12 Random Facts (about me) as assigned by Lauren Joy - TopicsExpress


12 Random Facts (about me) as assigned by Lauren Joy Hoffman Like this post and Ill give you a number of random facts to post about yourself! Im going to try and make them things that most people here probably dont know. 1) When I was 8, in an effort to show up another girl in my class, I promised to read 80 books over the summer. My mother made sure that I actually did. 2) When I was 13 I wrote and directed a play that was performed at my school. It had 37 scene changes. 3) I compulsively watch old episodes of shows that Ive already seen because I find it comforting to already know whats going to happen. 4) I never shower in the morning. Only at night. This has been true since I was a kid. My hair was too long and thick and wouldnt dry until halfway through the day. 5) When I was in college, my workstudy was reading books onto tape for blind and dyslexic students. I had no idea that 10 years later Id still be involved in that... 6) I put hot sauce/hot red pepper flakes on about 80% of what I eat. 7) Despite being decidedly ungirly in almost every respect, I kick ass at applying makeup. This is mostly because I started doing it pretty young in an effort to cover the birthmark that used to cover about 1/4 of my face 8) Ive been to 9 countries outside the US. 9) Despite being almost militantly atheist, Im a Christmas FREAK. Literally. While everyone else is bemoaning the ads and decorations before Thanksgiving, Im doing a happy dance inside and thinking about what ornaments to add to my collection this year 10) i was expelled from Catholic Kindergarten. I wont relate the whole incident here, but it involves the Ninja Turtles. 11) I took horseback riding lessons for a little while when I was a kid. It was at a farm in the middle of nowhere western mass, called Still Here Farm. They made me much stalls for the first 6 lessons. 12) I once won second place at a talent show in middle school for putting on whos on first. Afterwards, some kids asked if I wrote it myself.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:33:19 +0000

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