18 Signs she’s a Keeper 22 September 2014 #1. She’s not lost - TopicsExpress


18 Signs she’s a Keeper 22 September 2014 #1. She’s not lost without you. She has her own life. When you have your own commitments, she doesn’t question what you’ve been doing when she’s not around. Couples that have been together for a long period of time respect each other’s time and space. #2. She is comfortable in her own skin. This girl is confident in the things she does. She doesn’t care what other people think about her and doesn’t go out of her way to please everyone. She knows that at the end of the day, it is more important to be secure with who she is than seek other people’s approval. #3. She doesn’t hold grudges. Conflicts are no stranger to relationships. Arguments come and go but it is more important to learn how to deal with differences productively. When she fights with you, she knows how to cool down and does not hold anything against you. #4. She’s not unreasonable. She doesn’t make crazy requests that she knows you can’t fulfill. She doesn’t expect you to be a superhero with superhuman powers nor read her mind. This girl understands that you are human and should be treated as such. #5. She says what’s on her mind. A woman with confidence and who speaks her truth is attractive. She is honest with you and tells you as it is even when you don’t feel like hearing it. She lets you know when you’ve disappointed her. #6. You trust her. She knows the passwords for your multiple email accounts. You know that if you leave your Facebook account open, she will not be snooping around in your message history. When you feel that you have no reason to be suspicious of her, it is because she has already earned your trust. #7. She is patient with you. She understands if you don’t have time to see her this week and was cool about that one time you bailed on her. She knows that you have your shortcomings and may lose your temper once in awhile, yet she still remains at your side. She waits for you and helps you out through difficult circumstances. #8. She’s thoughtful and selfless. People are so caught up in their own lives nowadays that thoughtfulness can seem like a luxury. Your girl thinks of others’ well-being and is truly concerned about everyone because she cares. She asks you about your family and friends, and remembers their birthdays as well. And she treats everyone around her well, even strangers. #9. She supports you. She takes your side even if it’s against her beliefs because she respects you and the things you stand for. When she supports you, she does it 100% percent. She doesn’t abandon you in the times you need her most. #10. You find her quirks cute. You love that dimple that only shows up when she smiles or the way she laughs when she finds something really funny. You find her obsessive-compulsive tendencies endearing. You know that she wouldn’t be who she is without these and you wouldn’t have it any other way. #11. She improves your life. A good life partner is like a good wine that gets better with age. Throughout the course of your relationship, she has made you a better person that you were before. She has been your best friend and greatest supporter. You know she loves you even when she’s really mad at you. #12. She’s smart. She is an intelligent and resourceful person. When she is under a lot of stress, she can maintain her composure and find solutions to her problems without your help. She honors her time and commitments with others and knows what she’s doing with her life. #13. You’ve cried in front of her. Guys are socialized into thinking that they should not express their strong emotions growing up, especially when these are related to sadness and grief. When she’s seen you vulnerable and lonely, it’s because you have let your walls down. You’ve cried in front of her several times and she doesn’t think of it as a weakness. #14. She’s flexible. She may work well with a schedule but also knows how to deal with spontaneity and uncertainty. She can adapt to a new environment she’s never been in before. She also knows how to relate to different types of people. #16. She cheers you up. Disappointment is a fact of life. A partner who can help you turn that frown upside down and make you feel better is invaluable. She can sense when you’re feeling down in the dumps and does what she can to help. She doesn’t only listen to you, she makes you feel important. #17. Your family and friends get along with her. When two people are in a committed relationship, they become part of each other’s lives and families. You know that this girl may be the One if your friends and family approve of her. She has seen the workings of your private life and knows how important these people are to you. #18. She doesn’t force you to change. This may be one of the most important signs of all. She accepts you for who you are, the good and bad included, without forcing you to change for her. She does not judge you based on her standards/expectations and allows you to just be yourself.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:48:20 +0000

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