****2014 People***** Try giving AMCAT and Elitmus Exams with - TopicsExpress


****2014 People***** Try giving AMCAT and Elitmus Exams with full on preparation.. Its the right time for u guyzz.... I am posting the AMCAT and Elimtus (previous) pattern even though many would be aware with it... All the best -------------------------AMCAT------------------------------------------------- Amcat exam details ..... English section No of questions --- 25 Module duration --25 min Detailed syllabus ..... Vocab -synonyms nd antonyms ... mostly very small words not too big difficult one ..... GRAMMER ¤¤subjct verb agreement--it may create too much of confusion (created to me ) ¤¤ tenses and agreement ( this was easy) Prepositions and conjuctions moderate one ¤¤speech and voices .... COMPREHENSION -MOST COMMONLY ASKED (no of cmprehsion was 2) And question related to that ... Like how the things happens in squence wise in para ...read it properly because question is easy just u have to read it properly ..... Now QUANT SECTION .... EASY ONE ... NO of questions and duration - 25 question and 35 mins SYLLABUS -- ¤¤DIVISIBILTY HCF N LCM NO,DECIMAL FRACTION AND POWER .....MEANS WHOLE NO SYSTEM IF U WILL SAY IN PROPER LANG....PREPARE THIS TOPIC FROM ARUN SHARMA UPTO DIFFICULTY LEVEL 2 QUESTIONS ..... START FROM RS AGGARWAL IF U WANT TO CLEAR D BASIC CONCEPTS .... DEN PROFIT N LOSS SIMPLE AND COMPUND INTEREST TIME ,SPEED N DISTANCE .....RS AAGARWAL N INDIABIX IS MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR THIS SECTION LOGARITHMS (TOO MUCH MESSY FOR ME BECZ NEVER PREPARED FOR THIS ...BUT THERE WERE 3 QUESTIONS FROM DIS SECTION ....) PERMUTATION N COMBINATION PROBABILITY ........ PREPARE IT FROM WHREVR U WANT ...NOT TOO MUCH DIFFICULT OTHER THAN LOGIRITHM PART ..... .................... LOGICAL ABILITY . NO OF QUESTION AND DURATION .... 24QUESTION ND 35 MIN ..... DIRECTION SENSE ,BLOOD RELATIONS ,OBJECTIVE REASONING,SELECTION DECISON TABLES ,PUZZLES ,CODING PATTERN AND NO SERIES PATTERN RECOGNITION ,LOGICAL WORD SEQUENCE ....DATA SUFFECIENCY .... NEW PART INCLUDED IN AMCAT XAM .....AMPI SECTION ....NO OF QUESTIONS ND DURATION .... 80 QUESTION ND 20 MINS ..... QUESTIONS WILL BE MOREOVER TRYING GUESS WAT KIND OF PERSON U ARE ....LYK....DO U TALK TO MUCH ....OR ....DO U LIKE TO LEAD A TEAM ....SO THIS SECTION WILL JUDGE U WHAT KIND OF PERSON U R ???.........UPTO THIS IT WAS ALL COMPULSARY PART ........U CANT SKIP ANY OF THIS ......NOW OPTIONAL ONES . .......... Computer programming ....no of questions and duration .25 N 35 MIN ¤¤basic programming Data types Iteration ,recursion ,decison Procedure ,functions and scope Data structure Array ,linked list ,tress ,graph Stack n queues Hash table Heaps Oops ..... Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation ..... COMPUTER SCIENCE PART....NO OF QUESTN N MIN ....26 N 22MIN SYLLABUS .... operating system nd computer architecture ... Badic of os nd computer architecture Process mngmnt Memory mngmnt ...dbms Data model Rekation algebra nd sql Normalisation ,architecture,indexing Computer nws Basic of nwrking Osi ,tcp/ip layers nd proticols . Network device nd routing ..... I CANT GIV SUGGSTN ON THESE PART BECZ I M FRN ECE BRANCH .... Electrical engg ... No of questn n tym ....30 n 30 min Fundamental of electrical engg lyk power machine ,electrical machine ,n all Instrumentation nd control .... Conrtol system Electronics Analog n digital electronics Power electronics ELECTRONICS AND SEMICONDUCTOR ..... No f questn n duration ... 25 & 35 mins Syllabus Basic of semicndctr Two terminal device Three terminal device Analog elctronics .... Basic of circiut analysis Opamp Filters Digital electronics ... Boolean algebra Logic family Vlsi basic .................... DATS IT ...FOR ECCE N CS BRANCH ...DERE ARE OPTIONAL PARTS FOR ALL OTHER BRANCHES BUT I DONT KNOW SYLLABUS OF THEM ....... U CAN CHOOSE ANY TWO FROM ABOVE .....AS PER AS UR INTEREST ...... NO NEGATIVE MARKING IN ANY SECTION .....U CANT SCROLL BACK TO PREVIOUS SECTION AS U MOVE AHEAD ....AND TYM MANAGEMENT IS MOST IMPORTANT ...... --------------------------Elitmus ------------------ ----------------- In Question paper there will be 3 sections - Section 1: Quant Section ( 20 Questions) Important topics are: Number System work and time permutation geometry Probability you will get 14-16 questions from the above topic and 8-9 correct answers will fetch you to 90-96 percentile.So do not waste time in the prepration of other topic i think the topics are more than enough to help you get good elitmus percentile. Section 2: DI and Logical Reasoning ( 20 Questions) DI- tabular data with conditions 5 questions Arrangement ( visiting 3 villages each day, 5 villages... with lots of conditions) 3 questions Coding/Decoding based on multiplication(Cryptic Multiplication for guide to solve this type of question click Cryptic Multiplication This is the most difficult part of the Elitmus and u need to answer 5 to get some 90 percentile. Section 3: Verbal ( 20 Questions) 3 RC 4 question in each Paragraph formation(parajumbles) Fill in the blank ( appropriate word) Grammar This is very easy part in elitmus test .i dont think you need to be strong at english to score good in this part.its the easiest and scoring part.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:19:40 +0000

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