1º Bimestre · Greetings; · Cardinal - TopicsExpress


1º Bimestre · Greetings; · Cardinal Numbers · Days of the week; · Months of the year; · Colors; · Personal pronouns. . Relationships. · To be- present (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) · To be- past (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) 2º Bimestre · A / A N: indefinite article. · THE : definite article. · There is /There are: Affirmative, Negative e Interrogative forms. · Prepositions. · Demonstrative pronouns (singular / plural) 3º Bimestre · Adjectives; · Regular verbs; · Auxiliary Do/does 4º Bimestre · Possessive pronouns; · Seasons of the year; · Imperative form. 1º Bimestre Material para uso nas aulas: 1 caderno de 100 folhas (identificado com nome e Ano); 1 dicionário de Inglês (identificado com nome e Ano); 1 pacote de 100 folhas de sulfite (adquirido por de 4 alunos e identificado com seus nomes); Canetas: azul, preta e vermelha; Lápis grafite ou lapiseira e borracha; Tesoura escolar sem ponta; Cola bastão. Questions: 1. What is your name? My name is _________________________________________________. 2. What is your classroom? My classroom is ________________. 3. What is your mothers name? My mothers name is _____________________________________________. 4. What is your fathers name? My fathers name is _____________________________________________. 5. What is your home telephone number? My home telephone number is ________________________. · Days of the week; - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday · Months of the year; - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December · Greetings; - Hi! - Hello! - Good morning! - Good afternoon! - Good evening! - Good night! - Good bye! - Bye bye! - So long! Assista esta vídeo aula: youtube/watch?v=5I63WyWJLZo · Cardinal Numbers; 1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five 6 - six 7- seven 8 - eight 9 - nine 10 - ten 11 - eleven 12 - twelve 13 - thirteen 14 - fourteen 15 - fifteen 16 - sixteen 17 - seventeen 18 - eighteen 19 - nineteen 20 - twenty 21 - twenty one 22 - twenty two 23 - twenty three 24 - twenty four 25 - twenty five 26 - twenty six 27 - twenty seven 28 - twenty eight 29 - twenty nine 30 - thirty 40 - forty 50 - fifty 60 - sixty 70 - seventy 80 - eighty 90 - ninety 100 - one hundred 200 - two hundred 1000 - one thousand 2000 - two thousand · Ordinal Numbers. 1st - first 2nd - second 3rd - third 4th - fourth 5th - fifth 6th - sixth 7th - seventh 8th - eighth 9th - ninth 10th - tenth 11th - eleventh 12th - twelfth 13th - thirteenth 14th - fourteenth 15th - fifteenth 16th - sixteenth 17th - seventeenth 18th - eighteenth 19th - nineteenth 20th - twentieth 21st - twenty first 22nd - twenty second 23rd - twenty third 24th - twenty fourth 25th - twenty fifth 26th - twenty sixth 27th - twenty seventh 28th - twenty eighth 29th - twenty ninth 30th - thirtieth 40th - fortieth 50th - fiftieth 60th - sixtieth 70th - seventieth 80th - eightieth 90th - ninetieth 100th - one hundredth 200th - two hundredth · Colors; - black - white - blue - yellow - red - pink - green - orange - purple - brown - gray - silver - gold Atividade no caderno: Desenhar quadradinhos ou círculos do tamanho da linha de seu caderno, pintar com as cores dadas acima e escrever os nomes das cores ao lado de cada uma. Faça isso pulando uma linha entre as cores. · Shapes. Circle Square Triangle Rectangle Diamond Heart Star Atividade no caderno: Desenhar as formas dadas acima e escrever seus nomes ao lado de cada uma. Vocabulary: Copy board Desk Chair Teacher’s desk Back pack Book Notebook Pen Pencil Ruler Compass Colored pencils Colored pens Pencil case Dictionary Eraser Scissors Glue Sharpener Corrector Atividade no caderno: Recortat e colar as imagens dos objetos dados acima e escrever seus nomes ao lado de cada uma. · Personal pronouns. Singular I - eu (escreve-se sempre com letra maiúscula, em Inglês) you - você (é usado para o singular e plural também) he - ele (usado só para o masculino singular) she - ela (usado só para o feminino singular) it - ele, ela, isto (para uso com o que não seja humano ou verbos sem sujeito) Plural we - nós (refere-se a mais pessoas incluindo eu) you - você (é usado para o singular e plural também) they - eles, elas (usado para o masculino e feminino plural) · To be: Afirmative, Negative e Interrogative forms. AFFIRMATIVE Singular I am... You are.... He is... She is ... It is... Plural We are... You are... They are... INTERROGATIVE Singular Am I...? Are you...? Is he...? Is she...? Is it...? Plural Are we...? Are you...? Are they...? NEGATIVE Singular I am not... You are not.... He is not... She is not... It is not... Plural We are not... You are not... They are not... Exercises: Supply the verb to be in the present tense: (affirmative) Example: George is at the club today. 