13 July 2013 | facebook/thevoiceofsikkim (Download VOSBUZZ Apps - TopicsExpress


13 July 2013 | facebook/thevoiceofsikkim (Download VOSBUZZ Apps for Android FREE, voiceofsikkim/wp-content/uploads/vosbuzz.apk) News Headlines : >> 199th Bhanu Jayanti, Janm Jayanti of Adi Kabi Bhanubhakta being observed across the world today. >> Governor asks Youths to follow footsteps of Adi Kabi Bhanubhakta Acharya >> AOSS shall not be pressurized in withdrawing writ petition : Supreme Court >> Drukpa Tsheshi observed across the World on 12 July. >> Telengana issue served in Congress Working Committee CWC court now. -------------------.. Your Horoscope Today > Aries : Woman will be able to get ahead today. There may be a number of domestic chores to do that you should have completed few days back. Tip of the day: listen to your heart’s voice to find a good friend. > Taurus : This looks as if it is going to be the most positive day. It is about time that Fortune smiled in your direction. Tip of the day: You need to make friendly relations with a good partner and spend time to know & understand each other. > Gemini : Some problems that you have been enduring with the water system, the gas or the electricity can be worked out in the first half of the day. Tip of the day: Don’t make false promises otherwise it will only create frictions in relations. > Cancer : Loved ones will be more agreeable to your ideas for making budget cuts. It is important that you try to put extra money to one side for the additional expenditures. Tip of the day: Have firm belief in your ideas and yourself to bring rich rewards. > Leo : The health of loved ones may be the cause for some concern. You might have to rearrange your schedule at work at the last moment. Tip of the day: Your hard work is likely is bring success for you. > Virgo : You will probably have to take care of the needs of someone who will be relying on you more than usual today. Tip of the day: You should take initiative to open your heart to her/him-as she/he may be somewhat reluctant > Libra : You might even be required to make one or more trips to a hospital or to a doctor’s office in order to assist someone. This will be an especially sensitive day for romances. Tip of the day: Keep your energy levels high supported by bold initiatives to succeed. > Scorpio : Your beloved is likely to be in a worse mood than you have ever seen before. You will perhaps be upset, too, by the way they snap at you. Tip of the day: Time now to learn something about tackling difficult & intricate problems > Sagittarius : Considering what happened yesterday, you are probably going to want to spend quite a lot of time at home today. Tip of the day: Love being the matter of heart needs careful handling. > Capricorn : There is no way you will not be able to iron your problems out completely. It will take you some time to build up the trust of a person who may have reason to feel let down by you. Tip of the day: Negligence on your part could invite unnecessary mental stress. > Aquarius : Tact and diplomacy will be crucial. Harsh words, spoken in a moment of passion, will lead to regrets. Later in the day, the way is likely to become lighter and less complex. Tip of the day: Testing times in love life need to be handled with tolerance and kind behavior > Pisces : This will be one of the most important days so far this month. There will be quite a lot for you to deal with at your place of employment. Tip of the day: Don’t depend on anybody rather make some innovations to bring success for you.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 02:58:43 +0000

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