2014-2015--------WHO IS THE NEW OBASANJO BEHIND THE MASK? I - TopicsExpress


2014-2015--------WHO IS THE NEW OBASANJO BEHIND THE MASK? I have heard a lot of people say different things about the then face-off between Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume and former President Olusegun Obasanjo in 2007, but even in the curse of knowing a little of what transpired, a lot of people are still not properly informed and by so doing they misinterpreted the whole comedy turned horror. Nigerians should be proud of Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume, he is a pragmatic and visionary leader, infact he should be respected and regarded as Nigerian Mandela. Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume is the architect behind the Democracy Nigerians are still enjoying today as against the the intended arrangements and hidden agendas of the then incumbent President, Olusegun Obasanjo to privatise the leadership of the federal Republic of Nigeria. A lot of people have called Senator Araraume all sort of names traceable to the propagandist hoopla of the streets hired by the mighty who came all the way from Abiaokuta to humiliate our son. Have we ever asked why there has not been any criminal or civil court charges against Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume neither by the Presidency nor individuals pertaining all the allegations leveled against him in 2007? There are no prove to such malicious slander because it is politically masterminded in other to humiliate our Son (Ifeanyichukwu Araraume) and nothing of such it doesnt exist. We should have know by now that all those were plots to ridicule and truncate his political future in 2007. President Olusegun Obasanjo whose devilish interest is geared towards erasing Democracy off the history of Nigeria to introduce autocracy by being a president till his dying day, met the shock of his life as he saw his intentions being truncated by Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume in other to give Nigerians the sustainable Democracy and freedom they deserve. So he decided to frustrate Araraume with everything at his disposal. This decision of Senator Araraume cost him a lot as the then President threw his presidential might and weight on Araraume and later resorted to blackmail and falsehood that led to another party governing Imo State on Senator Araraumes SWEAT and BLOOD. Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume as a ranking member of the Red chambers and chairman of notable committees in the Senate was seen as a driven force by President Olusegun Obasanjo and he decided to use him in luring the southeasterners to the table for the actualization of his devilish ambition to rule Nigeria for a third term and probably continue or make it a family business, but Senator Araraume being a man who can see the future tuned him down and that decision erupted the devil in Obasanjo. Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume is our own and I expected every well meaning and dedicated Igbo man to commend and defend him, but rather they joined the (ofemanu) to fight their own flesh and blood. I ask again, Who is the Obasanjo behind the mask this time around? The incident that have kept PDP and Imo State down for 8 years now is the sins of President Olusegun Obasanjo and other PDP currupt leaders whose interest is to milk this country dry. People who benefit from crises, people who do not want Nigeria to move forward. As the 2015 general elections draw nearer, one major factor that will determine the future and performance of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Imo State, is how it will address the injustice it meted on Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume in 2007 and also avoid a repeat. Between 1999 and 2007, Senator Ifeanyichukwu Araraume was one of the major pillars of PDP at the state and National levels. In Imo State, he used his enormous resources and vast contacts across Nigeria to stabilize the party and provide necessary support for the Party and the then State Government led by Chief Achike Udenwa. At a point in Imo, Senator Araraume was paying monthly salaries and allowances to PDP executives at local and state levels. Even the rent and furniture in many PDP offices from ward to state level was provided by Araraume all in a bid to develop the party and make it a strong platform for winning elections. Araraume was also active on the national stage, at different times heading appeal panels for elections and reconciliation established by the party to mediate in conflicts among party members. In Imo, he breathed life into the PDP by establishing structures in the 305 political wards in the state, which are still active running offices from chapters through the ward, local councils and state levels. In spite of these contributions to the growth and development of the PDP in Imo State, his loyalty to the party and victory in the 2007 governorship primaries, a tiny but powerful clique, without providing concrete reasons, truncated the process. It is irrefutable that the failure of PDP in subsequent elections in Imo since 2007 is traceable to the manner in which Araraume was maltreated by a Party he built and gave his best. His followers who are found in every hamlet in Imo lost interest in the PDP and made forays into other political parties in the state following the injustice their leader suffered in 2007. This singular mistake which the PDP made in Araraume’s case made the party to lose considerable followership all over the state. The beneficiaries of this development were the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), now All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Progressive People’s Alliance (PPA) on whose platform Chief Ikedi Ohakim contested the 2007 Governorship election in Imo State. Those who robbed Araraume of his mandate in 2007 still cannot give any reason why they took that action. The wound which their action inflicted on Imo PDP can only be healed if the injustice meted out to Araraume is redressed by the leadership of the party. This will not only assuage the feelings of Araraume’s supporters, it will also strengthen the Party and bring all those who left as a result of the events of 2007 back into the Party. Till date, no case, criminal or civil has been brought against Araraume in any court in Nigeria, and is not under any criminal investigation. Those who paid blackmailers to smear Araraume with all sorts of allegations have since apologized and have pledged to make amends by assisting him redress the injustice he was subjected to. What the Imo people expect PDP to do practically if it wants victory in 2015, is to revisit the events of 2007 and re-assure Araraume’s supporters who have all returned to the PDP with their leader that never again will injustice be used as a tool to rob a man of the benefits of victory. This will set the stage for total reconciliation in Imo PDP and help the party regain the state which it lost by its own making. Former President of Senate, Dr Chuba Okadigbo, once said that “if you cannot substitute, don’t delete”. Araraume remains a major rallying point in Imo politics which PDP cannot substitute. His return to PDP with Chief Udenwa, is a big breakthrough which the party has recorded in the state. Justice to Araraume will translate to justice to all those who still feel aggrieved at the manner the PDP handled Imo State Governorship in 2007. Any attempt to repeat what they did to Araraume in 2007, will not augur well for PDP in 2015. PDP CANNOT ROB ARARAUME AGAIN! JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED! We shall get Imo right!! By Awurum Darlington Uchechukwu President: Okigwe Political Youth Network (OPYN) Director: Pollster Networking. Email: politicalpollsters@gmail Mobile: 08064968936
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:13:28 +0000

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