18/12/14 testimonial My Story It has been a financially - TopicsExpress


18/12/14 testimonial My Story It has been a financially straining, mentally taxing and overall exhaustive 10-15 years for me and my family. It’s difficult, I am unsure where to start, such was the range of problems/hardships that existed. Over the past 10 years, my father went on a range of various business ventures and received nothing but extreme loss of finance leading to mental taxation for the entire family. My father came to this country as 12 year old, he worked for his uncle in at his humble corner shop, he later moved on to Taxis for 20 plus years & had a number of properties to his name. Today, he only has one – and we just about managed to save it as mortgage arrears had accrued to an unsustainable level - the mortgage company had given up on us – the Judge however, on the basis that I had received a new job after a University qualification said it would be unfair to go ahead with possession of our family home when we I now have the opportunity to put things right. My father attempted to start a care home for which he placed all his finances towards, a butchers shop, he started a waste materials recycling business, bought a takeaway & a claims office – all were unsuccessful and lead to a loss of extreme finance. I myself, took out a loan of £40,000 to help aid one of my fathers business’ – no matter what or how we did it, the result always was.. financial loss. There were times during the past 15 years when purchasing basic necessities such as milk and bread were proving to be an uphill battle. I would struggle to bring together a few pounds for bus/train fair my for university travels, stress would eat at me from within every single day, there wasn’t a moment when I would not analyse my future, the future of my sisters, my brother – the wellbeing of my family. Household bills mounted up, the bailiffs knocked on the door, I would receive calls and texts from companies reminding me of the financial hell that had been created around me. We had visited local and national molvis/Peers/Healers – no one had the answer to our troubles. Promises were made but no healing took place, no troubles withered, and the stress which resided within my mental capacity which had become a permanent fixture for almost a decade of my life continued to kill me from within – even when there wasn’t a reason to stress, it seemed as if something was weighing upon me, pulling, holding me back. My younger sister would complain of witnessing a shadow everywhere she walked. My 2nd youngest sister had sleeping problems, she would raise her voice unnecessarily, her temper became an aspect of her individuality which was beyond her control, she became anti-social within her own home & would isolate herself from all the family especially at night and see shadows in the mirror. My younger brother has eczema issues, he could not sleep at night, anxiety for him became the norm, temper and constipation were regular issues. My mother continuously experienced pain around her body, pins & needle and, witnessed regular unusual dreams. My father went from making one mistake, to make two, three and eventually the fourth – one lead to another. We had also borrowed a substantial amount running into thousands of pounds from relatives and friends – who would call us for the return of their money, knock on our door & discuss with others in the community regarding the money they borrowed us, but how do you return a thousand pounds when £10 is all you have & that’s to buy milk, bread, sugar and possibly a train ticket to University. My father then after much persuasion sold his property to pay off old debts and relieve the burden of pressure – despite the sale debts still remained but a sustainable and manageable level. Upon analysing our situation – it could take anything between 10-15 years to pay off all debt had we not sold the property and.. had we not met Peer Saab. If there is one thing I had & never lost, then that’s hope. I never lost hope. I would look at the skies and ponder when help would arrive. I still don’t know how under such intense pressure of daily living I completed my University degree but I knew there was a God, I believed in ‘La ilaha illala’ & I knew that God would help me, so I continued to struggle, I continued to search for a way out and believed somewhere along the line I would witness light under the tunnel.. Light at the end of the tunnel Nobody could help. It wasn’t until, a member of the family relayed their experiences to me, maybe.. One last time? Should I give it another shot? The experiences relayed to me were convincing, it came from people whom I knew would tell me the truth; they had nothing to gain to mislead me. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting anything to change with regards to my situation. Upon hearing of Peer Saab I was sceptical, I questioned myself as to why I should go ahead when time and again I was let down, in short, I had nothing to lose, I had no choice but to try again. Trying was all I had. Then came the day, my mother & I drove to Peer Saab , I was still sceptical, my past experiences made me sceptical, I am a creature of experience – I never forget my experiences & they dictate my actions in the future. To the point I walked inside the room Peer Saab sat I remained sceptical - and to my astonishment, Peer Saab knew this, I don’t know how but he knew how I felt – he said: “Why have you come to me when you don’t believe in what I do”. That one simple sentence had the effect of a punch line, it was knockout – it set me back, it gave me goosebumps, how did Peer Saab know my exact feeling, at that precise moment? As the minutes and seconds passed I had no questions, I only listened as Peer Saab revealed the details of various events of my past life and all the problems. The depth of detail and number of events revealed were unparalleled by anyone I visited prior to Peer Saab and as we later discovered.. the solutions too were unparalleled. At the time, I had no choice but to believe and since that first visit we have visited Peer Saab on a weekly basis and as per able. Instantly upon treatment, our physical and mental symptoms disappeared, weeks later things started to look up, as a family we could sense relief and our shoulders no longer seemed burdened, clouds of doubt and murkiness were no longer present within our minds and months later circumstances started to improve – we could lead normal lives. We now have no fear of black magic, the attitude is this: whoever wants to attack us can do so at will, we have no fear. This new mindset is courtesy of Peer Saab and his constant presence in our protection. The financial burden has considerably eased and much manageable, many of us now have jobs and reside in full-time employment. My father can now drive, many court cases have come and gone, I am till this day astonished how he is able to drive, he served his ban prior to meeting Peer Saab, he escaped further points and a ban due to a number of reasons. Had he not been able to drive, on top of my work commitments for which I commute by car 30 miles per day, I would had to continue to wake up at 0430am for five days a week – something I have been doing for5 months, the responsibility of my sisters, my mother, household chores, work – all became a little too much for me. My mother had physical pain for many years for no cure could be found, my sister became a shadow of her default personality, my brothers eczema would eat at him every single day and night – he became a sleepless wreck, my father would make more costly mistakes per day than the number of meals he would consume, my head became clearer – the pressure cooker feeling had diminished. Things changed. Many people refuse to visit Peer Saab due to their previous experiences with other Peers/Molvis, but Peer Saab is truly special, they gave us genuine help in return for help from us to help the poor and needy. Peer Saab is here to help the community, people of all race and colours, black magic and possessions are a serious problem within the Asian/African communities and not many out there have the genuine cure. I cannot thank Peer saab enough and most importantly I cannot thank enough the Highest, the Most Noble, the Almighty himself – who lead us to one of his Wali’s. May the Almighty continue to watch over me and my family and may he always protect Peer Saab’s good work, may he protect Peer Saab and his family and those in close connection with Peer Saab who help him carry out the good work. Assalamu Walaikum Mohammed Sahin
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:16:46 +0000

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