2015: FEAR GRIPS T. A. ORJI AS Orji Uzor Kalus POSTERS SURFACE IN - TopicsExpress


2015: FEAR GRIPS T. A. ORJI AS Orji Uzor Kalus POSTERS SURFACE IN ABUJA, LAGOS, ABIA. I have not decided to run for any position - Orji Uzor kalu Posters proclaiming the desire of a former Governor of Abia State, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu, to vie for a Senate seat in 2015 have surfaced in Abuja, Lagos State and Abia State. The posters, which also canvassed for support for the yet-to-be confirmed bid of President Goodluck Jonathan for reelection, have been pasted in noticeable spots in Abuja and the two states. The inscription on one of the posters reads: Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for President and Orji Uzor Kalu for Senate: Support the team with the midas touch. Though Kalu said he did not endorse the printing and pasting of the posters, he last week held a meeting with friends, allies, supporters and other stakeholders in his country home in Igbere, Abia State. The meeting was well attended. Some have said the meeting was an indication of preparation for 2015. The posters on the streets were printed by a group tagged: OUK Youths. However, Kalu said he has not decided on his political future as that can only be done by his supporters. Kalus Special Adviser, Oyekunle Oyewumi, said his boss has not declared his intention to run for any public office. Oyewumi, however, said there have been calls for Kalu to vie for public office in 2015 in continuation of his vision to make Nigeria a better place. Oyewumi said: I am sure the sponsors of the posters did it in good faith. He advised them to remain patient as events unfold, adding that at the appropriate time, Kalu will reveal if he wishes to contest for any elective position. For now, OUK is facing his business and philanthropical endeavours, he added. OUK said only the masses can decide his political future. Lets tell him what we want. DO YOU WANT OUK TO RUN FOR SENATE ABIA NORTH 2015? Yes or No. Note: Orji Uzor Kalu is tagged in this post, he will see all the comments. pls just write Yes or No to make easy to count.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 11:47:05 +0000

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