15. The planet Earth has a population of forty-eight hundred - TopicsExpress


15. The planet Earth has a population of forty-eight hundred million people. Forty-four hundred million are the original nation and four hundred million are the Ca. civilization. They have been found absolutely disagreeable to live with in peace, so the Originator decides to remove them from the Planet. Suppose the Holy War be declared tomorrow. What would be the exact number of persons of each Ca. against the original? & 16. Our Earth travels one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour, and she travels around the Sun in three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days. How many miles does it travel in three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days. *** 15. - the planet Earth has a population of forty-eight hundred million people 4’800’000’000 people - forty-four hundred million are the original nation 4’400’000’000 original nation - four hundred million are the Ca. civilization 400’000’000 Ca. civilization 4’800’000’000 / 400’000’000 = 12 - eleven to one 11 to 1 the ratio of eleven to one = the Original Nation (11) to Ca. civilization (1). like eleven good Disciples and Judas The Human Family is as the twelve Planets on the Home of Islam, traveling daily at 1,037.3 miles per hour. “the Holy Flag of Islam is the greatest and only Flag known.” - the Universe is everything–Sun, Moon and Stars. They are planets. Planets are something grown or made from the beginning.” - the flag of a nation represents that nation. the people are called “nationals” of that nation. they are “flags” - the Holy Flag of Islam is the greatest Flag because it represents everything. - the Holy Flag of Islam is the only Flag that is knowable, because it covers everything. there is nothing left for another flag. - greatest is an adjective of comparison. - only means the only one, there is no other. - the Sun (and then the Stars) was made 6 trillion years after the self-creation. - the Moon was made 12 trillion years after the self-creation. - the Black Nation are “the Planets” grown or made from the beginning. Earth, the Home of Islam, is our home. we travel 1,037.3 miles per hour daily on the Earth’s surface. “The 12 Planets” 1 – Sun 2 – Moon 3 – Star (one star represents all the stars) 4 – Mercury 5 – Venus 6 – Earth 7 – Mars 8 – Jupiter 9 – Saturn 10 – Uranus 11 – Neptune 12 – Platoon; Pluto; Plouton - the Sun, Moon and stars are planets, but they are not detailed in the Problem Book - the statement “…travels at the same rate — one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour” is mentioned 7 times concerning Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; “…travels the same rate around the Sun as the rest of the Planets” is mentioned one time with Platoon. the Sun, Moon and Star are planets, not described. Why not? Jupiter is left out. (ELEVEN to ONE) - “the Universe is everything–Sun, Moon and Stars. They are planets”. this also includes the 9 Planets. 12 in total. - “All Planets travel approximately the same rate” does not mean the planets in space. It has to mean people on the Earth. - One of the Prophets in the early days said: - “The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, numbering one hundred forty-four thousand, will be STARS, and will return to their original Land. And the Balance,” he said, “are poison and rusty, and will not take the Knowledge on their own.” 144’000 = 12 x 12 or 12² Sun - the diameter of the Sun is 853,000 miles - the circumference of the Sun is 2’679’778 miles - the area in square miles of the Sun is 2’285’851’050’093 square miles - the Sun rotates 33 days at the poles at 3’384 miles per hour and approx. 25 days at the equator at 4’466 miles per hour - (shams “Sun” occurs 33 times in the Qur,ân) Moon - the diameter of the Moon is 2’160 miles - the circumference of the Moon is 6’786 miles - the area in square miles of the Moon is 14’657’414 square miles - the Moon’s average distance from the Earth is 240’000 miles (between 225,622 miles at its closest to 252,088 miles at its furthest) - the Moon orbits 1’507’964 miles around the Earth at the speed of 2’327 miles per hour - the “Lunar year” is 27 days - (qamar “Moon” occurs 27 times in the Qur,ân) “To start we the dead nation of thawing out from the frozen death into a new growth and activity of life again, Our Saviour poured upon us questions relating to past, present and future. In every word, if we would try and SOLVE what He said, we would be learning of ourselves and the presence of Himself among us.” - the Hon. Elijah Muhammad & 16. - how many miles does it travel in three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days. the mileage the Earth travels in three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days is 584’336’223.551 miles. π = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510... I will use π with 10 decimal places 3.1415926535… to find the circumference: C = 3.1415926535… x 2 x radius or C = 3.1415926535… x diameter diameter = radius x 2 or radius x 2 = diameter to find the area of a circle: A = 3.1415926535… x radius squared to find the area of a sphere: SA = 4 x 3.1415926535… x radius squared the Earth is 93’000’000 miles from Sun = radius 93’000’000 x 2 x 3.1415926535… = 584’336’223.551 (radius x 2 x 3.1415926535… = circumference) the mileage the Earth travels in three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days is 584’336’223.551 miles. 365.25 x 24 hours = 8’766 hours 584’336’223.551 divided by 8’766 = 66’659.4 miles per hour the Earth rotates at 1’037.3 miles per hour. the Earth orbits the Sun at approximately 66’660 miles per hour. when we do the calculations, we will find that none of the other Planets travel or orbit at 1’037.3 miles per hour. what then could it mean? Again, it could mean that we are the planets. - the diameter of the Earth is 7’926 miles - the circumference of the Earth 24’896 miles - the area in square miles of the Earth is 196’940’000 square miles - Earth is 93’000’000 miles from the Sun - Earth orbits 584’336’224.551 miles around the Sun at the speed of 66’660 miles per hour - Earth year is 365.25 days - the Earth rotates at 1’037.3 miles per hour
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 21:02:50 +0000

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