1. We ________ Americam. 2. The blue car _______ expensive. 3. They _______ in the library. 4. The horses _______ on the farm. 5. John _______ a teacher. 6. She and I _______ Brasilian. 7. Alice and Nancy _______ in the living room. 8. The dogs _______ in the garden. 9. It _______ 9 o’ clock. 10. I _______ tired. Change the sentences above to interrogative and negative forms: Example: George is at the club today. Is George at the club today? George is not at the club today. 1. We are American. I. Are we American? N. We are not American 2. The blue car is expensive. 3. They are in the library. 4. The horses are on the farm. 5. John is a teacher. 6. She and I are Brasilian. 7. Alice and Nancy are in the living room. 8. The dogs are in the garden. 9. It is 9 o’ clock. 10. I am tired. TROPICAL FRUITS SINGULAR PLURAL lemon lemons apple apples orange oranges pear pears grape grapes melon melons watermelon watermelons strawberry strawberries raspberry raspberries cherry cherries peach peaches lime limes kiwi kiwis mango mangoes papaya papayas passion fruit passion fruits pineapple pineapples avocado avocadoes banana bananas coconut coconuts acerola acerolas guava guavas tangerine tangerines tomato tomatoes prune prunes blue berry blue berries black berry black berries carambola carambolas jaca jacas guarana guarana apricot apricots cashew cashews star fruit star fruits pomegranate pomegranates lychee lychees persimmon persimmons EXERCISES Complete the sentences with colors: 1. The lemon is ________________________. 2. The apple is ______________________ and ______________________. 3. The strawberry is _____________. 4. The grapes are _______________ and ______________________. 5. Bananas are _________________. 6 The kiwi is ____________________. 7 . The pineapple is ___________________________. 8. Mangoes are _________________ and _________________. 9. The orange is __________________. 10. The coconut is __________________ and _____________________. Exercises: Answer the questions: 1- Is the lemon green? 2- Are the oranges orange? 3- Is the strawberry red? 4- Are the bananas yellow? 5- Are the grapes purple? 6- Is the coconut brown? 7- Is the pear yellow? 8- Are the mangoes pink? 9- Is the passion fruit yellow? 10- Are the apples red or green? To be- passado (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) AFFIRMATIVE Singular I was … You were … He was … She was … It was … Plural We were … You were … They were … NEGATIVE Singular I was not … You were not … He was not … She was not … It was not … Plural We were not … You were not … They were not … INTERROGATIVE Singular Was I …? Were you …? Was he …? Was she …? Was it …? Plural Were we …? Were you …? Were they …? 2º BIMESTRE · A / A N: indefinite article. - a/an: Significam, ambos, um e uma. Só podem ser usados no singular. A regra a ser seguida é a seguinte: - a: é usado somente antes de palavras iniciadas por sons consoantes. Exs.: - a boy - a girl - a dog - a person - a lemon - a rose - a book - a flower - an: é usado somente antes de palavras iniciadas por sons vogais. Exs.: - an apple - an ant - an egg - an elephant - an orange - an onion Exercises: Supply a or an: 1- There is ______ automobile in the garage. 2- Today is ______ hot day. 3- My sister was in New York ______ year ago. 4- There is ______ car in front of the church. 5- ______ woman is reading ______ book in the library. 6- There is ______ orange on the table. 7- There is ______ man at the door. 8- George was in his room ______ hour ago. 9- Harvard is ______ university. 10- This is ______old car. 11- That man has ______ horse. 12- I am not ______ athlete. 13- This is ______ easy exercise. Observações: - Quando a palavra iniciar com “h”, não aspirado, usamos antes dela o artigo indefinido “an” - Quando começa com “u” com som de “iu”, usamos “a”. REVIEW: VERB “TO BE” A. Complete with the correct form of the verb “to be”(am / is /are): 1. The car ___________ at that street. 2. They ___________ in Africa now. 3. I ___________ a policewoman. 