1st: this video will turn your stomach due to the amount of - TopicsExpress


1st: this video will turn your stomach due to the amount of passion he talks about the current issue at hand. 2nd: I was gonna avoid saying anything on the situation at hand cuz it just enrages me that such inhuman things are being done to the people of Gaza, but all the news can talk about is the missile strikes on Israel, but screw it. Has anyone else found it odd that none of those strikes actually caused any damage to Israel? It is actually sad how human life is being destroyed in such a way, children, old people, young people, middle age people all being massacred at will, why? It is worse that no effing single country is actually doing anything about it, why? The west preaches peace and human equality, but at the same time they allow the crap that is happening is Gaza for years and years to stand, why? Dont even get me started on the non-involvement of the Muslim countries who refuse to help our brothers and sisters, it actually sickens me how much little care these big powers have for these lives. Now some of you will say that oh well Hamas is launching rockets first, which may be true, but what gives Israel the right to bomb back at a much bigger rate and kill 20 innocent people for every 1 alleged Hamas member. Is that just in any way, shape or size? Like why do these innocent people have to pay for the actions of a bunch of retarded people who allegedly blinding just launch rockets into Israel, a country with one of the strongest military forces in the world, and a country with the most western support. Like what are these people trying to accomplish. You tell me, does any sane person poke a bear and expect to get away with it. Why would a group of people launch rockets at israel and risk the lives of soooo many innocents and accomplish nothing, these are true Palestinians terrorist for sure no doubt :D *hint hint*. I do not care if you are Pro-Israel or Pro-Gaza or dont even care about it at all cuz it doesnt get you likes on your instagram, w.e, but you must be one sick human, heck you aint even human, if you think what Israel is doing to the innocents of Gaza is just. This is just disgusting. Im sick of all this crap. And to top it all of, in reality the only peace the people of Gaza have is in death, That is the sad truth. They have no support from any of the countries, they have no future cuz no one will take them in, they have horrible living conditions partially living in concentration camps, and to top it off they dont know what will happen to them in the next 15mins. This is just sad how we live in a world where the Rwandan Genocide, Bruma Genocide, and and much more Genocides and mass murders are allowed. It really comes to show the worth of human life to these money-first Politicians and their fake cries for peace and equality. #SadTruth #NoHopeinHumanity
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:25:58 +0000

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