2014 Taught me who I really was. It showed me how to battle - TopicsExpress


2014 Taught me who I really was. It showed me how to battle through the bad times and be thankful for the good. i learnt that no matter how well you treat some people not everybody has the same heart or morals as you so You wont always get treated the same way in return, people will walk all over you when you have a kind nature & when you are loyal and respectful people will not endeavor to always treat you the same way but I learnt to not let that affect you as a person or change your good heart, I have learnt to let things go & I realised that for so many years of my life I had been living my life for other people and not for myself, it showed me my real personality, the happy and ambitious person I really am. I never realised how strong I was, its taught me that time on your own is important you learn so much about yourself & the past 6 months I have never smiled so much and laughed so hard , Iv never felt so driven, so focused & so positive about my future. This year my whole life changed & I now realise why it changed and why God gave me a different path to the one I was living , I was living a life that was never ment for me. I learnt that happiness cant be brought & often people struggle to be alone and they have to find their happiness in other things or other people to me this is a sign of weakness, the strongest people fight through their battles they dont hide from them , they arent afraid of living or discovering new things. Never in my life did I feel brave enough to really go into the world alone & now Im in a job that encourages me to learn something different every day, to travel & to interact with different people on a daily basis, it requires strength of character & confidence. 2015 I am packing my bags and going travelling, I cant wait I think it will be the most exciting & liberating experience of my life. 2014 finally you taught me that my happiness comes from myself nobody else & you gave me this ambitious positive & kind hearted approach to life that I never had before. I want to thank you for giving me this new life, but I thank you for all my previous experiences good & bad and all the people I have met & learnt from, all the opportunities I have been given and experiences I have encountered. So as I close not a chapter but a whole book of my past from the last 26 years of my life I feel I am ready to re start my life from now and I can proudly say 2015 now more than ever am I ready for you!! Merry Christmas Everybody & A Happy new Year. Xxxx I will be closing instagram & Facebook and re opening new Accounts next year. Its Time to Re start my life & start this new journey ...
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 20:01:38 +0000

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