4. He ___________ in the garden. B. Change to the Interrogative form: 1. Bob is in the garden. Interrogative: _____________________________________________ 2. They are in Europe now. Interrogative:_____________________________________________ 3. The letters are on my table. Interrogative:_____________________________________________ C. Change to the Negative form: 1. The car is at that street. Negative: ________________________________________________ 2. I am a policeman. Negative: ________________________________________________ 3. You are my best friend. Negative: ________________________________________________ · THE : definite article. - THE: significa em português “o, os, a, as”. Ex.: the boy (o menino) the girl (a menina) the boys (os meninos) the girls (as meninas) É usado: a) Antes de substantivos já mencionados anteriormente. I see a boy. The boy is swimming. b) Antes de substantivo único na espécie, ou considerado como único, ou quando particularizado. Ex.: the North Pole (o Polo Norte) the boys of our school (os meninos de nossa escola) the sea (o mar) the strongest (o mais forte) the weather (o tempo) the only (o único) c) Antes de nomes de oceanos, mares, rios, montanhas (plural), ilhas (plural) e países (plural). Ex.: the Atlantic (oceano) the Hebrides (ilhas) the Alps (montanhas) the United States (país no plural) the Mediterranean (mar) the Thames (rio) d) Antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais, nomes de família. Ex.: the piano the Jonhsons the violin the Simpsons e) Antes de substantives ou adjetivo que representa uma classe ou espécie. Ex.: The dog is a loyal animal. (O cão é um animal leal.) the old (o velho) the young (o jovem) the blind (o cego) Não é usado: a) Antes de nomes próprios. Ex.: Sally Bob b) Antes de substantivos usados no sentido plural. Ex.: Children like chocolate. Man is mortal. c) Antes de nomes possessives. Ex.: our country (nosso país) his car (seu carro) Exercises: Complete com artigo definido se for necessário. Leia as regras acima antes de completar as frases. a- _______ youngest boy in _______ my class is _______ her brother. b- _______ cats can see in _______ dark. c- _______ Browns are going to cross ________ Atlantic by plane. d- I am going to ________ movies. Exercises: Complete com artigo definido se for necessário. Leia as regras acima antes de completar as frases. a- _______ youngest boy in _______ my class is _______ her brother. b- _______ cats can see in _______ dark. c- _______ Browns are going to cross ________ Atlantic by plane. d- I am going to ________ movies. Atividade para nota: valor 10,0 (dez pontos) CLOTHES: Pesquise em dicionário, a tradução destas palavras, depois recorte e cole e seu caderno, cada ítem, escrevendo ao lado ou abaixo seus nomes em Inglês. CLOTHES: Pesquise em dicionário estas palavras, depois recorte e cole estes itens, escrevendo seus nomes em Inglês. T-shirt cap tie short hat tennis-shoes trousers/pants belt socket shirt suit blouse skirt pull over dress coat scarf slippers jacket gloves underwear shoes boots rain coat · There is /There are: Affirmative, Negative e Interrogative forms. There to be (Present) There is => há, existe - é usado com substantivos no singular. There are => há, existem - é usado com substantivos no plural. Exercises: Complete the sentences with “There is” or “There are”: 1 - _________________ many students in my class. 2 - _________________ a teacher in front of us. 3 - _________________ students playing a football game. 4 - _________________ three windows in our class. 3º BIMESTRE Em seu caderno, copie a letra da canção acima, depois faça um vocabulário com as palavras que você não conhece, pesquisando seus significados e anotando-os. · Adjectives; Adjetivos são palavras que modificam os substantives dando-lhes qualidades. Ex.: a large tree a pretty girl a beautiful girl. Sentences: Translate. 1 - He is a hard worker. 2 - He is a very careful student. 3 - Helen is a very slow student. 4 - This is an easy exercise. 5 - Sandy is a beautiful girl. · Regular verbs; https://youtube/watch?v=gUu3czyI4DM Acesse este link acima e assista este vídeo pelo You Tube Em Inglês , assim como em Português, existem verbos regulares e irregulares. Porém seu uso e conjugação é muito mais simples na língua inglesa do que na língua portuguesa. Nas frases afirmativas temos que estar atentos à terceira pessoa do singular, pois sempre é acrescida de “s”. Os verbos terminados em “o, s, ss,sh, ch, x ou z”, são acrescidos de “es”. Verbos que terminam com “y”, precedido de consoante, trocam o ‘y” por “ies”. Observe os exemplos de conjugação abaixo. to work => trabalhar I work You work He works She works It works We work You work They work to kiss => beijar I kiss You kiss He kisses She kissworkes It kisses We kiss You kiss They kiss to go (I) => ir I go You go He