1st Sunday of Lent A by Cardinal Tagle Pope Benedict XVI - TopicsExpress


1st Sunday of Lent A by Cardinal Tagle Pope Benedict XVI calls the temptation of Jesus in the desert “a descent into the perils besetting mankind.” This happens so that we will be counted among those “who receive the abundance of grace, coming to reign in life through the one Jesus Christ.” The “one righteous act” that Saint Paul speaks about in the Letter to the Romans is Jesus’ unfailing fidelity to the Father’s will. As the serpent comes close, we will not be duped by the suggestion that somehow God will be jealous at the prospect that we “will be like gods.” For it is God himself who planted that hope in our hearts. It is Lord’s greatest joy and glory that we share him image and likeness… not through self-seeking but through the obedience by which “many will be made righteous” – that is, will become like God. To watch the video on 1st Sunday of Lent A by Cardinal Chito Tagle, please click this link: 1st Reading: Gen 2:7-9; 3:1-7 - The Creation of our first parents, and sin: youtube/watch?v=oOhou6267-c 2nd Reading: Rom 5:12-19 – Where sin increased, there grace increased all the more: youtube/watch?v=fEcNeBXq61k Gospel: Mt 4:1-11 – Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was tempted: youtube/watch?v=P8sZbCC2C9E Lead Us Not Into Temptation! Mt 4:1-11 A priest was stopped by a traffic policeman for over speeding. While the cop was issuing a citation ticket, the priest pleaded, “Officer, forgive us our trespasses.” The cop smiled, and said, “Father, lead us not into temptation!” Human nature has been weakened by sin. This is what the first reading is telling us in the account of the sin of Adam and Eve. Yet we need not despair. It is precisely because of this miserable condition of sinful humanity that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, came down from heaven and took on our human nature. In order to accomplish his work of redemption, he had to undergo exactly the same experience of every human being, and that includes being tempted. This is according to the Letter to the Hebrews: “For because he himself has suffered and been tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted” (Heb 2:18). “For we have not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Heb 4:15). Temptations are part of our human existence. When we say the Lord’s Prayer, we ask the heavenly Father to “lead us not into temptation.” This does not mean that God is the cause of temptations. The Apostle St. James pointed that out: “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’, for God cannot be tempted with evil and He himself tempts no one”(Jas 1:13). Rather, temptation comes from the evil one. However, although God is not the cause of temptation, he allows it, as shown in the Gospel: “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil” (Mt 4:1). Jesus emerged victorious over these temptations and this experience helped him prepare for his public ministry. So, we ask the Father not to lead us into temptation, fully aware that we are not as strong and invincible as Jesus. In His inscrutable wisdom, God allows temptations, for He knows we can benefit from them. In the first place, we discover our true self, and we realize how weak we really are. This helps us become truly humble and vigilant at all times. Temptations also remind us of how strong the enemy is. So, we find it necessary to seek refuge and protection in someone infinitely stronger than the enemy, and as the Gospel has clearly shown, it is Jesus. So, remaining close to him at all times will keep us safe from all wicked cunning and attacks of the devil. Temptations and trials also purify our intentions, as when gold is tried in the fire. They are an effective test of our loyalty and commitment to God. And finally, they also strengthen us in the practice of Christian virtues – such as humility, prudence, prayer, patience, purity of heart and charity. Indeed, when we overcome them, we benefit tremendously. St. James said, “Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown which God has promised to those who love Him” (Jas 1:12). Nevertheless, we should not look for temptations. There is no need to do that, for they will inevitably come and find us, especially in our weakest and unguarded moments. In fact, unnecessarily exposing ourselves to temptations and occasions of sin is already sinful. It is, therefore, important to know what these temptations are so that we can be ready to deal with them properly. In the Gospel, the devil used three temptations. The first temptation warns us against materialism and selfishness. There is nothing wrong with changing stones into bread. Jesus also multiplied bread during his ministry. But he did it not for any selfish motivation or materialistic consideration, for “man does not live on bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” He did not succumb to the temptation to use his divine powers to address a personal problem or to avoid difficulties and hard work. I had a priest friend who was caught with a traffic violation. Wanting to get out of his predicament quickly, he informed the officer that he is a priest. Instead of hearing words of apology, he heard the officer’s sigh of dismay, “Ay naku! Pari ka pa naman!” The second temptation is a warning against pride and vanity. Jesus need not jump from the parapet of the Temple to show off his divine powers and oblige the angels to catch him. In the same way, we are reminded that the best way to achieve true greatness is through humility and purity of heart, not in the ostentatious display of our talents, academic honors and worldly achievements. The third temptation warns us against our personal ambitions and the strong tendency to seek human glory. It would be such an infinitely fatal mistake to turn away from God and fall down to worship material things and temporal power. Jesus reminds us: “You shall worship the Lord your God and Him alone shall you serve!” We have just begun the season of Lent. It commemorates the forty days that Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert. The Preface on this first Sunday captures the meaning of this season: “His fast of forty days makes this a holy season of self-denial. By rejecting the devil’s temptations, he has taught us to rid ourselves of the hidden corruption of evil, and so to share his paschal meal in purity of heart, until we come to its fulfillment in the promised land of heaven.” During this season, let us accompany Jesus through our prayers and acts of self-denial. “Watch and pray,” he said, “that you may not enter into temptation” (Mt 26:41). And if our human frailty catches up with us, and we fall, let us not lose heart. Let’s just be glad that the world is full of trials, not finals! Most importantly, it should give us comfort and peace to know that the Lord is always ready to forgive us and strengthen us in the sacrament of Confession. He reminds us time and again: “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn 16:33). Jesus, indeed, is our sure refuge and ultimate victory. Fr. Mike Lagrimas Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Palmera Springs, Camarin Road Novaliches, Caloocan City 1423
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:52:18 +0000

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