18 things guys do, that women (apparently) dont know about 1. - TopicsExpress


18 things guys do, that women (apparently) dont know about 1. No Shower If the guy doesnt have any plans to leave the house, doesnt have to work and really is just going to play video games or stay inside of his home all day, he is not going to take a shower. The shower is required for going out, and since he isnt going out, he is going to avoid the shower out together. 2. Racing the flush Men are inherently very competitive, so it is no surprise that this extends to the bathroom. Men will sometimes flush the toilet while peeing and race the toilet to see if they can finish before the flush does. 3. Reuse Dishes Men often see nothing wrong with reusing certain items that have already been used, such as a coffee cup. They might have a favorite cup of coffee they use upon waking up in the morning. However, there is no real to clean it off, so they just reuse it. Eventually pots and pans will inevitably be used for bowls and plates. 4. No Smell Means its Clean Men often perform the smell test. If it doesnt smell (shirt, underwear, towel), then its clean. This test is timeless and men of every generation do it. If it does smell, well...it can still be used for now. Do towels even need to be washed? 5. The Nod All men at one point in their lives have given The Nod to another man for one reason or another. They have also given it to a woman, only to receive a look of confusion. Additionally, they were never taught The Nod. It simply exists within them naturally. 6. Facebook Stalk When a guy adds an attractive female as his Facebook friend, he is going to look through the pictures for anything revealing that piques his interest. 7. Zone Out They might be looking at you, they might be nodding, but they also might be completely zoned out and have no idea what is going on. It happens, it doesnt mean we dont like you. 8. Obsession About Their Family Jewels Men have an odd relationship with their *cough* Family Jewels. They are like the friends that always will be with you, through thick and thin. Everyone else might abandon you, but these boys are your buds for life. 9. All At Once All guys have tried to carry ALL the bags of groceries in at the same time. Why? Because second trips are for the weak. 10. Shower Time Two words: Shower. Beer. It is the perfect combination of relaxing comfort and a delicious beverage. Men everywhere partake in this beautiful practice. Also acceptable is shower whiskey, but shower wine is not universally accepted. 11. Out of Sight, out of mind That ice cube, piece of food, trash or this mornings cereal just fell on the floor? Just kick it under the fridge, out of sight and out of mind. 12. Old Wardrobe There is at least one shirt in their closet they have had since high school, probably a few from middle school too. Why throw it away? Its almost vintage! 13. Beast Mode When home alone, men go into beast mode and sprint up and down the stairs. Sometimes this is accompanied by Eye Of The Tiger or another theme song of that mans choice. 14. Sock Mop Beer, soda or water spilled on the floor? Dont have any paper towels? No problem! Every man knows that socks double as a nifty cleaning rag. 15. Being A Super Hero Guys will fantasize of what to do in any dangerous situation. Any guy at work, home, school has imagined what he would do if a gunman, ninja, or other enemy threatens him. Wed blame this on the karate movies of the 80s, but this seems to be ingrained in men naturally. 16. Obeyed Natures Call Every man has felt natures call and decided the bathroom was too far way, and went into the backyard or out the window. Some say it is gross, but we say it is efficient. 17. Communicated Entirely Non-Verbally Two guy friends can spend an entire day hanging out together and only communicate by grunts and non-verbal body language. Words arent necessary with your best bro. 18. No Napkins, No Problem When eating, anything can be used as a napkin for a man. His pants, shirt, socks...even his dog. Whatever gets the job done.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:17:09 +0000

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