2015 - Our Future Is In Our Hands. ~ Bucky Hassan. The 1st - TopicsExpress


2015 - Our Future Is In Our Hands. ~ Bucky Hassan. The 1st World War was called The Great War. It was tagged The War to end all Wars, as its effects and aftermath were considered devastating and crippling with millions of Europes finest young men, left dead, scarred or permanently injured. It was believed the mass carnage that took place would ensure no European country would be stupid enough to fight another war. However, the capacity of leaders to indulge in greed, bigotry, the naked lust for power by all means, and the use of mass propaganda to sway a gullible docile populace, cannot be overemphasized. 21 short years after the so-called war to end all wars, Europe was at war again, this time on a larger scale, and causing such devastation that many countries did not recover for decades afterwards. The genocide in Rwanda, the civil wars in Liberia, Sierra Leone, The DRC, Sudan, Somalia etc should be considered enough to show any country that civil war is destructive on an unimaginable scale. However, it seems we in Nigeria are not listening. Our greedy hopeless leaders fan the flames of ethnic and religious baiting in a greedy attempt to hang unto power by any means possible. They seek to turn tribe against tribe, religion against religion, brother against brother, and while they do this, these evil corrupt leaders from ALL tribes and ALL religions band together in a united brotherhood of greed and corruption. They are more united than any tribal group - they have their own tribe - it is called Looters. Whoever anyone chooses to vote for in 2015 is their choice and right. Please make an informed choice about who you believe will lead and run the country best. However it would be the height of utter stupidity if in 2015, anyone is casting a vote based upon tribal or religious affiliation. Shine your eyes - it is our own tribal leaders who are looting and destroying their own regions, and it is those we share a religion with, who are robbing us blind, and keeping us and our children locked in superstitious ignorance that demands blind obedience to crooked corrupt leaders at the LG/State/FG level. 2015 is our chance to make a difference - to send a message to ALL politicians, that Nigerians are growing up, and will no longer allow themselves to be used as political fodder. It is time we stopped selling our votes and our children, for bags of rice, tins of oil, 5 yards of Ankara, N5000, and the other stupidly cheap items we accept to sell away our future. 2015 is around the corner. Let us demand the politicians campaigning for our votes answer questions about what their plan is for the nation. It is time for a change - true change. The change in what the electorate demand - accountability, oversight, anti-corruption, programmes to benefit the masses. Our future is in our hands. ~ Bucky 2014
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:57:21 +0000

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