13 Lies We Tell Ourselves that Stop Us From Chasing Our - TopicsExpress


13 Lies We Tell Ourselves that Stop Us From Chasing Our Dreams *Failing is a Horrible Thing. (Failure isn´t fatal.) *I don’t have enough time to do it. (Do us all a favour and stop using this as an excuse.) *That Sounds like a lot of Hard Work. (If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. But you’re not like everyone. You’re trying to do what the average person is afraid to do. You’re looking to take control of your life and push yourself to achieving everything you ever wished for. It’s going to take a lot of late nights, it’s going to take a lot of failure and possibly some gray hairs. Through it all, you’ll come out stronger and shining brighter than you ever did before. Not because something was handed to you but because you saw something you wanted and you took it.) *I’ll start that tomorrow...(BS) (Successful people have a habit of doing the things today that lazy people plan for tomorrow.) *I’m not smart enough. (Maybe not, but you can be smart enough. Two things you need to know when you’re chasing the life of your dreams. No one becomes successful without learning a whole lot more than they expected on the way to the top. Do you think Steve Jobs knew what the future held when it came to music and how it would impact his business when he first started? No. He learned lots along the way. Whether it had to do with Pixar or with the development of new devices; he was constantly learning. You need to embrace learning as well. There are tons of great resources online for personal development but you can also learn by doing. Through hands-on, experiential, learn-by-failing practices that you embrace day in and day out.) *I need to save money first. (Why do you need to save money? What exactly is it that you need to save money to do? Ask yourself these questions before you tell yourself this story. For most people, you really don’t need more money all you need is a plan of attack.) *The Timing is Not Right. (Are you going to blame the economy or the fact that your girlfriend wants to have a baby? Don’t make excuses. Life is short and if your dreams are staring at you in the face it’s up to you to decide whether or not you wan’t to do something. If you need to quit your day job to achieve the life of your dreams then it’s time to putting together the building blocks that will allow you to stand up tall. There’s no time like the present and in all honesty, the timing will never be right. When you’re in University, you’re too young and inexperienced. When you’re in your 20′s you need to save up for a house and settle down. When you’re in your 30′s you need to raise kids and focus on your marriage. When you get in your 50′s you’re tired, drained and just have to wait a few more months for a pension. Stop making excuses. The time will never be right. But sooner or later, time will most certainly run out.) *You can’t have success and a good family life. (There is no doubt in my mind that you can have both success and a good family life. It’s not easy but chasing the life of your dreams is far from a simple task.) *That’s just not Realistic (Your ideas are not realistic until someone proves a skeptic wrong. That idea you have; it’s only impossible if you never do anything about it. The reason certain things seem impossible is simply because nobody has sought out to achieve them. You have an opportunity to chase your dream and make your vision a reality.) *I can’t afford it right now. (You can’t afford to chase your dreams or you can’t afford to buy another Grande Latte with extra whip cream and sprinkles? The only thing you can’t afford to do is waste your time doing things you don’t love and a lack of prioritization. If you really want to achieve the life of your dreams stop spending money or time on things that don’t matter and start spending them on things that do.) *I’m too old to learn that. (BS) (Sureeeeeeeeeeee.. if you’ve already graduated from University you might be too old to learn how to be the next Lebron James.) ***I have too much to lose. (Yeah. I mean, the house, the car, the iPhone, the DVD collection and $25 bottle of wine….it’s really just too much to give up right now. I mean, why would you give up all these materialistic things that provide you with so much happiness when all you’re comparing them with is the life of your dreams? I think we can stop here.) *I’m not good enough yet. (BS) (You’re not good enough to live the life you always wanted? That’s a whole lot of cop-out if you ask me. You’ve got everything you need to get up and start doing what makes you happy. The only thing that can limit you from achieving the life of your dreams is you. While it may be true that your skills aren’t where they need to be to do a certain job extremely well, you can definitely start living life with the full intent of developing those skills so you can eventually reach that point. Simply stating you’re not good at something is going to accomplish nothing. Recognizing your weaknesses and pushing yourself to develop new skills and talents is where you need to focus your attention. Not good at something that is essential to living your dream life? Get better. ¨Oh yes, I´ll.¨
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:41:20 +0000

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