2014 a gaming perspective; Id post this on Livejournal but thats - TopicsExpress


2014 a gaming perspective; Id post this on Livejournal but thats where my other ramblings go. I dont own next-gen consoles but I do own and play pretty much everything else from the last couple of decades. 2014 was kind of an odd year. I stopped paying for any MMORPGs early in the year when I cancelld my World of Warcraft subscription after getting tired of not being able to keep up with people who play at least four hours per day every day. There are some tremendous bright spots gaming-wise in 2014 though. Skylanders got back to awesome as compared to great as it was in 2013. My wife and I have been playing way too much Skylanders Trapmasters for the last few weeks since she has been on break from medical school. Mario Kart 8 has been epic. I beat every track in single player while my wife slept a few months ago and purchased the expansion tracks. I finally finished Skyrim this last year. According to Steam I put around 240 hours into the game, all on a single character. Thats pretty epic in my opinion. I consider it to not only be the best Elder Scrolls game, but to be the best open world RPG of all time. Actually it may be the best RPG period in my reality. Over Christmas I started playing Star Wars Old Republic the MMO. The beta was meh. The final game is WOW! Each class storyline is as good as a single player RPG. Add in the complexity of a persistent world with thousands of other players, and you have a winner. It is like Everquest without the horrible penalties. Id say it is at least 2x as fun and interesting as WoW. Randy Smith, Alex Rose, and I ran a few instances the other night, and it was awesome. I forgot just how fun it way to play this kind of game with friends. Im hoping to get Jeffrey Hitchin and Greg A Rogers playing too so we can get back to the badass days of all going and slaughtering anything we choose in a group of highly skilled players. I managed to finally get the rest of the home theater set up this year. Now the Wii, Neo Geo X, Saturn, Laserdisc player, and Dreamcast are all viable electronic devices to utilize. Woo, old-school for the win!. I cloned the Wii download games so the kids can play them on their Wii. But (bad english) I still need to get them classic controllers because the games are Neo Geo, N64, Super Nintendo, or Turbo Graphix.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:41:47 +0000

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