word YHWH is used which means the mercy side of God is revealed to our forefather Abraham. Shemoth (Exo) 24:10… אלהי ישׂראל ותחת רגליו Elohee Y’sra’el WeTakhat Raglev. When the 70 elders of Israel saw God they are only shown the FEET but not the rest of the body of God as it was concealed. So what do we have? We have Adam sees only the invisible Powers/Lights (Elohim/Judgment/Court) followed by YHWH (mercy) because of his fall. Abraham has been given mercy so sees (YHWH) Loving-kindness. The Elders of Y’sra’el see the feet of Elohee. This word Elohee here is plural. This means this takes us back to Genesis 1:1 THE COURT/Judgment/Decrees. Y’sra’el see the feet only but actually faces the full COURT. This means our people Y’sra’el by seeing the FEET are revealed that they need to kneel to the FEET for that is where God’s wisdom (Chockmah) rests in the Sefirotic tree. Muslims often say “Jannat mah kay pao may” (Heaven is in the mother’s feet). Well that saying is not far wrong as Malkhut (symbol for the Holy Spirit) in the sefirotic tree where the Kingdom is in the feet or Em Chokmah is the Kingdom itself. Since the Torah emanated out of the Creator therefore Torah being a feminine noun means it was representative symbol for the Ruach Ha Kadosh or Holy Spirit the mother figure in the godhead. The seven rachmim each are a symbol of the seven annual festivals one festival for each Spirit of El. The Torah is also called the daughter of Elohim. Remember Hebrews can also call their wives “daughters” as a colloquial term. It does not mean a biological daughter. Since the Torah is the emanation of the Most High then one can see its revelation is by far the greatest thing that happened in our universe when the Most High manifested himself through the Torah and by the declaration of the creation. Every plant, every tree is subject to him. Its much bigger than we think. Now do you see the importance our Abbah has placed in the feminine? Therefore one who blaspheme the feminine side of God removes his salvation. The same way if we have mother and father and we disrespect our mother put her down, slap her we have effectively removed our salvation. The Torah punishment for hitting one’s parents is death. This is why the Muslim saying that heaven is in the feet of mother is not far wrong, they show much more respect to their parents then I have seen the Hebrews or Christians showing. In order to receive salvation or even be worthy of it the first thing is to fix your relation with your parents, hence why it is one of the commandments given. Usually you find the sons who are close to their parents are the best candidates to reap the benefits of the above. So next time you need to address who is the Savior, it actually emanates out of the COURT called (ELOHIM). The Talmud teaches us the following about the Hebrew words YHWH Elohim (Lord, God) as follows: .... THE LORD GOD [MADE EARTH AND HEAVEN]. This may be compared to a king who had some empty glasses. Said the king: If I pour hot water into them, they will burst; if cold, they will contract [and snap]. What then did the king do? He mixed hot and cold water and poured it into them, and so they remained [unbroken]. Even so, said the Holy One, benevolent is He: If I create the world on the basis of mercy alone, its sins will be great; on the basis of judgment alone, the world cannot exist. Hence I will create it on the basis of judgment and of mercy, and may it then stand!’ Hence the expression,’ THE LORD GOD. (Midrash Rabbah - Genesis XII:15) Woe to the wicked who turn the Attribute of Mercy into the Attribute of Judgment. Wherever the Tetragrammaton [‘Lord] is employed it connotes the Attribute of Mercy, as in the verse, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious (Ex. XXXIV, 6), yet it is written, And the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great (Gen. VI, 5), And it repented the Lord that he had made man (ib. 6), And the Lord said: I will blot out man (ib. 7). Happy are the right-ruling who turn the Attribute of Judgment into the Attribute of Mercy. Wherever Elohim (God) is employed it connotes the Attribute of Judgment: Thus: Thou shalt not revile Elohim- God (Ex. XXII, 27); the cause of both parties shall come before Elohim-God (ib. 8); yet it is written, And Elohim heard their groaning, and Elohim remembered His contract (ib. II, 24); And Elohim remembered Rachel (Gen. XXX, 22); AND ELOHIM REMEMBERED NOAH. (Midrash Rabbah - Genesis XXXIII:3). If you have learnt anything from me then learn this to respect the Most High in the proper way He deserves. Respect your elders/teachers. Respect your parents. Respect the animals and other people that Elohim has created. Failure to do this shows our disrespect to his decrees and judgments. Learn to love people and remove hatred from your beings. Those who are an enemy to you distance yourself from them and let YHWH be your avenger. You don’t need to be in their space. Strive for Shalom Beyth and Shalom Elohim. You will do well. Rebbe Simon Altaf HaKohen Truth Unleashed but can you handle it? [1] The Set-apart Spirit woos to Torah obedience but men do not always listen. [2] Our Creator is a plurality of Powers. Benefited is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of Adoni.But he that transgresses against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 08:59:53 +0000

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