2. My question of the day: In your opinion, is it hypocritical for - TopicsExpress


2. My question of the day: In your opinion, is it hypocritical for pro-black individuals and Civil Rights activists to marry white or to exclusively date white? Back in the day, Lena Horne and Josephine Baker were staunch supporters of Civil Rights yet they were both married to White Men. Harry Belafonte (who didnt want Dorothy Dandridge and allgedly told Eartha Kitt a black woman couldnt do anything for him) marched for Civil Rights yet he and Sidney Poitier went on to marry White women. Huey Newton, the leader of the Black Panther party was linked to several white women. Russell Simmons considers himself pro-black yet he only dates white women and Jesse Jackson, Jr. who was also for Civil Rights like his dad had a white mistress. And at colleges including black colleges, its not uncommon for the Black History teachers to be married to white women. And then theres this: A black male journalist is praising the White women of the Civil Rights movement in an upcoming book (they were brave and honorable and theyre unsung heroes but a large number of white women during this time were also in the KKK). And what about the black women who were raped, abused, murdered, whipped and torn from their families and what about the black woman who birthed and raised him? The only time he mentions black women is to say: Fat black women in aprons cooking delicious meals. Excerpts below. Excerpts: He says: A dear friend telephoned a few days ago and reminded me that I was letting another Black History Month pass without writing about one of the unsung groups of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. My friend is white. Although born financially well off, she has taught journalism at the same traditionally black college in Mississippi since 1972. I met her during the summer of 1965 in Meadville, Miss., when I was a 19-year-old college student from Texas, and she a 19-year-old college student from Georgia. She was a pretty, petite member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. I was a journalism intern for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Her job was more important than mine, and her life was in much more danger than mine. I merely had to observe, report and write stories and shoot photographs. She put her life on the line. One night, while accompanying her and three black workers to a home where they would help an old black couple complete a Social Security application, I asked her this question: Youre the daughter of a Southern Baptist preacher. Whyre you risking your life for niggers? (Sad when a white person has to tell you to stop using the n-word). I remember the late-night rides on deep-rutted roads through pine forests; steamy wooden churches in the middle of nowhere; white girls curled up under quilts on the floors of cars and the beds of pickups so that redneck cops would not spot them with niggers; black dudes scared they would be blamed if a white cop shoots a white woman; dank and stinking jail cells in towns with very long names; doing your business in bushes and behind trees; hastily written picket signs with misspelled words; delicious meals cooked by fat black women wearing feed-sack dresses and colorful aprons. These white women, along with thousands of other white women, made our country a better place. The movement did not end in these womens personal lives after they went home for the last time. *MY QUESTION TO YOU, IS IT HYPOCRITICAL FOR PRO BLACK INDIVIDUALS OR CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS TO DATE OR MARRY WHITE EXCLUSIVELY? YOUR THOUGHTS?
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 13:32:10 +0000

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