19 out of every 20 human beings—94% of humanity—reportedly - TopicsExpress


19 out of every 20 human beings—94% of humanity—reportedly believe in God. Why so many? Because belief in a Superintelligent Creator is the only logical conclusion. And although the logical reasons against atheism are numerous, here are four of them to help explain why... Question #1: How did life get here? Lets examine for a moment the obvious facts: We are here. We are alive. And we are amazingly well organized. But how? In the absence of a Superintelligent explanation, atheists are left with two unacceptable assumptions: All matter in our universe somehow created itself from nothing; And then—from that self-created matter—all life forms on earth (in spite of their enormous complexity) somehow accidentally created themselves too (and so did all the aliens that supposedly live on water-endowed planets—which, along with logic, continue to evade atheists). And, they insist, it all happened in the absence of a Superintelligent Mind, a Creator. In other words, instead of an Intelligent Mind creating our human minds, atheists join evolutionists in their unshakeable belief that nature spontaneously generated all living things from mindless nothingness (this is called Chemical Evolution). Yet, although the simplest being we know of represents complexity beyond what our own minds can remotely fathom—they insist that even the most complex being we know about occurred by chance. Hence, we witness evolutionists ceaseless foraging through outer space aimlessly seeking planets containing water, actually expecting to find aliens residing there. And all without the slightest fragment of actual evidence justifying their exorbitant space ventures. Ironically, because the existent God is alien to them, theyve reduced themselves to non-existent alien ogling. How could someone possibly go to such extremes to ignore the obvious, you ask? To understand this better, lets take a look at one of the key foundational concepts of atheism: Chemical Evolution. Atheism founded upon Chemical Evolutions absurd claims Since the dawn of science, probably no theory has risen to more spectacular heights atop the bar of absurdity than the so-called theory of Chemical Evolution (except perhaps macro-evolution—more on that in a later article). Indeed, that they have been embraced to the smallest degree by rational science is truly extraordinary. Thats because sound science and logic are absent and unaccounted for. Furthermore, these theories speak against the most fundamental and easy-to-prove laws (not theories) of the scientific world (more on this as this series unfolds). And, as mentioned, atheism depends upon evolutions many absurd assumptions, and without them wanders as bewildered as a small scolded boy asked to go stand in the corner of a rounded room. So, how has Chemical Evolution achieved such unparalleled success? (Please read 5 Reasons Chemical Evolution is false for more on this.) Chemical Evolutions explanation for lifes appearance: spontaneous generation To understand this, we must first understand Chemical Evolutions bold, unfounded claim: which is, that the simplest living organisms spontaneously generated themselves by random acts of nature. But how could spontaneous generation occur, you ask? Well, since our bodies are composed entirely of highly organized molecules, that means (or so were told) that all these chemicals could have, over time, clumped together in just the right combinations to form us. For example, if all the molecules composing your body were randomly placed into a large vibrating barrel, and that barrel were allowed to vibrate long enough, couldnt the proper combinations of chemicals eventually line up to put our bodies back together exactly as they are now? Thus, if that barrel merely contained just a little speck of life, just a simple little one-celled organism, then surely that barrel would eventually re-organize the little creature into its original form, right? And since that could happen, then nature could produce us all by random accident! Unfortunately for the atheist, the short answer is an emphatic not hardly. Indeed, several massive logical roadblocks strew the path of Chemical Evolutions atheistic assumptions—one notable being Borels Law of Mathematical Probability. Borels Law a death-blow to evolution—and atheism One gargantuan and insurmountable obstacle to Chemical Evolutions vague and trite explanations of lifes origins is a law of mathematics theyd just as soon pretend doesnt exist. Its called: Borels Law of Mathematical Probability. Borels law, simply put, indicates that there havent been enough possible events in our universe for the simplest life form to create itself randomly and come alive. In fact, there havent even been enough events to randomly form a single protein, for that matter. Indeed, random acts of nature wouldnt even get out of the starting gates in creating life before 15 billion years was over (thats the length of time they say the universe has existed). You could actually have a billion universes and the random chance of a simple amoeba forming itself would not begin to occur—even WITHOUT the so-called Law of Disorder intervening. This, my friend, is a problem for evolution, and hence atheism. The truth is that the simplest, self-replicating life-form on earth is actually enormously complex. Scientists with all their laboratories and electron microscopes do not begin to completely understand them. They are made up of literally billions of molecules that must be in precise and proper order for the organism to have any hope of functioning and living and reproducing. And their DNA, which contains the instructions for how to reproduce them, contain millions of base pairs. If the smallest fragment of the DNA sequence is re-arranged, the organism will likely die. Conclusion: Chemical Evolution is not in the realm of reality. And therefore the only plausible explanation is the existence of a Superintelligent Mind having created matter and life. 
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:42:01 +0000

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