13 Nov, 7 pm IST: Welcome to the live webcast of satsang with Sri - TopicsExpress


13 Nov, 7 pm IST: Welcome to the live webcast of satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore. Next webcast: 15th November, 7 pm IST: Join us for a global meditation and prayer for peace in Middle East The International Association of Human Values, a sister concern of the Art of Living has been working tireless to support the Yazidis. More than one and a half tonnes of relief material has been air lifted and distributed. Our volunteers have been rescuing abducted girls, providing food, shelter, clothing, education... and we are not stopping at that. If you wish to extend your support to save Yazidis, it is time to do your bit! You can participate via live webcast on this page, as we join hands to pray and meditate for peace and solace to all the refugees and their restoration in Iraq. Date & Time: Saturday, 15th November 2014, 7:00 PM IST | 2:30 PM CET | 8:30 AM EST | 1:30 PM GMT You can contribute to the cause: Click here to support Sri Sri: Hmm... Today, farmers from all over India have come to the Bangalore Ashram. You are all welcome. Today, many people have joined us today from 55 countries from live webcast. So, I will speak in English and Hindi today. The country in which farmers are happy, all the people in that country will be happy. The country in which the farmer is unhappy, that country cannot be without sickness or happy. There are two reasons: 1. Increase faith in yourself, then you get the strength to face issues in life. 2. Plan what you can do so that you do not have to face issues. What is in your hand, you do. Whatever is not in your hand, you pray to God. In the next three days, we will discuss many things and I am sure that you will benefit. If you benefit then lakhs and crores of people will benefit. Because of your efforts, so many people are benefiting. When I was a child, my father used to tell us to say Anna Datta Sukhi Bhav before and after eating food. I have only heard my father say this mantra. Who is Anna Datta? 1. The farmer who grows anna (crops). 2. The businessman who transports the anna. If the businessman does not do business properly then both the farmer and people suffer. In our country, a lot of crops are grown. But due to issues in the distribution, some people go hungry while some crop gets rotten. Only one who is sick will create problems. The person who creates problem is only because they are not happy, not content. If businessman is content and happy, he will not exploit the farmers. If businessman is not doing business properly, then it causes sorrow for both people and farmer. In one kg of rice, there is 200gm of stones! And give the proper amount to the farmers. They should not be consumed by greed. As per Dharma shastras, the businessman should keep 20%. But here they take more than 50%. If they make more money, they should give that money to the farmers as well. May the businessman be happy and spiritual. 3. The lady who cooks in the house should be happy. If the lady who is cooking is crying, then the person who eats that food cries. So, the lady should be happy. Everyone should say this prayer everyday before or after eating food. India is one of those countries where there is a lot of rainfall. Even though we have so much water, we are not using that properly. We are using chemical fertilizers that other countries have rejected. This spoils the land and also wastes money. There are many specialists here. We will discuss all this. This is your spiritual home. Stay happily here. Do some pranayama and meditation in the morning. If you are healthy, then the food that you grow will also bring health to the people who eat the food. The whole world is a vibration. Our vibrations should be sattvic, then food in your farms will also grow well. You will have green fingers. We do Lakshmi pooja every Friday. So tomorrow, you all can participate. First we will pray to the Divine that there are rains on time, let everyone have good intellect, let no one go hungry, every seed that falls on the ground should sprout. When we came into this world, we were incapable of providing food and water for ourselves. The same is the case when we grow old. In the middle of our life as well we are dependent on others. We should know that when we depend on God, then we get strength in difficult times. Once, you know this then will you ever be weak? Audience: No Then you will be self-dependent. Q: Why should Yazidis suffer so much? Sri Sri: These questions have no answers. It is connected with something much bigger than our understanding. You do not need to come to a conclusion why they are suffering, instead do what you can do help them. We have 110 tonnes of food material and supplies in the desert where you do not get anything. We are airlifting that and tents to people who are caught in the Sinjar mountains. Anyone who wants to help can contact IAHV. Create awareness in people. This was the case with Parsis. They were given shelter in India. They came from Iran in boats and arrived in Gujarat. It is an ancient tradition in India to give protection to those who are threatened. Art of Living is doing everything possible to help them come out of the trauma and current situation. Q: Is the relationship with the Guru eternal? Sri Sri: You are asking a tricky question. You better finish your job now. Who knows what you will be in the next lifetime. Better make use of this lifetime. Q: Once you are enlightened, then what? Sri Sri: First you get to that stage. Then I will tell you what is next. Q: Getting love is painful and maintaining it also painful. Which pain to choose? Sri Sri: Choice is yours, blessing is mine. If you want to choose pain, you are most welcome. Choose bigger pain. Love for the planet, love for the whole humanity, love for the animals. Animals have the right to exist. Look into the eyes of the calves, dogs, chicks. This entire creation is filled with love. How can people slaughter them to fill their tummy. It is not even healthy. Q: The ashram has become a fortress. It was easier in the olden times to get peace in the ashram. Sri Sri: Be in the present moment and listen to the knowledge points. When more people are there is more possibility to share your wisdom and know. Today, you may have to interact with 1000 people. We have accepted the whole world as our family. Rise up to that ideal. Get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others. Ask others how many people are comfortable with you. If you dislike people, you will find that you are not friendly. As you expand you realize that you become friendly with people from all parts of the world. Sometimes we are happy with people only from our states. Here you will find people from all over the country. Their food habits, mannerisms are different. And similarly we have people from all over the world. So you need to learn and bring comfort to others. You have had enough peace. Today is the anniversary of The Art of Living: 13 November. Actually, there is no beginning for this knowledge. Formally, our organization was registered on 13 November 1981. One of the first trustees was Justice Krishna. It is his birthday today. He has turned 100 years old today. In the olden days, the ashram was small. There was no home with a proper roof. Today, all the homes in the village have shelters. In the ashram as well all the roofs were made of grass and the leaves of coconut trees. I like simplicity. In those days, we used to draw water from the well. The light used to come from generator for one or two hours only. Due to rain and strong winds, the roof used to fly away. One person said, we have to make a meditation center in the ashram as so many people are coming. Then I drew a meditation center. This is the Vishalakshi mandap. After 15 years, we started constructing rooms with roofs. I agreed to this only on the condition that for every pillar, one house should be constructed for the villagers around the ashram. The volunteers constructed homes and toilets in villages all around the ashram. Q: About time. Sri Sri: First of all go into meditation you will realize there is space and only space. At that time you can also know how there is no time at all. It is in the mind. There is a small booklet on time and space. Pick up that book and celebrating silence. Q: About love and longing. Sri Sri: Love is also a gift. When it is not there, there is longing. When longing is there, then prayers and poems will come and lot of miracles can happen. Enjoy that.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:19:37 +0000

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