workes She workes It workes We go You go They go to watch => assistir I watch You watch He watches She watches It watches We watch You watch They watch to study => estudar I study You study He studyies She studyies It studyies We study You study They study Exercises A – Complete the sentences with the verbs in parenthesis: 1 – I _____________ in the school. (study) 2 – She _____________ to lear English this year. (want) 3 – You _____________ in Guarujá. (live) 4 – John _____________ TV every night. (watch) 5 – Larry and Michael _____________ the car every week. (wash) 6 – I _____________ with my English teacher. (talk) 7 – Sally _____________ fruits. (like) 8 – Shakira _____________ very well. (dance) 9 – Slash _____________ the guitar as anyone. (play) 10 – I _____________ goodbye to my friend every morning. (say) 11 – My mother _____________ delicious meals. (cook) 12 – Ronaldinho Gaucho _____________ football to Brazil Team. (play) 4º BIMESTRE Assista aos vídeos pelo You Tube, copie a(s) letra(s) da(s) canção(ões), e, em seguida faça o vocabulário, buscando o significado de todas as palavras desconhecidas, e anotando-as no caderno, após a(s) cópias da(s) letra(s). youtube/watch?v=7jrtty7pCCc youtube/watch?v=AlVM0mP19Yo Beatles - Imagine by John Lenon Imagine theres no heaven Its easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Imagine theres no countries It isnt hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You may say Im a dreamer But Im not the only one I hope someday youll join us And the world will be as one. Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of men Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say Im a dreamer But Im not the only one I hope someday youll join us And the world will live as one. Responda: A- Procure na canção acima o significado de cada uma das frases abaixo, em Inglês, e escreva-as: 1- Imagine que não haja paraíso. Nem inferno abaixo de nós. 2 - Imagine todas as pessoas vivendo a vida em paz. 3 - Imagine que não haja países. Nada pelo que matar ou pelo que morrer. 4 - Eu espero que algum dia você junte-se a nós e o mundo viverá como um só. Encontre as imagens referentes ao vocabulário abaixo, recorte-as e cole-as em seu caderno, escrevendo seus nomes corretos em Inglês: Kitchen Table Chairs Sink Stove Oven Refrigerator Microwave Mixer Liquefier/Blender Coffee pot Tea pot/kettle Cup Saucer Glass Plate Pan Frying pan Jar Bottle Coffee spoon Tablespoon Teaspoon Knife Fork Imperative Form Usamos a forma imperativa para expressar um comando ou um pedido. O sujeito “you” (singular ou plural) fica subentendido, mas não é expresso na frase. Ex.: Come back later. Wait outside. Formamos o Imperativo Negativo, usando “Don’t” antes do verbo. Ex.: Don’t come back later. Don’t wait outside. Usamos “Please” no início ou no final da sentença para fazer solicitações ou pedidos de maneira educada. Ex.: Please come back later. Wait outside, please. Exercises: A. Give the Imperative Form of the following sentences: 1- _________ me a pencil. (lend) – Empreste-me um lápis. 2- _________ this to John. (give) 3- _________ the door. (open) 4- _________ the door. (close) 5- _________ in the outer office. (wait) 6- _________ him in the morning. (telephone) 7- _________ her about it. (tell) 8- _________ him talk with her. (let) 9- _________ off the light. (turn) 10- _________ a newspaper. (buy) 11- _________ this in the mailbox. (drop) 12- _________ your hat on the chair. (leave) C. Give the Negative Imperative Form of the sentences above: 1- _________ lend me a pencil. (lend) 2- _________ give this to John. (give) 3- _________ open the door. (open) 4- _________ close the door. (close) 5- _________ wait in the outer office. (wait) 6- _________ telephone him in the morning. (telephone) 7- _________ tell her about it. (tell) 8- _________ let him talk with her. (let) 9- _________ turn off the light. (turn) 10- _________ buy a newspaper. (buy) 11- _________ drop this in the mailbox. (drop) 12- _________ leave your hat on the chair. (leave) C. Make the following sentences more polite by adding please at the beginning or end. After this, translate them: 1- Wait outside. 2- Don’t say anything to her about it. 3- Hang up your coat on the rack. 4- Help him with his homework. 5- Don’t let anyone know about this. 6- Don’t sit there. 7- Call me later. 8- Don’t disturb him now. 9- Don’t leave your books there. 10- Don’t put your feet up on the chair.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:41:58 +0000

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